Target: Mr. B Dayananda, Commissioner of Police in Bengaluru, India
Goal: Ensure a thorough investigation into the alleged mysterious deaths of 13 stray dogs in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
A distressing incident has come to light regarding the alleged mysterious deaths of 13 stray dogs under the care of Charlies Animals Rescue Center (CARE) in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. The reported deaths have raised serious concerns about the well-being and treatment of animals within the center and the need for a comprehensive investigation into the matter.
Based on a complaint filed by Dr. Radhika Thyagaraju, an animal activist, the Bagaluru police have registered a case against CARE under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960. Dr. Radhika discovered the corpses of the 13 stray dogs being brought to the Summanahalli crematorium on May 26, 2023, and promptly alerted the police. The incident highlights the urgent need to ascertain the cause of death and determine if any acts of cruelty or negligence were involved. Demand immediate action.
Dear Mr. B Dayananda,
We are writing to express our deep concern and demand immediate action in response to the alleged mysterious deaths of 13 stray dogs under the care of Charlies Animals Rescue Center (CARE) in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. The gravity of this reported incident necessitates a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding their deaths.
We urge you to prioritize this case and ensure a comprehensive investigation is conducted. It is crucial to uncover the truth, determine the cause of death, and hold those responsible accountable for their actions, if any wrongdoing is discovered.
We demand that you allocate all necessary resources to expedite the investigation and collaborate with relevant experts, such as forensic specialists, to analyze the samples collected from the deceased dogs. By doing so, we can establish the cause of their deaths and ascertain if any acts of cruelty, negligence, or violations of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 have occurred.
It is essential to send a clear message that acts of cruelty towards animals will not be tolerated in Bengaluru, and those responsible will face the full force of the law. The outcome of this investigation will not only provide justice for the deceased dogs but also serve as a precedent for the protection and welfare of all animals within the city.
We entrust you with the responsibility of ensuring a just and thorough investigation. By addressing this incident promptly and diligently, you will demonstrate Bengaluru’s commitment to upholding the principles of compassion, justice, and empathy towards all living beings.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Pranjal Nath
India hates dogs. Dogs are beaten by young girls in driveways leading to their homes. Nothing is ever said or done. I find it hard to understand how dogs are treated so horribly. India understands Karma. I feel Karma speaks not just for humans but for all life. Maybe they will ponder that for a while.
As animal welfare activists we want to see tougher sentences for animal cruelty animals should be respected and treated in a proper and kind way there should be ZERO TOLERANCE TO CRUELTY WORLDWIDE AND WE WILL NOT REST UNTIL WE GET IT!!!!!!!!
The point is be nice to all animals. Or BACHI!! That why India has flooding, Volcano eruption and etc.
That country just like the rest of the world will not do a damn thing for any of these animals cause that government just like the rest don’t care