Save the Desert Bighorn Sheep From Extinction

Target: Alan Jenne, Director of the Nevada Department of Wildlife

Goal: Protect and conserve the majestic desert bighorn sheep.

Nevada’s vast and breathtaking landscapes are home to a treasured and iconic species, the desert bighorn sheep. These majestic creatures have long been an integral part of the state’s unique natural heritage. However, their habitat is under increasing threat due to development, mining, and other human activities.

The fragile ecosystems that sustain desert bighorn sheep are essential not only for their survival, but also for the overall health of Nevada’s environment. These habitats provide not only food and water, but also critical breeding and migration routes for this species. Without these vital habitats, the desert bighorn sheep population faces a bleak future.

Conservationists, scientists, and concerned citizens alike recognize the urgency of this situation. Nevada is at a crossroads: choose to protect these natural spaces, ensuring the survival of desert bighorn sheep for generations to come, or allow their habitats to degrade, pushing them closer to extinction.

Sign the petition below to demand that the Nevada State Government and Wildlife Conservation Authorities take immediate and comprehensive action to safeguard the desert bighorn sheep habitat. Protecting these lands is not just a local concern; it’s a global responsibility to preserve the planet’s biodiversity.


Dear Director Jenne,

The world is watching as the fate of the desert bighorn sheep and their critical habitats in Nevada hangs in the balance. These remarkable creatures are not only a symbol of the state, but also a testament to the commitment to preserving the natural world for future generations.

The threats to their habitats are real and immediate, and the consequences of inaction are severe. We urge you to prioritize the protection and conservation of these vital areas. This includes designating and enforcing wildlife corridors, regulating development near sheep habitats, and investing in research and education to ensure the long-term survival of the desert bighorn sheep.

By acting decisively now, we can secure the future of both the desert bighorn sheep and the pristine landscapes they call home. This is not just a matter of state importance, but a global responsibility to protect the planet’s biodiversity.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Magnus Kjaergaard


  1. The greed is just awful with these people

  2. Uncommon Sensesc says:

    The more I learn about our Western states, the more I hate them. Colorado seems to be an exception to the “kill all wildlife” mentality. I’ll be so glad when humans are extinct – the sooner, the better.

    • Kathryn Derrer says:

      My sentiments exactly! I often say to my hubby “the sooner humans are off this planet, the better it will be for all the other animals”. It’s only a matter of time before we bring about our downfall. But unfortunately we will have lost so many other species along the way!

    • Agree, glad I never bred. The planet would be better off without the human plague.

  3. Donald Trump Jr. was given free rein to shoot and kill these prized Big Horn Sheep. Now, everyone seems allowed to do so. We are stupidly allowing people to kill whatever they want. These sheep need protection and habitats to live in and dwell in peace. These insane supposed hunters are killing for heads to hang on walls. Animals were not made for that. Anyone found killing these sheep needs to face the law but we need strong laws. If we do not protect these animals now we won’t have any animals in the future. People are so damn selfish, greedy and stupid.

  4. Maria Lavorato says:

    Agee with you g.

    Alan Jenne, Director of the Nevada Department of Wildlife

    What are you going to do to put a stop to ALL THIS GREED! Enough already! All animals need space…it is a God given right! Please be the one compassionate soul that stands up for the right of the desert bighorn sheep!

  5. Shirley Lemieux says:

    There should be strong consideration, when it comes to development, the impact that it will have on wildlife. In this case, the desert bighorn sheep. I support this petition.

  6. Wendy+Morrison says:

    PROTECT ALL BIGHORN SHEEP along with ALL OTHER WILD ANIMALS!!!!!! Future generations beed. To see ALL KINDS OF ANIMALS SLIVE!!!!!

  7. Urszula Lund says:

    Failing to save this unique animal is an EXTREME ENVIRONMENTAL CRIME !

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