Stop Excessive Fertilizer and Pesticide Use on Store Bought Produce

Target: Robert M. Califf, Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Goal: Stop the use of toxins on store bought produce to reduce disease and environmental harm.

Store produce contains large amounts of fertilizers and pesticide residue that can be incredibly harmful to the human body. Some of these toxins are cancer-causing and can reduce the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables. While these chemicals directly harm humans, they also drastically harm soil and the environment. The use of fertilizers and pesticides needs to stop in order to help the public’s health and the overall well-being of the universe.

Many commercial farms use pesticides and fertilizers to encourage stable produce growth. These compounds even help fruits and vegetables grow at a more stable rate. Such chemicals have been found to decrease the biodiversity of other plants in ecosystems, and even impact the growth of future vegetation. Pesticides may directly harm other organisms outside of insects attempting to eat growing produce. They can even impact reproduction and induce stomach issues. There have been cases of pesticides even causing death. The risks associated with such material does not outweigh the benefits had on produce growth.

Humans, the environment, and neighboring plants all face repercussions from pesticides and fertilizers. Sign below and demand fertilizers and pesticides not be used on store produce and encourage alternative, healthier means of growth.


Dear Commissioner Califf,

Store bought produce can be dangerous and unhealthy based on the chemicals used in its growth process. The public should not have to face serious health effects because of chemicals used to encourage and preserve the production of fruits and vegetables. Neighboring plants may also face difficulties in growth based on the use of these compounds. Even future vegetation can face negative implications if soil gets contaminated with such toxins. Produce needs to be grown healthily and without the use of any hazardous chemicals. This solution would benefit the public, increase the nutritional value of goods, and help the environment. There are safer alternatives for the use of these materials that need to be considered in the commercial farming industry.

Please halt the use of toxic fertilizers and pesticides in growing commercial produce. This is an unspoken issue that needs to be considered for the welfare of the public and the environment. While these chemicals may encourage fruit and vegetable growth, there are safer alternatives to be considered. Stop the use of dangerous contaminants in the growth of store bought goods.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Pxfuel

One Comment

  1. The FDA should do something. Government agencies seem to need years to take action. Yet there is little to eat anymore which might be healthy and nutritious. These pesticides and fertilizers are deadly, yet you allow them to be used. The greedy corporations want more and more money for their bottomline yet charge an arm and a leg for their products in grocery stores. The same is true in every department of food sales. Why allow death, torture and empty food products when coming to realize people were healthier 100 years ago, just not today. These stupid industries are killing their customers and wanting more money to do so. And you allow this to continue. What does that say for your job? Taxpayers are paying your salary. What a scam!!!

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  • jacci russ
  • Julia Linke
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