Target: Mr. Jody Smith, Sheriff of Cumberland County, United States
Goal: Demand an immediate and thorough investigation into the alleged whipping and dragging of horses.
A deeply unsettling video, spanning nearly 10 minutes and shared on social media, reportedly depicts a foal allegedly lying on the ground and subjected to repeated hits with what seems to be a switch or stick. Shockingly, the foal is then reportedly observed being forcibly dragged by a vehicle while it struggles to stay upright. In a distressing turn, the foal falls and is allegedly dragged while lying on its side. The accompanying caption reportedly indicates that the small horse is subjected to further abuse, including being allegedly run over by a Gator-type utility vehicle and described as being “waterboarded.” This disturbing footage has elicited widespread concern and outrage.
Authorities in Cumberland County are currently investigating the case and County Animal Services removed two adult horses and five juvenile horses from the farm in Fayetteville. The urgency of this situation is evident as a veterinarian has been engaged to evaluate the condition of these horses.
The welfare of these innocent animals is at stake, and it is crucial that all necessary steps are taken promptly to address the concerns raised. Animal mistreatment is not only ethically unacceptable, but is also a violation of our responsibility to safeguard the well-being of all creatures. Demand action now.
Dear Mr. Jody Smith,
Authorities in Cumberland County are investigating alleged animal mistreatment involving horses on a Fayetteville farm. A distressing video shared on social media reportedly shows a foal being hit, dragged by a vehicle, and subjected to further abuse, prompting widespread concern and outrage. County Animal Services took action, removing horses and engaging a vet for evaluation.
As the Sheriff of Cumberland County, you have the authority and responsibility to address matters of this nature. We urge you to work closely with relevant agencies and authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into the alleged mistreatment. The well-being of these innocent creatures hangs in the balance, and it is imperative that justice is served.
We recognize that investigations take time, but we request that you expedite the process to prevent further harm to the animals involved. The public’s trust in the justice system relies on your commitment to upholding ethical standards and ensuring that such incidents are addressed effectively.
We demand transparency in this process and that appropriate actions are taken against those responsible for any mistreatment. The welfare of animals is a reflection of our society’s values and compassion. By addressing this case diligently, you have the opportunity to demonstrate that Cumberland County takes such matters seriously and is dedicated to upholding justice for all living beings.
[Your Name Here]
1261 Signatures