Target: Ms. Kim Foxx, Cook County State’s Attorney of Chicago, Illinois
Goal: Ensure a thorough investigation and appropriate legal action against the individual accused of heinously killing multiple cats.
In Wicker Park, Chicago, Thomas Martel, a 22-year-old man, stands accused of adopting, torturing, and killing several kittens. The details of the alleged acts are horrifying, including drowning and squeezing two cats to death, fatally mutilating another with a sharp object, and even microwaving a cat, resulting in its death.
These alleged acts of extreme cruelty and violence against defenseless animals are a clear violation of ethical principles and go against the fundamental values of compassion and respect for all living beings. The alleged actions committed by Thomas Martel demonstrate a complete disregard for the well-being and dignity of innocent animals.
The Chicago Police, per reports, discovered a deceased cat inside a plastic bag in Martel’s Wicker Park apartment. This disturbing revelation further underscores the gravity of the situation and the urgent need for swift and decisive action to ensure justice for these innocent victims. Take action now.
Dear Ms. Kim Foxx,
We implore you to ensure a thorough investigation into this case and to pursue appropriate legal action against Thomas Martel. It is crucial to gather all the necessary evidence, interview witnesses, and present a compelling case to hold the accused accountable for these horrific acts of animal cruelty.
The allegations against Thomas Martel have deeply saddened and disturbed animal welfare advocates and concerned individuals across Chicago. By taking decisive action against the alleged perpetrator, you will send a strong message that acts of animal cruelty will not be tolerated within our society.
Furthermore, we urge you to prioritize the prosecution of this case and seek the maximum penalties allowed under the law for such egregious acts of violence and cruelty against animals. It is essential to ensure that justice is served and that appropriate legal consequences are imposed upon the accused.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Paul Schadler
Sick and evil
I would gladly give money to someone who will castrate this rubbish
I will do it for free… with a rusty knife.
You and me both.
I will also!! Then he needs to be slowly tortured for months until he is begging to die! Live stream it so his scumbag parents can watch. They need to see the devil they created die and then they need to be locked up forever! There’s always signs of this behavior! No excuses! They turned a blind eye, which is not acceptable! All animal abusing psychopaths need to be wiped off the planet! They cannot be rehabbed and they will definitely keep offending until they eventually kill humans next! KARMA
I am in as well- he needs to be disemboweled and tortured into hell to suffer for eternity. We need justice for these defenseless innocent kittens NOW.
Beyond believing that what everyone else says about what should happen to this ‘person’, I have to wonder did no one question him when he adopted multiple kittens? Was it all at the same time? Did he keep coming back? Was it to the same shelter? Shelters and rescues in the same area should stay in touch about adoptees. What, if any, background check was done before he could adopt totally helpless babies?
It’s way to easy to get your hands on an animal for harm. People give them away on places like Craig’s List, on street corners and dump them in fields. Shelters are so underfunded they are desperate to send pets home with anyone. This whole picture needs to change to stop this. But this freak? Total waste of space, needs a tiny cold cell for life, danger to community.
He needs to be tortured and wiped off the planet. We can’t take any chance that he will escape or be let out. He’s dangerous to any living being, he will continue to kill animals and will kill humans next! He needs to be executed!! This behavior cannot be rehabbed! His loser parents are the ones who should rot in jail. Trash needs to stop breeding!
My question as well.
This world is getting worse and worse. The laws are a joke. Why does this horror keep happening and these mental morons go free.
You are right, the real problem are the laws. If he did this to several toddlers he would get the death penalty.
Kill that piece of shit
whoever has the opportunity to punish this guy needs to do it severely… if the authorities don’t care about animals then they need to remember that “people” like this eventually go after people and the first human victim could be someone that these authorities care about.
Future serial killer, if not one already.
Horrendous, my mind cant comprehend, how these innocent babies suffered. I pray God has taken them home. Just makes me want to give up on society. This person needs to be locked up where he cant hurt another anything or any one . Hes a sycopath. They have no feelings.
Gave up years ago. Saw this and tears flowed and my heart sank.
Please lock up SCUMBAG POS Thomas Martel for a long time! Let this SCUMBAG POS LOSER Thomas Martel be sodomized and beaten in prison for 20 years plus!
Let’s pray that this pathetic excuse for a human being NEVER breeds children from his sperm, or he will doubtless microwave, drown and squeeze to death his own children, as he has already honed his skills on innocent kittens. And I wonder what type of degenerate parents bred a monster like this? And have they birthed others like him? If so, God help us all.
My heart is breaking after reading such horrendous acts on these precious sentient beautiful vulnerable kittens!Beings like this horrible individual must be stopped.Present laws are not working and trash such as him and all like him must be stopped.
This horrific cruelty was committed by a mentally deranged person who needs to be removed from society immediately as no animal or human will be safe.i just hope justice for the innocent gets served and enough with letting these subhumans getting away without serious consequences.
We have signed petitions against this POS creep before. What the hell is happening with him????
This is absolutely heartbreaking, horrendous and sickening! This evil individual must be kept locked up for the balance of his pathetic life. Authorities, do your job, ensure no animal is harmed again by this sick, evil waste of human skin. As for you, Thomas Martel, I pray Karma comes for you, that you lose all that you love and care for, that being both human and material. I hope everyone turns their backs upon you, especially in your deepest time of need and that you die a miserable, painful, lonely death. Once your miserable days on this earth end, a very special place in Hell has been reserved especially for you. May you rot there for eternity.
Rest in peace precious kittens.
Sick SOB microwave this waste of space and then use sharp objects on him.
Too many sick individuals walking free without a care in the world targeting innocent animal victims. Pursue and Prosecute.
these poor kittens didn’t deserve such cruel treatment. May they now rest in God’s hands. Take the life out of him and send his fucking ass to hell. for those whom had watched this heinous act should as well be punished themselves. There is no remorse for life today.
Violent sadistic psychopaths can’t be fixed. The best thing for society as a whole is to euthanize them. Odd, since it would be humane compared to the crimes they commit.
This piece of human garbage should be disposed of ASAP.