Target: Ms. Katherine Fernandez Rundle, State Attorney for Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA
Goal: Ensure a thorough investigation and appropriate legal action in the case involving the apparent disembowelment of a puppy and the reported threats made towards its owner.
A deeply disturbing incident of animal cruelty has shocked the community, allegedly involving the heinous killing of a puppy and reported threats towards its owner. Yadelin Marin, 19, has been charged with second-degree animal cruelty and misdemeanor battery in connection with this brutal act, described by authorities as a “horrific scene.” The incident left both the pet owner and the community devastated and outraged.
According to the police report, the owner was informed by a friend that his puppy had been disemboweled in the bathroom. Upon entering the bathroom, the owner witnessed the gruesome scene and found Marin sitting in the bathtub, allegedly threatening him by saying, “you’re next.”
This alleged act of extreme cruelty and violence against an innocent and defenseless animal is a blatant violation of ethical principles and Florida’s animal cruelty laws. Such actions not only harm the well-being and dignity of living beings, but also challenge the values of compassion and respect for life within society.
It is imperative that a thorough investigation is conducted to ascertain the full circumstances surrounding this horrific incident.Sign below and demand legal action be taken to ensure justice is served for the innocent puppy and its owner.
Dear Ms. Katherine Fernandez Rundle,
A puppy was reportedly disemboweled in front of its owner in a horrific case of animal cruelty. We urge you to prioritize this case and ensure a thorough investigation is conducted. It is essential to uncover all relevant facts and evidence surrounding the incident and bring the perpetrator to justice.
The alleged act of disemboweling a defenseless puppy and the reported threats demonstrate a callous disregard for the welfare and lives of animals. Such actions not only violate Florida’s animal cruelty laws, but also challenge the values of compassion and empathy that our society upholds.
We demand that appropriate legal action be taken against Yadelin Marin, if found guilty, to ensure that justice is served for the innocent puppy and its owner. The community looks to you to send a resolute message that acts of extreme animal cruelty will not be tolerated in our county.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Sudhir Sangwan
Unbelievable, this evil monster needs life in the nearest mental institution. Hope justice for the innocent gets served , this horrific act should not be taken lightly as this one is a danger to humans as well as animals.
Yes I agree with you %!
This ass wipe should Never!! Seethe light of day!! EVER!!
Lock this POS up in a cage and drop it in the ocean!!! No one like him should be able to walk among the living!!!!
I can hardly believe what I just read! This man is obviously crazy and for beginners he needs a mental hospital then many years in jail. Protect the public from this lunatic!!
This is 19 year old woman who committed this beyond hideous crime. Total psychopath.
And why is she not in a nut house and still alive? I wish she’d have been subject to the same cruel death long ago – why not get rid of her sooner?
Do Not Waste Taxpayer’s Money On This Extremely Evil Demon ‼️Must Be Severely Punished,,,, KARMA‼️
May this monster die a thousand torturous deaths and be damned to hell!!
We are enraged…if I had only been there they would never find her worthless body!!
Slowly disembowel the perpetrator. That will truly set an example to everyone not do what they don’t want to happen to them. A slap on the wrist does nothing.
Agree with you Kathy S. Show to all these monsters what can happen to them. We want real justice for their victims. An eye for an eye. That’s enough.
Ich stimme dir absolut zu.
“Yadelin Marin, 19, has been charged with second-degree animal cruelty and misdemeanor battery in connection with this brutal act…”
We need REAL, strict animal abuse laws, not this bullshit.
This is disgusting!! This was premeditated murder!! Murder!! Kill her now!!
The gates of hell is where this monster deserves to go!!What a despicable,heinous piece of trash who deserves nothing but suffering and torment!
What a completely creepy sicko!!!
That poor poor poor innocent puppy!!!! Wtf?!?!
Please throw this trash in jail, never let this sicko around any animals again!!! This is so disgusting, disturbing and cruel!!!!
Agree all comments no jail just stab and cut them in pieces.Justice now no excuse not enough done with animal cruelty. Should be checks owning selling buying animals worldwide. Sick of these cruel cunts eye for a eye.
I Totally Agree With…. Kathy S.
Slowly disembowel the perpetrator. That will truly set an example to everyone not do what they don’t want to happen to them. A slap on the wrist does nothing.
That Dangerous Evil Demon Being Is Dangerous Must Be Punished Exactly The Same Treatment ,,,, KARMA!! .
I have said this time and time again and I will still continue to say this. The problem lies with the owners. I wish we knew the backstory to this, but how is it that this crazy person is in your bathtub disemboweling your puppy who the hell do you hang out with? You need to check who your friends are you don’t let crazy people in your house let alone around your animals. Yes, this person deserves the cruelest and harsh of penalties and someone should disembowel him, but again half of the fault lies on the owner.
This disgusting monster deserves the electric chair!! What a heinous and deplorable act of violence towards a baby dog. Don’t let this creature ever see the light of day again.
This monster needs to be incarcerated for life,she is a danger to all humans and animals. I hope she suffers the rest of her life for this.
If our courts functioned, this case would be handled with a felony and a sentence of incarceration for a decade or two. Whoever let the psychopath near their innocent animal should be held as an accomplice to a crime. Judges who don’t see this are incompetent.
Lock her up for the rest of her miserable existence or better still throw her to the lions …
Regardless of whether she had to appear in Court or not – if I were the Judge – she for sure – would no longer be slive!
Yadelin Marin is a SCUMBAG POS that needs to go go prison for 30 years. Yadelin Marin needs to die a LONG AGONIZING AND PAINFUL DEATH.
BEYOND HIDEOUS CRIME!!! Disemboweled her and throw it into the ocean. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Yadelin Marin is beyond sick.
“You’re next”. Must a human be slaughtered before the authorities do something about this psychopath? No doubt she will claim “diminished responsibility” because she was under the influence of drugs or had a bad childhood or suffers from so-called “mental illness” (the modern “catch-all” excuse). And the Courts will let this pathetic excuse for a human, walk free. To kill again. Let’s pray that Mad Marin NEVER breeds from herself, to produce more psychos on this planet.