Runaway Dogs Apparently Assassinated on Highway Deserve Justice

Target: Mike Moyle, Speaker of the House for Idaho

Goal: Strengthen laws regarding animal cruelty to provide enhanced protections for pets.

When a social media post emerged detailing the deaths of two dogs on an interstate highway in Idaho, the outrage was immediate. The dogs had apparently caused a traffic jam but were otherwise reportedly posing no physical threat. Bystanders had attempted to get the dogs off the road, as had local police officers. Then the controversy began. An officer allegedly shot and killed both dogs. Their blood was strewn across the scene.

The officer defended his actions by claiming that while the dogs were not seemingly violent, they could cause a traffic accident. Therefore, the deadly action taken would be justified under Idaho law that disqualifies animal cruelty charges if the animal poses a risk of harm. Critics, however, contend that the force was excessive and unnecessary, as the animals were possibly on the verge of being apprehended and rescued safely. Independent investigations eventually exonerated the officer, but for animal welfare advocates the questions still persist.

The police department involved in the incident has vowed to offer more training and equipment for their officers in dealing with wandering animals. But other deficiencies in the Idaho legal code also present a problem. For one, the justifications of the animal posing a threat are vague. These dogs, as mentioned, were reportedly not aggressive…just frightened and attempting to run away. Moreover, the state’s animal cruelty law also seemingly makes exceptions for lethal action if the animal in question is outside of an owner’s property (the dogs had reportedly escaped from an enclosure). This part of the statute gives potential bad actors too much leeway and permission. For example, would stray animals be fair game?

Sign the petition below to urge state lawmakers to clarify and strengthen laws meant to protect vulnerable animals from preventable harm.


Dear Speaker Moyle,

In response to the deadly officer-involved shooting of two dogs in Heyburn that drew national attention, the police chief has committed to implementing better protocols in incidents involving animals. These protocols—including increased training and animal control tools—should be a statewide priority, as should an amendment to existing animal cruelty laws. This incident provoked such a strong reaction and two independent investigations because of a lack of clarity in Idaho cruelty statutes.

The defense for shooting the dogs (who were roaming an interstate) involved claims of the animals posing a threat to others (although they were apparently non-aggressive) and justification that the animals were off their home property. Both of these loopholes offer far too many passes for true and deliberate acts of cruelty to go unpunished. The language in both exemptions needs to be tightened (in the case of the harm exemption) or dropped altogether (seemingly offering animals protection only if they are pets and at their homes).

Animal protection is an issue that has no partisan divide. Please revisit animal control and animal cruelty in Idaho and propose reforms that can truly safeguard all innocent animals.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Nadia Vasileva


  1. Jacqueline Adams says:

    Justice for the scared, lost dogs! The dumb cops are supposed to protect us! Everyone must have been traumatized when he pulled out his gun and shot the innocent dogs!
    Fire the Moron!!

  2. This is disgusting the fact these two poor dogs were murdered for no reason

  3. This is wrong. There are better ways to control run-away dogs instead of shooting them. Please allow justice for these poor dogs.

  4. How horrible. How stupid are these police officers?? Re-training? I think they need more than that….you can’t teach USE YOUR BRAINS or empathy for a lost animal.

  5. Murdering innocent dogs is always unacceptable, and there were people on the scene who were attempting to rescue the dogs. There should be actual punishment for the vigilante who committed these two homicides, and reparations for the dogs’ family. Being off their property is no reason to murder dogs or any other animal.

    • Patricia Lamonica says:


  6. Laura Redgrave says:

    This “officer” should not own a gun, if this is how you handle a traffic jam and non threatening situation. Egotistical, illogical and insecure man with a uniform. Karma will be looking for him. Perhaps one day HE will be lost and scared and someone will just shoot him!

  7. Maria Lavorato says:

    There were other options. Speak to Tia Maria Torres!!!
    What about a tranquilizer!!! The friggon cars could have stopped and assisted!!!!!

    The laws are WRONG and need to be rewritten to PROTECT animals!!!!!!

    The SHOOT FIRST MIND SET IS WRONG! These were scared innocent dogs!!!!!!!

