Stop Damaging the Buffalo National River’s Water Quality

Target: Angela Boyers, Superintendent of Buffalo National River, National Park Service

Goal: Preserve the Buffalo National River’s unique ecosystem.

The Buffalo National River stands as a remarkable natural treasure, offering diverse ecosystems and cherished recreational experiences. However, inadequate water management threatens its delicate balance. Current practices risk the river’s health, compromising its ecosystems and depriving visitors of the natural wonders it holds.

The delicate aquatic habitats of the Buffalo National River are endangered by unsustainable water usage, potentially leading to irreversible damage. Recreational activities, industrial operations, and agricultural demands have collectively placed excessive strain on this precious resource. Such practices, if unchecked, could disrupt the delicate ecosystems and undermine the beauty that draws visitors from around the nation.

Sign the petition below to demand the immediate adoption of sustainable water management strategies that safeguard the Buffalo National River for future generations.


Dear Superintendent Boyers,

The splendor of the Buffalo National River is one that captures the hearts of nature enthusiasts across the nation. Its unique ecosystems and recreational opportunities are a testament to the beauty our world holds. However, recent developments have cast a shadow of concern over the river’s future.

As concerned individuals who appreciate the value of preserving our natural heritage, we urge you to take swift and decisive action. The present water management practices are inadequate, endangering the fragile ecosystems that flourish within and along the river. It is imperative that we implement comprehensive sustainable water management strategies that balance the needs of all stakeholders and prioritize the river’s health.

In safeguarding the Buffalo National River, you uphold not only the ecological integrity of the area, but also the experiences of countless visitors who seek solace and connection with nature. By taking these measures, you ensure that the river’s allure remains undiminished for current and future generations.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: NPCA Photos

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196 Signatures

  • J. David Scott
  • jacci russ
  • wesley burnett
  • Janice Bernard
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
  • Sandra Dorst
  • Erin Borozny
  • Lori Lorentz
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