Stop Refusing Critical Climate Aid During Deadly Environmental Crisis

Target: Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida

Goal: Accept federal investments in clean energy initiatives.

Malaria cases originating in America have been detected for the first time in over two decades. A record-setting 5,000-mile algae bloom is overwhelming beaches and bringing with it the threat of flesh-eating bacteria. Unprecedented searing surface water temperatures are edging toward 100 degrees. Insurance companies are turning away homeowners because of skyrocketing hurricane risks. All of these crises have two things in common. For one, they are greatly exacerbated by climate change. And they are all taking place in a state where leaders wear their anti-environmental agendas like a badge of honor.

Governor Ron DeSantis has just refused over 370 million dollars in funding for his state. The funds, which are part of the Inflation Reduction Act and the infrastructure bill signed into law, would have infused more clean energy opportunities into Florida. Energy-efficiency rebates and electrification objectives are among the items that will not be coming to the state.

DeSantis depriving his own constituents of offered aid is nothing new. He has previously rejected federal hurricane recovery aid and 800-plus million dollars in federal aid to feed hungry children. Meanwhile, he is busy sending Florida’s funds for politically motivated stunts in other states such as bussing migrants in Texas or providing unwanted cash aid to Iowa (a prominent state in the early presidential primaries).

Sign the petition below to demand DeSantis stop playing politics at the expense of his people and the state he is supposed to be leading.


Dear Governor DeSantis,

Hungry schoolchildren and hurricane survivors have been hurt because of your puzzling and continuous decisions to cut off this state’s nose to spite its face in regard to federal aid. Now, Florida will lag behind in its efforts to adapt to a radically changing world at a time when it is on the front lines of the climate crisis. You talk of making America like Florida, but your vision for your endangered state’s actions (or inaction) on crucial environmental issues is nothing this nation needs.

If you truly care about the future of Floridians (and all Americans), set a better example going forward. Begin by embracing the 377 million dollars in clean energy funding gifted to this state and by using this aid to prepare Florida and the United States for the challenging road ahead.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Gantas Vaiciulenas

One Comment

  1. Florida is a disaster!!! Nothing is ever down in Florida to help animals, wildlife or people. The water is killing manatees, AG farmers are allowed to let all the animals waste run into rivers and streams and nothing is done. Florida is the worst kept state in the union and the governor wants to be president. Imagine that?????
    If Florida is an example of his leadership then her should be required to get out of the race. There is no excise for this lax attitude to set the example. Florida is failing and it’s due to poor management.

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333 Signatures

  • Carolyn Swan
  • Celana Bingham
  • J. David Scott
  • jacci russ
  • Janice Bernard
  • Janice Bernard
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
  • Sandra Dorst
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