Puppy Reportedly Stabbed and Disemboweled to Death Deserves Justice

Target: Ms. Katherine Fernandez Rundle, State Attorney for Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA

Goal: Ensure a thorough investigation and appropriate legal action in the case involving the apparent disembowelment of a puppy and the reported threats made towards its owner.

A deeply disturbing incident of animal cruelty has shocked the community, allegedly involving the heinous killing of a puppy and reported threats towards its owner. Yadelin Marin, 19, has been charged with second-degree animal cruelty and misdemeanor battery in connection with this brutal act, described by authorities as a “horrific scene.” The incident left both the pet owner and the community devastated and outraged.

According to the police report, the owner was informed by a friend that his puppy had been disemboweled in the bathroom. Upon entering the bathroom, the owner witnessed the gruesome scene and found Marin sitting in the bathtub, allegedly threatening him by saying, “you’re next.”

This alleged act of extreme cruelty and violence against an innocent and defenseless animal is a blatant violation of ethical principles and Florida’s animal cruelty laws. Such actions not only harm the well-being and dignity of living beings, but also challenge the values of compassion and respect for life within society.

It is imperative that a thorough investigation is conducted to ascertain the full circumstances surrounding this horrific incident.Sign below and demand legal action be taken to ensure justice is served for the innocent puppy and its owner.


Dear Ms. Katherine Fernandez Rundle,

A puppy was reportedly disemboweled in front of its owner in a horrific case of animal cruelty. We urge you to prioritize this case and ensure a thorough investigation is conducted. It is essential to uncover all relevant facts and evidence surrounding the incident and bring the perpetrator to justice.

The alleged act of disemboweling a defenseless puppy and the reported threats demonstrate a callous disregard for the welfare and lives of animals. Such actions not only violate Florida’s animal cruelty laws, but also challenge the values of compassion and empathy that our society upholds.

We demand that appropriate legal action be taken against Yadelin Marin, if found guilty, to ensure that justice is served for the innocent puppy and its owner. The community looks to you to send a resolute message that acts of extreme animal cruelty will not be tolerated in our county.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Sudhir Sangwan


  1. HY

  2. goh maria says:

    Please lock this twisted monster up before he gets bolder!

  3. shelly blazich says:


  4. This young man will rely on his youth and first time offense to get off and walk free. I feel his parents need to be charged also. They had to see something was wrong but usually they don’t bother to alert the police or request mental assistance for their son. The prosecutor will play this card to free this killer even though he is a threat to society. It’s not right that this man get off in that he knows right from wrong and will do this again. Why nit do a trial in a court with a jury? I think a jury would be more severe than a back room deal. The puppy had no chance and suffered an agonizing death. This guy needs to pay with time taken from his life for the crime he committed.

    • Uncommon Sensesc says:

      From what I’m seeing, this was a woman – but everything still holds up regarding punishment (anything less than death is not justice for this dog).

      • I 100% agree with you. They should pass a law that says “whatever you do to animals should be done to you”. Then see how many will choose to abuse & kill these sweet, innocent animals!! “An eye for an eye”!

    • EVERYONE..this is a FEMALE! This monster is a deranged piece of shit!

      • It won’t let me post a link here..but yes this WAS a woman. From article I found (just google her name) “A woman who rents a room in the home reportedly told Miami NBC affiliate WTVJ that Marin had been staying at the residence “off and on” for a little while prior to the incident. She also clarified that the puppy’s name was “Kory.” So she lived there off and on…probably had a row with the owner and was pissed off and killed the puppy. If I’d come across her there seeing what she’d done I would have grabbed my own knife stabbed her in the neck and killed her and told the police she attacked me. Who the eff they gonna believe?? And I’d feel NO remorse either. Gang banger POS!

  5. Michelle Taylor says:

    This vile, mentally deranged severe animal abuser/killer requires instigation of the death penalty. A slow and agonizing extermination is required!

    • Concuerdo totalmente contigo !!!!

    • Carol Pearce says:

      Absolutely agree Michelle. What next for this savage scum if it is not locked up or put to death (preferable).
      It is way past time that animal abusers are more severely dealt with – not just a slap on the wrist, only to repeat the deed. P.O.S.

  6. Irene Leggett says:

    Let the vigilantes find this deranged POS and make sure he gets
    PROPER punishment, not just a slap on the wrist and walk free….

  7. Death sentence, no human rights for less than human acts

  8. Michelle Taylor says:

    This vile, mentally deranged severe dog abusing scumbag requires instigation of the death penalty. A slow and agonizing extermination of this evil cretin is essential.

  9. Sicko throw him in jail

  10. This is absolutely pure evil. The Laws are weak and if he walks free the judge should also be held accountable hope someone does to this subhuman what he truly deserves. ! He has no reason for life in this world!

  11. Florida doesn’t have many virtues other than the weather but it does have a registry of abuse to animals. This 19 year old needs to be placed on that list for life! He is walking around without a care but is mentally challenged to say the least. He needs help, assistance with his mental problems which must be major if he did this crime to a puppy. I can’t imagine how he will be able to live with a memory like that left in his mind. Why do ill people not get the help they need? And why do men always hurt those who they can over power? This is not the only person walking around with mental challenges. Society is none at all any more.

  12. Maria Lavorato says:

    I am so disgusted and sad for what this little sweet puppy endured.

    Judge: Please get this evil REAL punishment or what are you there for?????? HE CAN NOT WALK AWAY FROM THIS. THIS PERSON, I BELIEVE, CANNOT BE SAVED or REHABLITATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  13. Maria Lavorato says:

    I am so disgusted and sad for what this little sweet puppy endured.

    Judge: Please get this evil REAL punishment or what are you there for?????? HE CAN NOT WALK AWAY FROM THIS. THIS PERSON, I BELIEVE, CANNOT BE SAVED or REHABILITATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  14. I wish I could blink my eyes, and not only wipe every one of these disgusting human monsters into hell, the devil will definitely get paid by them to torture their dismembered bodies and evil (souls) for eternity. I know I wouldn’t cry any more- we need justice and peace for all the voiceless and abused animals who suffer every day at the hands of humans.

  15. Send this Demon to Prison so She’s Next!!! Pathetic Florida laws, she’ll walk!
    Poor defenceless pup!!

  16. Urszula Lund says:

    PUT THIS DEVIL MONSTER in front of the FIRING SQUAD!!!! Animals shall not be victims of DEHUMANIZED and DESENSITIZED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!!! Crimes committed against defenseless animals are increasingly GROTESQUE because the punishment for animal abuse is not severe enough, and in many cases does not exist. A slap on the wrist is a MOCKERY of animal victims. This satanic pathological monster must be severely punished, MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY! He must also be forbidden from coming near animals ever again.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!
    But first disembowel this pathological lowlife scum and hang him on the tree with gaping crocodiles below!!!!
    JUSTICE for this innocent dog!!

  17. Great! Another crazy person in Florida kills an innocent one…..

  18. This person needs to be locked up. He is mentally ill.

  19. More to this story. What was this deranged POS doing in this person’s house so that IT grabbed the puppy and killed it and is then in there making threats against the owner??? Did the owner know this person? Did the the friend who told the owner about this happening know this person and let IT in??? Did IT break into the house???? What’s the story here???? Cuz it’s not just the death of the puppy. WTF?????

  20. What this person did was a despicable act of animal cruelty and the fact that he threatened the owner with the same death makes him a danger to society. He should go to prison for the torture of animals and a threat to people. Authorities have his name and must get him off the streets!

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