Ban Chlorine Emissions From Refrigeration to Save the Ozone Layer

Target: Joe Biden, President of the U.S.

Goal: Stop the use of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) as a refrigerant and/or propellant to reduce ozone depletion.

In the 1980s, Earth’s ozone layer began to develop a hole over the South Pole. This hole allows higher amounts of UV rays to reach Earth’s surface. Overall, the ozone layer has depleted by about 6%. Chlorine emissions are a leading contributor of ozone depletion. Overtime, efforts to reduce the emissions of chlorine have been made, but this chemical has yet to be banned in leading brands of air-conditioners, refrigerators, and aerosol products. While HCFCs are safer compared to previous compounds utilized, they still contain chlorine.

Chlorine-containing compounds warm the stratosphere, harming the ozone layer. UV rays break down the compounds and release chlorine atoms to reduce the ozone’s strength. The hydrogen within HCFCs reduces the amount of harm chlorine atoms can instill, but nonetheless, they’re still harmful. Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) is a good alternative to HCFC because it contains no chlorine to harm the ozone. It’s slowly replacing HCFCs around the world, but in order to restore the ozone back to its original form, HCFCs cannot be used period.

The use of chemicals that include chlorine continue to deplete the ozone, no matter how big or small the damage is. Sign this petition to promote the restoration of Earth’s ozone layer through the banning of HCFCs.


Dear President Biden,

The ozone layer has endured severe depletion to the point of a hole being created. Dangerous UV rays are now able to escape the ozone and cause harm to Earth itself. The use of HCFCs and other chlorine-containing chemicals slowly chip away at the ozone, making it less and less powerful. There are safer refrigerant and propellant alternatives to help sustain the atmosphere.

Although HCFCs are an alternative to stronger chlorine-containing chemicals, they still emit harm to the ozone. HFCs, a compound that contains zero chlorine, can be used in the same products without any environmental implications. HCFCs use is already being phased out, but it needs to be completely banned.

The use of HCFCs also contributes to global warming and UV radiation. HFCs are a safe alternative that should replace the use of HCFCs in common household products. Ban the use of HCFCs to save the ozone layer from any further destruction. Thank you for your attention to this dire message.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: PIRO4D

One Comment

  1. This is yet another problem to be solved. It’s been around a long time and like Climate Change no one cared. They still don’t. There is little hope for civilization with countries allowing Big Oil to lead there way. Why is Big Oil allowed, much less invited, to all the world summits on Climate Change? Answer that and maybe we can finally assist with taming the climate.

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  • J. David Scott
  • jacci russ
  • Janice Bernard
  • Janice Bernard
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
  • Sandra Dorst
  • Erin Borozny
  • Lori Lorentz
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