Buffalo Calf Apparently Sexually Abused On Camera Deserves Justice

Target: Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India

Goal: Ensure an exhaustive inquiry and consequent legal action in the case of alleged animal cruelty in a Pune cowshed.

In Pune, a startling revelation emerged involving a buffalo calf’s purported maltreatment inside a Jadhavwadi cowshed. CCTV footage, strategically positioned by the cowshed proprietor for safeguarding reasons, reportedly unmasked alleged sexual abuse. Spanning from over a month’s time, the young buffalo calf, typically tethered amidst other animals for its own protection, underwent what appears as severe sexual abuse.

Reportedly, the individual linked with these abuses has been pinpointed as an inhabitant of Jadhavwadi with roots in Uttar Pradesh. The cowshed owner, a 35-year-old gentleman, sensing the gravity of these events, promptly approached Chikhli police, registering a formal grievance. This incident doesn’t just flout ethical standards but also potentially transgresses Indian legal statutes regarding animal welfare.

Ensuring justice in such a matter conveys a powerful message: Instances of animal maltreatment have no place in society. Thus, a rigorous investigation, unveiling every fact linked with this incident and holding the wrongdoer accountable, stands paramount. Take action now.


Dear PM Modi,

We address this petition to spotlight the alleged animal cruelty case in a Pune-based cowshed. Recent CCTV recordings reportedly unveiled acts against a buffalo calf that can only be described as deeply unsettling.

With utmost respect, we request your esteemed office to ensure that a comprehensive, unyielding investigation delves into this incident. Recognizing the potential breach of India’s animal welfare laws, it remains crucial for every aspect of this case to undergo thorough scrutiny. This will affirm that justice not only sees the light of day but also reinforces the commitment of India towards the well-being and rights of animals.

Every step taken towards safeguarding the voiceless speaks volumes about a nation’s character. Let the world witness India’s commitment to compassion, justice, and dignity for all living beings.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Yann Forget / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA


  1. Once a person rapes an animal, children will be next. It is up to our society to protect ALL animals and children from such heinous acts. If we don’t protect them, we fail our humanity.

    • Sue Cugini says:

      You are so right! These are very sick people who should be incarcerated for life. However, this incident happened in India, and I would imagine they are even more lax than we are when it comes to punishing people who abuse animals or children.

      • You are correct. There are many more people and lax legislation against rapists and animal abusers. There are many cases where women and children are raped and animals brutalized. It is very hard to convict and harder to uphold rulings there. There was a dog that was melded into an asphalt road of hot tar and literally burned to earth for hours and suffered tremendously. This happens there. Or is an uncivilized society trying to pretend it is modernized.

  2. What kind of sick shit is this. I though cows were protected and revered in India. But having sex with said sacred animal is OK? I don’t think so. Peace to all animals, this non human needs to be CANED now!!!

  3. This type of monster will continue until they are put down! Put this monster down now!

  4. Carol Pearce says:

    remove this sic S.O.B. below-scum bastard from the face of this earth – having first stuck a rod up his backside.

  5. Let’s see how this piece of shit fairs against this calf’ father! What the human race will sink to sickens me to the pit of my stomach. Give him life in prison and then hopefully his fellow inmates will give him a taste of his own medicine.

  6. Elease M. Bradford says:

    I’m sorry to hear that this poor, innocent calf was sexually abused. I hope the depraved, piece of slime who committed this atrocious abuse is severely punished/put in jail. Get well soon fur baby and I hope you get justice.

  7. Melinda Maddox says:

    I thought beating, and whipping an animal was bad enough, but this guy takes the cake he needs to have himself put in this position with a whole bunch of animal lovers in prison
    God bless this baby bull and thank goodness the owner reported it 🙏

  8. AllForLove says:

    This person is sadistic and must be locked away forever from the human race.

  9. Katherine E Turner says:

    Omg! Take the animal away from that grotesque individual who needs to be institutionalized!

  10. Sheelagh Challenger says:

    Animal abusers of all kinds need putting to sleep. If sadistic people abuse animals, they have been proven to go on to abuse humans. Vile excuse for a human!!!

  11. FFS 😡 😡 😡

  12. Maria Lavorato says:

    India you have video evidence! This is disgusting, extreme animal cruelty. Hold this twisted monster accountable with maximum punishment so that it deters more animal cruelty.

    Protect ALL your animals India! Please give justice to this sweet defenceless little calf!!!!!!!!!

    • Gilda Provenzano says:

      And there is evidence pos evil scum do shit like that here in U.S. Do you think they will get punished?

  13. Gilda Provenzano says:

    TIME TO BAN ALL SOCIAL MEDIA!!! No regrets leaving Facebook years ago.

  14. Ruth Attarian says:

    Put this rotten SOB out of our misery.

  15. 2 CHOICES : 1. Lock this pathetic mother f*cker POS sorriest excuse for a ‘human’ ??? Walking peice of shit fecal matter up in a maximum security prison that is over capacity with the worst predatory sex offenders -(then turn away) – –
    OR- 2. Death by extreme and severe torture;
    By any means acceptable.

  16. Mary Grace Pivarnik says:

    Disgusting. Abusing the helpless. This is not acceptable

  17. Sharon Rudyk says:

    Take the crap humans and hang them in a public square, and not by their necks either…a more delicate body part will do!!!!!! Then lock them away for life as they are a danger to ALL LIFE on this planet!!!!!!

  18. American Girl says:

    Filthy Savages. They do NOTHING about thier women being raped, abused, and/or murdered, how do we have any hope here? These Oxygen Thieves should be wiped off the face of the earth!

  19. Claudia Ferguson says:

    That’s disgusting! Put him in jail with other guys and let them at him, if you know what I mean!😤

  20. This man is depraved! What is happening to the lack of moral code in this world? This man can not be saved. I can’t speak for the harm done to the calf. How can anyone look at this man without vomiting? He is vile! Once people know of this, they can never forget. This bastard doesn’t belong in this world.I am sorry this one man has disgraced all of India.

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