Dogs Apparently Raped and Killed on Camera By ‘World’s Worst Animal Abuser’ Deserve Justice

Target: Dana Nessel, Attorney General of Michigan, United States

Goal: Prosecute two individuals accused of distributing horrific animal abuse videos.

Lucas Russell VanWoert and Heather Marie VanWoert stand accused of severe animal abuse in videos that reportedly display the torture and rape of dogs. Arrested in Ohio last September, both hail from Michigan and face charges that emerged from a global investigation. This probe, initiated by U.S. and Australian authorities, focused on identifying individuals responsible for producing disturbing videos of dog abuse.

Adam Britton, labeled the “World’s Worst Animal Abuser,” allegedly created the horrific content. Charges against Britton encompass bestiality and rape, to which he has pleaded guilty. The VanWoerts, purportedly implicated in this global network of abuse, distributed these videos, perpetuating a cycle of intense cruelty toward animals.

Legal systems and societies should harbor zero tolerance for such acts, considering them not merely as isolated incidents but as manifestations of a deeper malaise. The case, thus, calls for scrupulous inquiry and stringent punitive measures to deter future incidents. Let’s make a difference now.


Dear Attorney General Nessel,

We pen this letter filled with consternation and urgency about the alleged animal abuse by Lucas Russell VanWoert and Heather Marie VanWoert. This duo stands accused of producing and sharing videos of sickening dog abuse, discovered as part of an international operation to combat animal cruelty.

Grave as the charges are, we urge swift prosecution. Michigan, as their home state, must coordinate its efforts with international partners to ensure that the VanWoerts, if found guilty, face fitting penalties under the full extent of the law.

By acting decisively, Michigan can signal to the world its commitment to eradicating animal abuse and cooperating on global stages to combat this issue. Thus, we emphatically demand your direct involvement in prosecuting Lucas Russell VanWoert and Heather Marie VanWoert.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Corey Seeman


  1. Nadine Brundage says:

    Anyone who participates in these sick acts of animal abuse needs prison time . I’m sure their fellow inmates would take good care of them, this way they will feel like the animals they tortured felt.

  2. Cynthia Louise Mattera says:

    This couple is truly vile and disgusting! How these people could torture and kill helpless dogs is mind blowing! These dogs were helpless at the hands of these monsters and they need to be held accountable. The crimes being so cruel and inhumane, should reinforce the charges against them. Felony charges should be brought against them and I pray they are locked up until the ripe old are of 90! They do not deserve to be waking this earth after what they did to these poor dogs!!! Rest in peace now babies😪

  3. Karen Shepherd says:

    Jail time for life. Disgusting monsters. What goes on in their freaked heads. Heartbreaking

  4. Francine Pope says:

    They need to be put away for a lifetime – these people are not fit to be in society

  5. They need to be abused in the same way they abused these animals. It boggles my mind that anyone could do this to any animal. This sickness leads to human torture and murder. Put these people in jail forever.

  6. Aprille Gilmore says:

    Manditory, maximum prison sentences. No animal ownership for life. My God, why aren’t there ANY safeguards online? This is the most disturbing report I have ever heard. Absolutely sickening. Please prosecute this case and cooperate with international law enforcement.

  7. This is sick. This person needs punishment. We underestimate the risk of these types of people

  8. Lucas Russell VanWoert and Heather Marie VanWoert deserve maximum punishment, also lifetime bans from residing and/or contact with ANY animal. These monsters could be out of jail sooner than they should be! Thus lifetime bans need to be enforced. No animal should endure such cruelty. This is sick, disgusting and wrong. Monsters.

  9. Siham Hajjar says:

    What’s going on in this world!?!? All these horrible people!!!

  10. Prison times to good for these vile monsters stick them in a lion enclosure to be ripped and torn apart and hopefully eaten alive!!!!!

    They will then understand the pain suffering and terror those poor animals felt

    I hope they rot in hell!!!!!

  11. Melinda Shaw says:

    Dogs are angels. They deserve only respect and love, not abuse. This story and it’s perps is are evil, it’s hard to even acknowledge such acts exist. The Van Woerts are monsters, and must suffer their heartless perversions. Their crimes must not be treated with slaps on the wrist. Laws must be strengthened to seriously punish anyone who would harm an animal. Justice for the innocents!

  12. This is the worst possible thing you can do to an animal besides the physical injury that all the sick people do to innocent animals that cannot defend themselves. These people do that because they can’t do it to other people because they’re too horrible and scared of probably getting it done back on them or animals can’t do that to them, these are some of the worst demented individuals on the planet. Please bury them under the jail with all the great big animal lovers around them so they get there just reward.

  13. Wish I could have 10 minutes in a locked room with them.

  14. Michael Henderson says:

    Un-f%cking-believeable how disgusting and pathetic how some people in this world can be. This scum has relinquished their right to continue existing in ths world.

  15. Lucas Russell VanWoert and Heather Marie VanWoert Must be tortured and Killed!!!!
    there is no place on this earth fur scum evil subhumans like LUCAS RUSSEL VANWOERT and MARIE VANWOERT!!!

  16. Lori Stearns says:

    Law enforcement get your shit together and shut this and them down immediately. God has a place already for them burning eternally in hell.


  17. Stop protecting the canine rapists / abusers, and start protecting the sweet innocent vulnerable Dogs that are dependent upon you for protection 😠😢😡😭🤬

  18. These monsters torturing innocent animals feel no compassion or empathy and should be treated the same….they aren’t worth the air they breath, and are not worthy of any compassion or empathy….an eye for an eye!!!

  19. These people should be prosecuted and punished. It is well known that people with this level of malice towards helpless living creatures will likely also harm people or worse. They have no moral base and should not be allowed to live in a civilized society as they have shown they will take advantage of vulnerable and helpless living beings. Let them exist in prison for awhile and see how well they do with their sick enjoyment.

  20. Michelle Taylor says:

    These mentally deranged, severe animal abusers require instigation of the death penalty and nothing less!

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