Justice for Allegedly Abandoned Dog Forced to Eat Gravel to Survive

Target: William Fitzpatrick, District Attorney of Onondaga County, NY

Goal: Prosecute woman accused of abandoning and nearly killing pet dog to fullest extent.

Authorities discovered a heartbreaking site in a New York basement. An apparently malnourished dog was eating gravel from the dirty floor. When rescuers took the animal to a veterinary center, she nearly died from cardiac arrest. An evaluation reportedly revealed she had the lowest body health score possible for a dog. Fortunately, she survived and now has the opportunity for a new beginning with a new name: Hope.

The woman who was reportedly supposed to be caring for Hope, Hortence Ngarissona, has been charged with two counts of animal cruelty. She allegedly abandoned this poor dog in the basement and never returned. The fact that Hope was consuming gravel indicates she may have endured long-term nutritional deficiency. Without the emergency intervention, she could very well have lost her life.

Sign the petition below to demand this innocent animal receive the justice she deserves.


Dear DA Fitzpatrick,

Far too often, defenseless pets are cast aside and abandoned…with tragic results. This fate seemingly almost befell Hope: a German shepherd found in a basement who had been reduced to skin and bones and who reportedly had nothing to eat but the gravel on the floor. Thankfully, good Samaritans saved her life. But her story will not have a happy ending unless the person allegedly responsible for her condition receives a fitting and appropriate punishment.

If Hortence Ngarissona did leave her pet dog to die, she needs to face the most severe consequences. Please fight for and ensure the maximum punishment if she is deemed guilty. Send a decisive message about deadly animal abandonment.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Syracuse Police


  1. There are so many options for dealing with an unwanted pet. First, don’t get a pet if you are unable to commit to the care and welfare of the animal. This was deliberate and heinous abuse with the intent that the animals would just die and she’d be off the hook for it’s care. That uncaring and classless act should land her in jail with some hefty fines and lifetime ban from owing or caring for any animal, she is not worthy of freedom, lock her up.

  2. This woman deserve no mercy. There are no reasons for this behavior on her part and no excuses!
    She did this on purpose. She needs to face prison, ennhormous fines and not owning or being near any animals for the rest of her life. She doesn’t deserve animals.

  3. Avatar photo Lance Kammerud says:

    Make this POS bitch eat gravel…FAIR IS FAIR!!! Then starve the poor excuse of a human being.

  4. Hey Hortense, you horses ass…you should have to eat gravel to survive! Throw this ugly freak in jail for the rest of her miserable life. I’m glad the dog is on the mend. May he heal soon and go to a good loving home.

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