Runaway Dogs Apparently Assassinated on Highway Deserve Justice

Target: Mike Moyle, Speaker of the House for Idaho

Goal: Strengthen laws regarding animal cruelty to provide enhanced protections for pets.

When a social media post emerged detailing the deaths of two dogs on an interstate highway in Idaho, the outrage was immediate. The dogs had apparently caused a traffic jam but were otherwise reportedly posing no physical threat. Bystanders had attempted to get the dogs off the road, as had local police officers. Then the controversy began. An officer allegedly shot and killed both dogs. Their blood was strewn across the scene.

The officer defended his actions by claiming that while the dogs were not seemingly violent, they could cause a traffic accident. Therefore, the deadly action taken would be justified under Idaho law that disqualifies animal cruelty charges if the animal poses a risk of harm. Critics, however, contend that the force was excessive and unnecessary, as the animals were possibly on the verge of being apprehended and rescued safely. Independent investigations eventually exonerated the officer, but for animal welfare advocates the questions still persist.

The police department involved in the incident has vowed to offer more training and equipment for their officers in dealing with wandering animals. But other deficiencies in the Idaho legal code also present a problem. For one, the justifications of the animal posing a threat are vague. These dogs, as mentioned, were reportedly not aggressive…just frightened and attempting to run away. Moreover, the state’s animal cruelty law also seemingly makes exceptions for lethal action if the animal in question is outside of an owner’s property (the dogs had reportedly escaped from an enclosure). This part of the statute gives potential bad actors too much leeway and permission. For example, would stray animals be fair game?

Sign the petition below to urge state lawmakers to clarify and strengthen laws meant to protect vulnerable animals from preventable harm.


Dear Speaker Moyle,

In response to the deadly officer-involved shooting of two dogs in Heyburn that drew national attention, the police chief has committed to implementing better protocols in incidents involving animals. These protocols—including increased training and animal control tools—should be a statewide priority, as should an amendment to existing animal cruelty laws. This incident provoked such a strong reaction and two independent investigations because of a lack of clarity in Idaho cruelty statutes.

The defense for shooting the dogs (who were roaming an interstate) involved claims of the animals posing a threat to others (although they were apparently non-aggressive) and justification that the animals were off their home property. Both of these loopholes offer far too many passes for true and deliberate acts of cruelty to go unpunished. The language in both exemptions needs to be tightened (in the case of the harm exemption) or dropped altogether (seemingly offering animals protection only if they are pets and at their homes).

Animal protection is an issue that has no partisan divide. Please revisit animal control and animal cruelty in Idaho and propose reforms that can truly safeguard all innocent animals.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Nadia Vasileva


  1. Julie Bates says:

    Typical GUN pushing USA

  2. Julie Bates says:

    Typical gun pushing USA !!

    • You got that right it’s bad enough have animal abusers but this is stupid instead of helping them they just pull out there damn guns an kill them they stupid ass police

  3. Linda Mathews says:

    What a fckn asshole!! Why shoot them? They would’ve been so frightened! What kind of people are in the US that this is an acceptable thing to do?! I hope it comes back on them tenfold!

  4. The only thing that will take care of all these fucking police in this country is shoot to kill just like all these stupid ass mother fucker do to all animals cause they are no better to die for killing animals for one all the police cops are so called pigs that kill helpless animals don’t need to breathe the same air are walk on the same ground those poor dogs did and I say we shoot all animal killing cops the same way even if the cops are good are bad eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth no matter who the fuck they are cause the police are just humans like us

  5. Sad, sad story. I believe that situation could have been handled better. Some police officers want to impress and act to hasty.

  6. Lesley Rodgers says:

    Clearly, the police officer who shot these innocent dogs is an asshole, and a dangerous one. That officer in my opinion (as someone who has worked with dogs of all kinds, recovered them from escape situations and generally volunteered for animal charities, over more than 50 years) should be fired, because they are unsuitable for that position. You cannot have trigger happy police officers. The public witnesses were obviously very disturbed at that officer’s actions. Those dogs were perhaps causing a nuisance, but were from witness accounts, NOT dangerous. The police chiefs must stop covering up this sort of behaviour.

  7. Trigger-happy POS has no business being a cop and needs to be held accountable for his actions, there is a special place in Hell for those who harm the innocent.. the country is watching you… RIP sweet furbabies.. I’m sorry your last moments were at the hands of subhuman slime….

  8. Bernhard Yolanda says:

    everything can be said beautifully.
    This “police officer” and many others clearly lack empathy, decency and honor.
    The lack of compassion and the ignorance about the fear and hysteria of animals leaves him cold.
    When the animals are outside their usual territory and surrounded by lots of cars, there is total fear and panic.
    Then an example is always made by shooting these poor animals. You want to prove yourself in the role of the super cop who dominates this situation.
    Unconditional training is an absolute MUST

  9. Elia Gilles says:

    This police officer should be fired immediately and never able to work in this field ever again! His job is to protect not kill!

  10. Bastard polices.Burn in hell!
    Justice for dogs. RIP

  11. Lax gun laws killed two family members who were shot in separate cases, in cold blood while they worked at their jobs. The killing of these two innocent dogs screams of the national insanity. Police training is failing miserably in the treatment of animals and it’s having an impact on society, as in this case which is just not only callous, but frightening. Trigger happy disease is killing students who matter, AND ANIMALS WHO MATTER. The officers should be fired.

  12. Michelle Stewart says:

    That bastard cop should be shot dead


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