  8. Cindy Miller says:

    I believe some charges are in order!! Stupidity on this officer, he needs some kind of punishment, theses dogs were probly someone pet!! 💔💔

  9. Uncommon Sensesc says:

    Another example of how cops rehearse their speeches so they can get off scott-free after shooting animals or people! These cops get themselves all jacked up into a frenzy where they’re just looking for someone or something to shoot or beat or abuse but then they know what to say so no charges or fines or jail time come from it. Cops like this POS need to be fired, fined, jailed and then shot! And the wonder why so many people want to defund them and do away with police departments – it’s obvious! Oh, on the “investigation” it was a neighboring police department doing the investigating – explains why no charges were brought against that piece of crap cop! The cop that did the shooting is Ririe Thomander! The dogs’ owner should be allowed to shoot him! Here’s a good posting of what happened – a major rescuer was on the way with approval by the Idaho State Police and the idiot cops on the scene had only been there 6 MINUTES! POSTING:

  10. They’re hard and cold. They are 100% conservative and predators who hate wolves, dogs and wildlife. The West is so totally fucked. Lauren Boebert wants us to “eat our own dogs” (her words, not mine,) so the wolves can just keep getting shot by hunters in helicopters using fake injured animal calls who pay to gun them down for bloodsport. Iff you vote for Trump you’re a HATER!!
    If you know anyone who votes for anyone “Maga” tell them that they are ‘HATERS’ who suck. These rotten cops are animal haters who are completely rotten to the core.

  11. Dr. Veronica Rynn says:


  12. Sandra Bell says:

    All applicants for police departments need thorough mental testing, evaluation and background checks by experts. The training at the academies in a multitude of departments and states is sadly inadequate, especially where animals are concerned. Many officers are avid hunters and think nothing of aiming at anything on four legs and pulling the trigger, without a second thought or a dram of human compassion — in fact, it’s like fun, live target practice for a good many of them. There needs to be a very astute animal control department, with knowledge of how to manage citizen’s animal companions and wildlife. That is who needs to be called — not the police. There was absolutely no reason or justification to murder those two dogs (family members). Idaho, bring your law enforcement up to date.

  13. Shirley Lemieux says:

    I strongly support this petition. These dogs should have never been shot. They could have been tranquilized as one solution. I also learned through this petition just how lame Idaho Law is when it comes to wandering animals. It almost gives permission to law enforcement and others to open fire on an animal whether legal or not. This needs to change.

  14. Unacceptable . Dogs were confused and were trying to get away . People were trying to rescue them . This cop is a disgrace to the force. His name should be on social media so he can be shamed.

  15. Sherry Akridge says:

    Disgusting and wrong! God Bless those innocent dogs that were murdered on the road way for NO REASON! What a disgrace of a police department, and a disgraceful officer! That is not actions of a police officer, that is the actions of a KILLER! What a piece of scum!

  16. barry farley says:

    these poor dogs didn’t deserve such inhumane justice by these damn stupid cops. Cops have a habit of doing such animal cruelty every single day. these poor dogs just their way and feared for their lives. RIP you poor helpless dogs. These damn cops should face the extent of the law by jail time and have their weapons removed from them and terminated from the police force. Instead of going after criminals they are in the habit of chasing down helpless animals and killing them, They feel that this makes them a hero, They are not above the law like anyone else.

  17. Agree all comments torture these fuckers who done this.

  18. Maria Lavorato says:

    ALSO, agree with Sandra Bell.

    The cops name should be published. He should lose his job. …and so should any cop that participates in any kind of animal cruelty!!

    The fact that this murdering gun happy ASS was exonerated is completely the wrong direction from SERVE AND PROTECT ALL!!!!!!

  19. Did anyone try to find the owners and get them to the scene to help???
    Did anyone just open a car door and invite the dogs in even if they had to be shut in till help arrived??
    So many options and their first one was to kill. A sad reflection of a gun culture.

  20. Nadine Brundage says:

    This was a a very cruel act killing these two innocent lost dogs on a highway. He could have stopped traffic and called for help,or animal control. Guess he took the easy way out by killing them. Unbelievable.

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