Dogs Apparently Raped and Killed on Camera By ‘World’s Worst Animal Abuser’ Deserve Justice

Target: Dana Nessel, Attorney General of Michigan, United States

Goal: Prosecute two individuals accused of distributing horrific animal abuse videos.

Lucas Russell VanWoert and Heather Marie VanWoert stand accused of severe animal abuse in videos that reportedly display the torture and rape of dogs. Arrested in Ohio last September, both hail from Michigan and face charges that emerged from a global investigation. This probe, initiated by U.S. and Australian authorities, focused on identifying individuals responsible for producing disturbing videos of dog abuse.

Adam Britton, labeled the “World’s Worst Animal Abuser,” allegedly created the horrific content. Charges against Britton encompass bestiality and rape, to which he has pleaded guilty. The VanWoerts, purportedly implicated in this global network of abuse, distributed these videos, perpetuating a cycle of intense cruelty toward animals.

Legal systems and societies should harbor zero tolerance for such acts, considering them not merely as isolated incidents but as manifestations of a deeper malaise. The case, thus, calls for scrupulous inquiry and stringent punitive measures to deter future incidents. Let’s make a difference now.


Dear Attorney General Nessel,

We pen this letter filled with consternation and urgency about the alleged animal abuse by Lucas Russell VanWoert and Heather Marie VanWoert. This duo stands accused of producing and sharing videos of sickening dog abuse, discovered as part of an international operation to combat animal cruelty.

Grave as the charges are, we urge swift prosecution. Michigan, as their home state, must coordinate its efforts with international partners to ensure that the VanWoerts, if found guilty, face fitting penalties under the full extent of the law.

By acting decisively, Michigan can signal to the world its commitment to eradicating animal abuse and cooperating on global stages to combat this issue. Thus, we emphatically demand your direct involvement in prosecuting Lucas Russell VanWoert and Heather Marie VanWoert.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Corey Seeman


  1. Alice K. Knight says:

    I’ve signed the petition.
    the content here has left me completely at a loss for words.
    Truly this is appalling, disturbing and beyond my comprehension.
    I am not sure there is a place in society for these individuals.

  2. shelly blazich says:


  3. Lori Stearns says:

    I would have no regrets implementing the same horror done to these 2 losers as they did to these poor innocent dogs. Never tolerate this horrid & despicable behavior EVER!!!

    Sick individuals need a dose of their own medicine

  4. Sick bastards ought to be castrated without anesthesia. Bad influence to society , hope they wont see freedom for a long time!

  5. Sherry Akridge says:

    ZERO TOLERANCE! Put these predators away! This is absolutely beyond disgusting and horrific. There needs to be laws in place that take these predators out of society forever. The horror that these poor animals must have felt while being abused and raped! Wake up law makers and start putting these psychos away!! These petitions are getting worse everyday with all these sickos that run loose in the world! It is scary beyond belief.

  6. Not much difference between a pedophile and these two piles of crap, rape and torture is rape and torture no matter what species. This is sadistic, depraved and despicable; these sociopaths need to spend the rest of their useless lives in prison. Raping, torturing and abusing sentient beings makes these people worthless, life in prison or worse – hopefully worse as they do not deserve to breathe our air.

  7. Whether it’s the USA, Britain, Europe, Australia etc the main problem is always the same – the legal systems don’t take crimes against animals seriously when you compare the sentences (or lack of) against those to people. If serious jail time was introduced, 90 percent of animal abuse cases would immediately cease. There’ll always be some weirdos that will offend no matter what, but so many animals could be saved if the law mirrored the ones humans have.

    • It makes no sense because what they do to animals is the precursor to what they’ll do to humans. These monsters also had child pornography, according to news reports.
      The animals and the children deserved better.
      I just hope they are never free again and I hope everyone who bought this filth from them is caught.

  8. Christine Farrugia says:

    Monsters like this don’t deserve to breathe air or walk this earth. They should burn in Hell for eternity for the things they do to innocent animals.

  9. Kill these scumbags! They deserve no less.

  10. I pray someone gets this person and does the exact same to him but only worse FN POS

  11. How are these SCUMBAG POSs Lucas Russell VanWoert and Heather Marie VanWoert still walking around free? Put these lowlives behind bars for a really long time! Please share their home address with everyone as well.

  12. Why is this pos still walking the streets. The only place for them is in a 6’x6’ room away from both humans and animals.

  13. RIP to these poor dogs had to go through!!! For these 2 sorry excuses of humans FUCK’N KILL THEM!!! EYE FOR AN EYE!!!

  14. So, why do we know about him As the world’s worst animal abuser and why is he not in prison. Find him and end him in the worst way possible. Make him feel the same pain. An eye for an eye !!!! Let me tell you, if I ever found him, and caught (unlikely) ….

  15. Disgusting pieces of pond scum !!! I hope they are taken care of in prison, please !!!!

  16. Kill both of them torture first! Disgusting monsters hope someone who loves animals gets them punishment can fit this crime except for torture and slow death!

  17. These a two of the sickest nonhumans I have ever heard of. They should be removed from this earth permanently!!!!

  18. My god. You can’t fix people like this. Humans are the worst, just the worst so is the nternet.

  19. Too many monsters loose in the world.

  20. Pamela Smith says:


    • Barbara Arnold-Barton says:

      I wholeheartedly agree with you. I was going to write the same. These monsters are demon possessed, succumbed/incubus, and can never be rehabilitated.

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