Dogs Apparently Raped and Killed on Camera By ‘World’s Worst Animal Abuser’ Deserve Justice

Target: Dana Nessel, Attorney General of Michigan, United States

Goal: Prosecute two individuals accused of distributing horrific animal abuse videos.

Lucas Russell VanWoert and Heather Marie VanWoert stand accused of severe animal abuse in videos that reportedly display the torture and rape of dogs. Arrested in Ohio last September, both hail from Michigan and face charges that emerged from a global investigation. This probe, initiated by U.S. and Australian authorities, focused on identifying individuals responsible for producing disturbing videos of dog abuse.

Adam Britton, labeled the “World’s Worst Animal Abuser,” allegedly created the horrific content. Charges against Britton encompass bestiality and rape, to which he has pleaded guilty. The VanWoerts, purportedly implicated in this global network of abuse, distributed these videos, perpetuating a cycle of intense cruelty toward animals.

Legal systems and societies should harbor zero tolerance for such acts, considering them not merely as isolated incidents but as manifestations of a deeper malaise. The case, thus, calls for scrupulous inquiry and stringent punitive measures to deter future incidents. Let’s make a difference now.


Dear Attorney General Nessel,

We pen this letter filled with consternation and urgency about the alleged animal abuse by Lucas Russell VanWoert and Heather Marie VanWoert. This duo stands accused of producing and sharing videos of sickening dog abuse, discovered as part of an international operation to combat animal cruelty.

Grave as the charges are, we urge swift prosecution. Michigan, as their home state, must coordinate its efforts with international partners to ensure that the VanWoerts, if found guilty, face fitting penalties under the full extent of the law.

By acting decisively, Michigan can signal to the world its commitment to eradicating animal abuse and cooperating on global stages to combat this issue. Thus, we emphatically demand your direct involvement in prosecuting Lucas Russell VanWoert and Heather Marie VanWoert.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Corey Seeman


  1. Sick men and the women that help them. These 2 need to be jailed for life without parole!

  2. Ruth Attarian says:

    The punishment that these people deserve is one I cannot state, as it is probably offensive. I only wish someone had been able to stop them from every cruel act they did. Poor dogs! Wish God sent Angels to the rescue. I am devastated in my heart knowing that this crap goes on all over the world

  3. Let them be raped by feral dogs,wolves,bears,anything that will make a “split” decision …

  4. I’m so tired of reading this stuff. Too bad we can’t put all animal abusers to sleep; it would save animals from future abuse, and save taxpayer money.

  5. Death penalty! Nothing less.

  6. Anyone who does cruel things to an animal is a depraved psycho that needs to be wiped off the planet in a horrific painful way and these scumbags should be put at the front of the line!

  7. Stephanie Geyser says:

    Lucas Russell VanWoert and Heather Marie VanWoert are so obese that they probably can’t have sex – with each other or anyone else. Which would explain why they have to get their sexual satisfaction from raping/killing dogs and watching/filming them being raped/killed. I hazard a guess that Lucas VanWoert is likely to have a miniscule little penis so he can get it inside a dog. Which would explain why he is a pathetic and inadequate loser. Jail-time won’t curb their psychotic sexual fantasies, but it should slim them down to a decent human body weight. And they can also indulge in kinky sex with the other psychotic inmates. Also, they will be kept out of decent human society. So – a win-win situation for everyone.

  8. Strip those EVIL monsters of their human rights and make them endure the EXACT same torture!!!!! That’s justice!!!
    Prison is NOT a punishment that is equal to these HEINOUS crimes of torture to these innocent victims!!!!!!!

  9. Philip Boden says:

    How despicable this crime is to defenceless animals

  10. Dr.+Dagmar+Görz-Lenzen says:

    The terrorists’ grimaces must be publicated and shown in supermarkets, Metro-stations etc. They should never sleep any night calmly. Animal activists should follow them on each step, these devils do.
    BETTER: throw these degenerate pieces of human meat into jail, where rather bad men stay, who have to lose nothing, but love and adore animals. This stinking scum, these failures of nature will learn their one and only lesson there. NO MERCY!

  11. Dr.+Dagmar+Görz-Lenzen says:

    In some Arabian states hands are cut off, when you steel a bread!……

  12. They should all be mutilated limb by limb and then raped, before the death dentence is carried out. Come on if you are the judge on this cade show some balls and give them all death penalties if the State allows and if not, life in prison without parole and their fellow inmates will have some playmates!!

  13. This is sickening disgusting, horrific. These 2 individuals need life in prison . They do not need to be out on the streets. They are a severe danger to society ,children , and especially dogs and possibly other animals . They should never be around dogs . Anyone that participates in these abusive acts need locked up this includes any social medias.

  14. Same thing should happen to animal abusers

  15. Michelle Stewart says:

    Those bastards deserve to die slow, torturous, painful deaths. All the people watching those videos must be jailed for a very long time.

  16. Maria Lavorato says:

    In case I was not clear in earlier text…

    Adam Britton, Lucas Russell VanWoert and Heather Marie VanWoert SHOULD ALL DIE!!!

  17. It bothers me because i cant find them in ohio or Michigan prisons

  18. I wish everyone who commented would have sent those comments to prosecutors, DA’S,,JUDGES ETC. IN THIS CASE

  19. Death penalty for the lot of them!

  20. Stephanie Loe says:

    These subhumans deserve the very same treatment that they inflict on the animals! I imagine that these are “crush” videos that they made. 🤬🤬🤬

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