Stop Slaughtering Feral Cats for Sport

Target: Peter Scott, Chair of Canterbury Regional Council

Goal: End legalized hunting of feral cats and promote trap, neuter, and release systems.

A region of New Zealand recently created a stir when it announced that children would be allowed to compete in an annual hunting contest. The North Canterbury Hunting Competition has made its name on the authorized culling and slaughter of feral cats. Hundreds of individuals enter this competition for the chance to see who can shoot and kill the most felines. Following backlash at the addition of a category that would include only children as competitors, this year’s event was canceled. The controversy about how the region handles feral cats remains, however.

The killing of these cats is still authorized, with justifications about the animals’ supposed negative effects on other wildlife like birds and on farm animals. But animal welfare advocates argue that more humane and life-saving methods exist for controlling the populations of wild-born cats. The method that has gained the most traction in other places dealing with high feral cat numbers is a trap, neuter, and release system. In other words, the cats would be temporarily captured, sterilized to help control populations, and then returned to their outdoor homes. Since these animals are averse to human touch and contact, tranquilizer darts or darts equipped to sterilize the animals are sometimes used.

Sign the petition below to encourage widespread consideration of a technique that can save lives while mitigating damage.


Dear Chair Scott,

The shooting of feral cats has somehow become an acceptable and even glorified practice in North Canterbury. Instead of focusing on shooting that claims lives, why not focus on a type of shooting that can save them? Trap, neuter, and release methods are gaining in popularity across the world and are proving to be an effective and humane system for addressing the problems caused by feral cats.

Please put your support behind this conservation measure that values the lives of all innocent animals.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Brocken Inaglory


  1. Stop killing feral cats! The Morans in America stilll have killing contests which is beyond stupid. Laws must be passed so that cats when found need a cuter and release program or instead of release how about a good, loving home.

    • This petition is about something going on in New Zealand, not in the USA. And yes, America does have these depraved killing contests and should stop, but this is not exclusive to America, this type of behavior is global. All killing contests are sick and should be stopped, but I’m not hopeful, too many people still think animals are just junk they can abuse any way they want to, it’s disgusting.

  2. That’s not a sport, it’s pure slaughter for fun, uncivilized and unconscionable. Any place promoting this type of contest should be boycotted and shunned, this is no way to control any animal population. And teaching kids to treat animals like they’re part of a practice shooting range is depraved, this teaches hate and promotes animal abuse. Shame on Canterbury.

  3. Trap, neuter, and release methods are effective and humane. Finding them safe and loving homes is another method to look into.

  4. People kill vast numbers of songbirds through their actions. Actions including removing bird habitat, putting out poisons, facilitating collisions with cars and buildings, and yes, dumping cats in the wild. Aren’t you targeting the wrong species? Let trap, neuter, release humanely care for the cat problem, and mandating of things like catios to keep pet cats contained, while you find viable solutions to the human problem.

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446 Signatures

  • Celana Bingham
  • Judy Scheffel
  • Don Dudan
  • jacci russ
  • wesley burnett
  • Janice Bernard
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
  • Sandra Dorst
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