Kittens Apparently Microwaved, Drowned and Squeezed to Death Deserve Justice

Target: Ms. Kim Foxx, Cook County State’s Attorney of Chicago, Illinois

Goal: Ensure a thorough investigation and appropriate legal action against the individual accused of heinously killing multiple cats.

In Wicker Park, Chicago, Thomas Martel, a 22-year-old man, stands accused of adopting, torturing, and killing several kittens. The details of the alleged acts are horrifying, including drowning and squeezing two cats to death, fatally mutilating another with a sharp object, and even microwaving a cat, resulting in its death.

These alleged acts of extreme cruelty and violence against defenseless animals are a clear violation of ethical principles and go against the fundamental values of compassion and respect for all living beings. The alleged actions committed by Thomas Martel demonstrate a complete disregard for the well-being and dignity of innocent animals.

The Chicago Police, per reports, discovered a deceased cat inside a plastic bag in Martel’s Wicker Park apartment. This disturbing revelation further underscores the gravity of the situation and the urgent need for swift and decisive action to ensure justice for these innocent victims. Take action now.


Dear Ms. Kim Foxx,

We implore you to ensure a thorough investigation into this case and to pursue appropriate legal action against Thomas Martel. It is crucial to gather all the necessary evidence, interview witnesses, and present a compelling case to hold the accused accountable for these horrific acts of animal cruelty.

The allegations against Thomas Martel have deeply saddened and disturbed animal welfare advocates and concerned individuals across Chicago. By taking decisive action against the alleged perpetrator, you will send a strong message that acts of animal cruelty will not be tolerated within our society.

Furthermore, we urge you to prioritize the prosecution of this case and seek the maximum penalties allowed under the law for such egregious acts of violence and cruelty against animals. It is essential to ensure that justice is served and that appropriate legal consequences are imposed upon the accused.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Paul Schadler


  1. Renata Kuchinsky says:

    This monster should not walk on this Earth.

  2. That’s one reason I have so many cats and kittens. Any monster can adopt them, esp. from people who are giving them away free. Do they not know the horrors animals endure from monsters who take them just to torture in horrific ways? Our planet is already overpopulated so why can’t we just hang these monsters. Frankly, I find all your ways to kill this person great ideas. I wish I could be a vigilante for animals. I would have no problem murdering people who are a waste of air and have no regard for ANY life.

  3. This person needs to be publicly tarred & feathered!!!!

  4. Lisa M. Mitchell says:

    These types of crimes need to be taken MUCH more seriously by law enforcement and the entire penal system than they are. While animals ARE thinking, pain-avoidant, social, autonomous creatures to those with a heart, they’re merely a commodity to many.

    However, this type of malignant behavior is DIRECTLY traceable to becoming a future serial killer! MINIMALLY, if you couldn’t care less about animals or the suffering of another being, it’s only in one’s own self-interest to give a shit about stopping human murder before it happens! FFS PEOPLE.

  5. This is a very sick piece of shit hope they do a good job on him cut his hands off

  6. Hang him high!

  7. Vittoria Elizabeth Clerici says:

    Utterly sickening and depraved act by a sub-human being. Needs to be locked away for the duration of is life as he is not well and if doing this at 22 will just escalate.

  8. Thomas Martell should be tortured until he can no longer function. There is no need for aubhans like Thomas Martell ! Laws are weak and if this evil sadiatic creep walks free, I hope an animala vigilante does to thomas Martell what he tryly deserves!

  9. Maria Lavorato says:


    I AGREE HE SHOULD GET BACK EVERY UNIMAGINABLE TORTURE THAT THOSE LITTLE KITTENS AND CATS WENT THROUGH. It is horrifying to know that there are such shell of people roaming free.


    God’s speed little angels….

    • Valerie Rowlands says:


    • Agree with you Maria Lavorato. Thomas Martel is a future serial killer. He was practicing with these poor kittens and next maybe with children or adults. Who knows…
      He deserves to suffer same way he did to these kittens.
      That’s the only punishment for justice.

  10. Pamela Plambeck says:

    Zero tolerance for Thomas Martell.

  11. Martel needs to be executed!

  12. Agree all comments do the same back to hom. Let public know where he lives and put his face on the media. No excuse torture this sick cunt. No enough done about animal cruelty.

  13. Kathryn Derrer says:

    It’s a pity we couldn’t microwave him! What that poor kitten must have ensured! And squeezed to death! This sicko should be out away FOR GOOD so he cannot harm another animal – because he will!

  14. Aprille Gilmore says:

    Jail sentences or why bother pretending we have cruelty laws.

  15. This filthy piece of garbage deserves the same things that he did to those innocent baby cats! What a waste of flesh. He needs to be taken out of society!

  16. Agreed, the US needs to make it harder for people to adopt animals and make people pay a higher fee for adoptions as well as stringent security checks beforehand. It seems any old sicko can buy/adopt animals in US……

  17. Therese Kutscheid says:

    I am angry at law, why don’t law permit that anyone have cat and don’t neuter it. I got 7 cats in my care for the last 20 years. The rest of those poor creatures I had to give up as I didn’t hade resources to keep them.
    Cats that did stay with me got neutered and vaccinated.
    There are too many maniacs who do horrible things to innocent animals. I hope that Martel get locked up and left to die of hunger and thirst.

  18. Thomas Martel should never ever under any circumstances be allowed to own any pets again, nor should he be around them and children as well.
    He belongs in a maximum security prison for the criminally insane while highly sedated in solitary confinement until death. The very fact that he “adopted” these poor little innocent souls, should be taken into consideration that his ‘act’ was convincing enough to fool the pet owners into adoptions. Thomas Martel obviously has a severe and extreme personality disorder that deems him dangerous such as a psychopath / sociopath and he is not to be trusted. These poor little kittens never stood a chance and I would like to ask the court that he be punished to the fullest extent and that he will not be given a chance to practice deception and prey on innocent animals ever again.

  19. Claudia J Ferguson says:

    Let me at Martel! He’ll regret hurting and killing those innocent kittens!

  20. It is imperative this man be taken into custody and kept there before he murders more animals and moves on to people if he hasn’t already. This man WILL KILL AGAIN!!! He cannot stop and this evil behavior will only mutate and grow more violent. Do whatever it takes to protect others from him!

    • I want to add that someone like this doesn’t feel regret or sorrow. He is a psychopath and does not feel empathy. No amount of punishment will ever teach him anything. He cannot be rehabilitated.

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