Puppies Reportedly Found Dead Inside Freezer at ‘Shelter’ Deserve Justice

Target: Ms. Kris Mayes, Attorney General of Arizona

Goal: Demand punishment for woman accused of keeping 55 dogs without access to water and in severely deteriorated conditions.

Recent reports from Arizona have unveiled a deeply distressing case of alleged animal abuse and neglect involving April McLaughlin, a 48-year-old woman from Chandler. According to Arizona police, a search warrant was executed at her residence, where she operated an animal rescue shelter. The search reportedly revealed a horrifying scene, with dozens of abused dogs discovered, and the discovery of five deceased puppies stored in the freezer.

The search was initiated following multiple calls and reports from concerned neighbors, who had raised complaints about foul odors emanating from the premises and the deplorable hoarding conditions within the residence.

Reports indicate that most of the 55 dogs rescued from McLaughlin’s home were elderly and special-needs animals. Shockingly, they were apparently found without access to water and in severely deteriorated conditions, to the extent that many may have to be euthanized due to their suffering.

The situation was reportedly so dire that firefighters were equipped with special breathing apparatus to protect them from the hazardous air quality. Subsequently, the house was condemned, according to police authorities.

April McLaughlin now faces a slew of charges, including 55 counts of animal abuse, 55 counts of animal cruelty, and one count of vulnerable adult abuse, as her elderly mother also resided in the same home.

While these allegations are deeply disturbing, it is essential that justice be pursued diligently and fairly. Every living being deserves to be treated with compassion and care, and those found guilty of cruelty must be held accountable for their actions. Take action now.


Dear Ms. Mayes,

We are writing to express profound concern and dismay over the recent allegations of animal abuse and neglect involving April McLaughlin in Chandler, Arizona. The reported conditions discovered at her residence, where she operated an animal rescue shelter, are deeply troubling and demand a thorough investigation.

It is imperative that a comprehensive inquiry be conducted to ascertain the veracity of these allegations and to determine the extent of suffering endured by the animals under her care. The wellbeing of these innocent creatures, many of whom are elderly and special-needs, is of paramount importance, and those responsible for their alleged mistreatment must be brought to justice.

We urge you, as the Attorney General of Arizona, to ensure that this case is rigorously investigated, that all evidence is thoroughly examined, and that charges are filed if warranted. Furthermore, we request that any individuals found guilty of animal abuse and neglect face appropriate legal consequences to deter future acts of cruelty.

This case serves as a stark reminder of the need for strong enforcement of laws and regulations that protect animals from harm and exploitation. We implore you to champion the cause of animal welfare in Arizona and to demonstrate that the state is committed to upholding the principles of compassion and justice.

In the interest of justice and the welfare of animals, we beseech you to act swiftly and decisively in this matter.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: theanimalrescuemission


  1. Urszula Lund says:

    No animal deserves to be the victim of DEHUMANIZED and DESENSITIZED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!!! Crimes committed against defenseless animals are increasingly GROTESQUE because the punishment for animal abuse is not severe enough, and in many cases does not exist. A slap on the wrist is a MOCKERY of animal victims. This satanic pathological monster must be severely punished, MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY! She must also be forbidden from coming near animals ever again.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!

    • Carol Pearce says:

      Totally agree, this or these sub-‘humans?’ must be severely punished. Any animal abuse must have consequences.

  2. Marlene De-Abel says:

    Agree – what kind of “shelter” is this hellhole?

  3. She is probably not by sound mind and should be put into appropriate institution.
    I don’t believe that any person with sound mind would be able to do such a thing to anyone, not another person nor to an innocent animal.

  4. Wendy Morrison says:


  5. I think friends and neighbors took too long to report this situation.. and why must it take MULTIPLE calls…. why don’t ‘the authorities ‘ check up sooner? Is it government budget cuts again!?!? So sad.

  6. Tony H Meinerding says:

    Here’s one thing that bothers me about these reportings –
    “Puppies reportedly” found inside cooler? They were either inside the cooler or not!! Please just write, “puppies found inside cooler!”

    Awful crime but get rid of the “reportedly.”

  7. Nothing will be done to this woman. She should be kept in the same dehumanizing conditions until she expires.

  8. ”MULTIPLE calls and reports from concerned neighbors” Great job Sherlock

  9. Bernhard Yolanda says:

    this human garbage torment and kill the animals – execute them
    Justice for these lives. HELL WAITING FOR THE KILLERS.
    I curse you
    my heart cries and cries for help my wonderful poor and helpless animals for you.
    rest in peace my angel – i love you

  10. Anyone that could call themselves a rescue and does this should be put in the same circumstance!!! Plain evil and evidently dangerous to any animal!! Treat them as the trash they are!!!! Garbage goes on the dump!!!

  11. Death penalty for this evil bitch,sick!
    Justice for puppies and other dogs!

  12. Michelle Stewart says:

    That bitch deserves to be shot dead. Putting her in jail/prison is too good for her.

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