Prevent Unplanned and Expansive Growth of Urban Areas

Target: Brian Kemp, Governor of Georgia

Goal: Curtail unchecked urban sprawl across the state.

Georgia, a state renowned for its natural beauty and diverse ecosystems, faces a mounting threat – unchecked urban sprawl. Across the state, concrete jungles encroach upon once-pristine landscapes, depleting vital resources and fragmenting habitats. The relentless expansion of urban areas threatens Georgia’s unique biodiversity and erodes the very essence of its charm.

With inadequate land use planning, Georgia’s cities and suburbs sprawl unabated, consuming valuable agricultural land and open spaces. This unchecked growth strains already limited water resources and intensifies traffic congestion. The lack of sustainable land use practices jeopardizes the state’s long-term environmental sustainability and quality of life for its residents.

Sign the petition below to demand that the Georgia State Legislature takes immediate action to implement and enforce sustainable land use planning policies.


Honorable Governor Kemp,

The allure of Georgia lies not only in its vibrant cities, but also in its pristine landscapes and diverse ecosystems. However, we are witnessing a concerning trend – the relentless sprawl of urban development, which threatens to mar the very essence of this beloved state.

Unchecked urban expansion not only diminishes the natural beauty, but also exacerbates environmental challenges. It strains water resources, increases traffic congestion, and endangers the unique biodiversity. We cannot afford to ignore the long-term consequences of unsustainable land use planning.

We implore you, as stewards of Georgia’s future, to enact and rigorously enforce sustainable land use planning policies. It is a common duty to protect the beauty and integrity of the state for current and future generations.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Paul Brennan

One Comment

  1. Urban Sprawl must not continue. This is exactly why all our animals and wildlife are in trouble. Habitats are taken, food sources gone, animals with no land around them to support them and their babies. Humans can build up. Do that! We need to leave space for animals and also for humans to enjoy but not build houses on. We have become too many people and the birth rate continues. Build up my friends … build up! Place parks in home communities, plant trees but do not steal more land for sprawl.

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284 Signatures

  • J. David Scott
  • J. David Scott
  • jacci russ
  • wesley burnett
  • Janice Bernard
  • Janice Bernard
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
  • Sandra Dorst
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