Save the Daniel Boone National Forest From Damaging Forestry Practices

Target: Randy Moore, Chief of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service

Goal: Urge the implementation of eco-friendly forestry practices to preserve the ecological integrity of Daniel Boone National Forest.

Daniel Boone National Forest, a verdant expanse that serves as the lungs of Kentucky, is at a critical juncture. Unsustainable logging and forest management practices are eroding its ecological fabric. This isn’t a minor hiccup; it’s a pressing dilemma that demands immediate redress.

The forest is a sanctuary for diverse flora and fauna, including several endangered species. Moreover, it acts as a carbon sink, playing a vital role in climate regulation. Yet, current forestry practices are undermining its resilience and contributing to habitat loss.

The economic fallout is equally disconcerting. The forest is a hub for outdoor recreation and eco-tourism, sectors that could face a downturn if its health deteriorates. The long-term consequences could be detrimental to local economies and community well-being.

Sign this petition to press the U.S. Forest Service to adopt and enforce sustainable forestry practices in Daniel Boone National Forest. Implementing eco-friendly logging methods, bolstering reforestation efforts, and enhancing monitoring are non-negotiable steps for preserving this natural treasure.


Dear Chief Moore,

The imperative of adopting sustainable forestry practices in Daniel Boone National Forest is beyond dispute. This lush expanse, a haven for countless species and a crucial player in climate stabilization is under threat. The data is unequivocal: escalating habitat degradation, dwindling biodiversity, and compromised forest health.

A comprehensive forestry management plan should be prioritized for ecological sustainability. This strategy must encompass eco-friendly logging techniques, aggressive reforestation initiatives, and robust monitoring protocols.

Inaction is not an option and will only exacerbate the ecological and economic challenges we face. Daniel Boone National Forest is not just a collection of trees; it’s an invaluable asset that contributes to Kentucky’s environmental and economic well-being.

We exhort you to act with the urgency this situation demands. Roll out initiatives that not only enhance forest health but also ensure the long-term ecological integrity of Daniel Boone National Forest within Kentucky’s borders.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: US Department of Agriculture

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314 Signatures

  • J. David Scott
  • J. David Scott
  • jacci russ
  • wesley burnett
  • Janice Bernard
  • Janice Bernard
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
  • Sandra Dorst
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