Dog Brutally Tortured, Killed, and Hung From a Bridge Deserves Justice

Target: Mr. Arthur “Joe” Logan, Chief of Police, Honolulu Police Department, United States

Goal: Ensure a thorough investigation into the heinous killing and hanging of a dog and find the person responsible for this cruel and inhumane act.

In Waianae, Hawaii, the lifeless body of a medium-sized brown dog was strung up and left hanging from a bridge. The graphic image of the deceased dog, with visible wounds, deformation, and signs of decomposition, paints a distressing picture of the suffering endured by this innocent animal.

The discovery was made by a resident named Chantell, who had been trying to rescue and care for the dog for several months. Despite her efforts, the dog remained skittish and elusive, making it difficult to provide immediate help. Chantell’s heartbreaking account emphasizes the deplorable condition of the dog and the trauma it endured before its tragic demise.

This act of cruelty and violence towards an innocent and defenseless animal is an egregious violation of ethical principles and a deeply concerning reflection of the mistreatment and disregard for animal welfare. Such acts not only inflict unimaginable pain and suffering but also undermine the values of compassion and justice that our society upholds. Demand immediate action.


Dear Mr. Arthur “Joe” Logan,

The deliberate hanging of a dog is not only an affront to our shared values of compassion and justice, but also a violation of ethical principles and animal welfare laws. We demand that the perpetrators of this heinous act be brought to justice, facing severe legal consequences commensurate with the severity of their crime.

We implore you to ensure a thorough investigation into this case. We urge you to allocate all necessary resources and collaborate with relevant authorities to identify and apprehend the individuals responsible for this act of extreme cruelty.

Furthermore, we call upon you to strengthen efforts to educate the community on animal welfare, encourage responsible pet ownership, and promote empathy towards all living beings. By fostering a culture of compassion and respect, we can prevent such acts of cruelty from occurring in the future.


[Your Name Here]


  1. This disgusting person does not deserve to live. I hope they die a slow painful death.

  2. Off with THEIR Head! Guillotine!
    Hang body afterwards!

  3. Nadine Brundage says:

    Whoever committed this horrific act of cruelty is mentally deranged and a danger to animals and society. That poor innocent dog did not deserve to suffer at the hands of this sicko. Find this subhuman before it kills again.

    • Gerolynn Laukevicz says:

      Whoever did this should suffer the same way and then beg for their pathetic life before being put out of their misery.

  4. And we believe that we are progressing because we have our beloved smartphones, luxury items, over the top parties for a one year old, yet the sadistic treatment of animals is running rampant???!! Man as a whole is losing any sense of a conscience when it comes to animals. From throwing their family members in kill shelters,to killing animals that are stray, trophy hunting, crushing animals for clicks and the list goes on. This woman tried to help this precious dog, but the dog was skittish, yet a demon or demons managed to get him, torture him and hang him. Such twisted scum can be our neighbor, co-worker, friend or family member…you don’t know, so MANY should be concerned. I pray they catch these violent criminals and get them off the streets…if they were threatened with just a bit of the savagery they inflicted upon this sweet dog they would be in tears crying mercy, yet mercy for me and not for thee.

  5. Manitou Calm Storm says:

    What is wrong with these jackasses? A life for a life. I say just hang the bastard. contrary to popular beliefs, these animals are God’s children too.

    If all you can do is hurt or kill them, leave em alone!

  6. Cindy Miller says:

    This is totally disgisting that a human being can cause so much pain to a defense animal! This person is a danger, just kill the asshole! RIP baby 💔

  7. I am all about an eye for an eye. I believe it is only right they be hung from the bridge. I am sure no one will care, they are a waste of space.

  8. All mentally ill humanoid beasts should receive the same treatment, as this poor innocent dog.
    Torture that beast and then hang it until it is broken!
    It is not human, so don’t treat it like one.

  9. Janice Mcshane says:

    Geo track the phone for that bridge and you will find the killer.

  10. Maria Lavorato says:

    Find the demon or demons that tortured this sweet innocent little dog and give him/her REAL justice that fits the torture and suffering that was endured!!


    I really want to see them tortured and hung in the same exact way before some other innocent animal is caught!!!

  11. Mary Cameron says:

    An eye for an eye two legs or four 👍🤬

  12. Denise Violante says:

    Ok question so if Chantel had a hard rescuing the dog how the hell was some monster able to get the dog and hang it ???

  13. Laura Rolder says:

    You must find this evil monster and make themm pay for such a horrific act of animal abuse and torture. NO ANIMAL SHOULD EVER BE MISTREATED!! If the justice system doesn’t stand up for all the animals this will not stop. They must be held accountable. I wish we could do the same to them as they did to this poor helpless defenseless dog. Protect the innocent not the abusers.

  14. WTF is it with worthless ass humans on this earth! I truly pray that they get their asses hand down into hell and burn forever…

  15. Patricia Williams says:

    E.P. said it beautifully. I agree with every point made. This is a depraved POS that gets off on torture and maiming. Next it won’t be an innocent animal but a human… this was practice. Find and Prosecute Prosecute Prosecute Prosecute Prosecute.. to the Max.

  16. Simone Duguay says:

    Ce monstre sorti de lenfer est encore libre? Je déteste de plus en plus ceux qui s’en prennent à ces innocentes créatures!de Dieu. Qu’il soit repéré et qu’on l’enferme à tout jamais
    car il fera d’autres victimes. Son malaise est dans son crâne! Qu’on l’enferme à double tour. Dangereux spécimen1!

  17. Renata Kuchinsky says:

    Please find this monster before he commits another crime. He is dangerous to both animals and humans alike.

  18. I agree with all commemts – catch this cowardly
    Piece of shit and string him up from a very high bridge and leave him to die a very slow death!

  19. Shirley Lemieux says:

    What kind of society to human beings live in where we are met with such disturbing acts of animal cruelty by vicious and violent minded individuals who will torture a life so innocent? The “good” of the world would like to see every person responsible for such crimes face prosecution and conviction to send a clear message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated.

  20. Terry Henegar says:

    This scumbag bag needs to be hung from a bridge

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