Dog Brutally Tortured, Killed, and Hung From a Bridge Deserves Justice

Target: Mr. Arthur “Joe” Logan, Chief of Police, Honolulu Police Department, United States

Goal: Ensure a thorough investigation into the heinous killing and hanging of a dog and find the person responsible for this cruel and inhumane act.

In Waianae, Hawaii, the lifeless body of a medium-sized brown dog was strung up and left hanging from a bridge. The graphic image of the deceased dog, with visible wounds, deformation, and signs of decomposition, paints a distressing picture of the suffering endured by this innocent animal.

The discovery was made by a resident named Chantell, who had been trying to rescue and care for the dog for several months. Despite her efforts, the dog remained skittish and elusive, making it difficult to provide immediate help. Chantell’s heartbreaking account emphasizes the deplorable condition of the dog and the trauma it endured before its tragic demise.

This act of cruelty and violence towards an innocent and defenseless animal is an egregious violation of ethical principles and a deeply concerning reflection of the mistreatment and disregard for animal welfare. Such acts not only inflict unimaginable pain and suffering but also undermine the values of compassion and justice that our society upholds. Demand immediate action.


Dear Mr. Arthur “Joe” Logan,

The deliberate hanging of a dog is not only an affront to our shared values of compassion and justice, but also a violation of ethical principles and animal welfare laws. We demand that the perpetrators of this heinous act be brought to justice, facing severe legal consequences commensurate with the severity of their crime.

We implore you to ensure a thorough investigation into this case. We urge you to allocate all necessary resources and collaborate with relevant authorities to identify and apprehend the individuals responsible for this act of extreme cruelty.

Furthermore, we call upon you to strengthen efforts to educate the community on animal welfare, encourage responsible pet ownership, and promote empathy towards all living beings. By fostering a culture of compassion and respect, we can prevent such acts of cruelty from occurring in the future.


[Your Name Here]


  1. shelly blazich says:


    • Excuse me, Hawaii isn’t the so-called dark ages.
      It’s just SICK people on this island and in the world. They will be punished and tortured. The day will come for this BASTARD. How you treat animals you will be treated worse.

      • Gilda Provenzano says:

        Exactly!! Texas and Florida laws are much worse.

        • Not really. From the word on the street Hawaii promotes Beastiality and uses it for bringing in Tourists. Sick above all sickness. The abuse needs to stop no mater where it happens. Let the punishment mirror the crimes

    • Gilda Provenzano says:

      3rd world country? Did you know that Neighborhood Cats are helping spay and neuter feral cats in Hawaii instead of killing them? Like New Zealand wanting a feral cat killing contest involving kids. Let me not even mention Austrailia and what plans are for feral cats. Tnr of feral cats has been around for nearly 35 years. When i did cat rescue this was done FREE OF CHARGE.

  2. Michelle says:

    This severe animal abusing/killing scumbag requires instigation of the death penalty and nothing less.


      • Naila M Sanchez Johnston says:

        Absolutely! Damn him!! May he die a thousand torturous deaths and be damned to hell!!
        We are sooo enraged! This culprit must be caught and put to death!! This was torture and murder… DEATH PENALTY must be the punishment!! Someone kill him!! Please do not let this torture go unresolved!!

    • Totalmente de acuerdo contigo Michelle !!!!

    • CAROL PEARCE says:

      Exactly, until animals HAVE A VOICE and scum like this who abuse animals are severely punished, (death if I had my way) this will continue. What kind of savages are being born into this already sick world?

  3. No matter which state in which this horror happened, this is a tragedy. So frightening for the dog and so much suffering, The people responsible need to face justice. What ever happened to the people who lived the saying, “Do us to others qs you would want done unto you.”
    Is this such a strange notion? To honor and respect all living beings as we would want them to treat us if we were in their situation.Only bullies do this type of act. People like this are weak, and frightened thus they take out of others what they fear the most. Tragic. People these days are showing us what Hell is when all the while we could have Heaven on earth. Such a waste of life.

  4. Any person capable of doing something like this is nothing less than a dangerous sociopath. If this person is not caught and severely punished, next time it will be a child.

  5. If the bastard is caught, just arrange to be sodomized.

  6. .My only hope is you are tortured but not killed so you can suffer the rest of your life for treating a poor fur baby like this, you a$$ hole your day will come, you will brag to the wrong person about this because you are a COWARD,you have to do something sick like this, your not even worth being called a human

  7. I am so sick snd tired of these heartless, evil bastard / bitch taking out their frustrations out on an innocent animal. I hope the same things that were done to this innocent dog are done to thus piece of shit. This is when an “Eye for on Eye” is soooo appropriate.

  8. Janice M Washienko says:

    I’m sorry but anyone or group that commits such an atrosity will never truly be reformed and therefore should never take another breath!!!

  9. Prayers to the woman actually tried to help this pup. Everyone else who didn’t try to help is part of the problem – and the solution.

  10. Mary Whiteman says:

    The incidents of animal torture get worse and worse. Let the punishment fit the crime. So little regard for our animal friends. These things bring me to tears. Horrific.

    • Gilda Provenzano says:

      I am sure this evil shit happened years ago. It is just that social media brings it out.

      • no this crap happens every day in the country the media just don’t talk about it. Animal abuse is connected to future killings of humans. They progress They should make the punishment a felony and whatever they did to that animal should be the punishment to that person. An eye for and eye. That includes swinging from the bridge as a warning to others.

  11. Naila M Sanchez Johnston says:


  12. I hope they find the SOB punch his lights out and then throw them off the bridge! Poor little pup just needed some help and a dogcatcher.

  13. Fairell McFarland says:

    What the F*** . This just makes my blood boil. They need to find that son of a bitch and hang him from the bridge like how he hung and killed an innocent furrbaby. This person is nothing but a waste of our air. Any 1 that abuses animals all need to DIE. RIP Sweet Baby.

  14. The person should die a horrible death

  15. Frances Smith says:

    This does not surprise me. While visiting my son in the Papaikou neighborhood of Hilo I saw numerous dogs who live on chains. Hawaiians not regard dogs with compassion and love. They are here accessories to life, often ignored and forgotten and abused.

  16. I don’t know what methods were tried to catch this dog. But it should have been caught sooner than that time frame. Dog trap, and as a last resort an ACO with a dart gun. I guess extreme measures were not really taken. If you are the person who tried, try harder.

  17. History shows that Hawaii was originally populated by ocean traveller from Polynesia or Melanesia, and they brought dogs with them to eat, and I believe the method of killing was hanging. Such brutal and cruel people with no compassion for animals.
    Today we expect better, but there is an increasing amount of horrific cruelty, torture and killing of animals, especially in the USA and the far east, and also Australia. Although secondary, such cruelty also badly affects people who care for animals and sign these petitions, we can be traumatised by the evil deeds of these brutes who still live amongst us today.

  18. Sharon Rudyk says:


  19. Whoever did this is clearly sick in head and needs to be taught a lesson in empathy respect love n care whoeverdid this evil cruel inhumane thing yo a poor defenceless sentient being is friiiggin heartless and I hope karma comes back to them and bites them in the arse what a psychopath find him or her or them and hang them from gallows see how they bloody like it evil cowards that’s what they are

  20. I wish a painful and excruciating death for the scumbag that did this. Chantell should request to see security camera footage in areas the dog was spotted. Hawaii needs charge this POS killer with a felony and put th behind bars NOW!

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