Stop Cancer-Causing Toxins From Invading Drinking Water

Target: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Michael S. Regan

Goal: Ban the use of PFAS in U.S. water to prevent health issues caused by this dangerous compound.

Research reports that within the last twenty years, 6.5 million deaths across America have been contributed to the use of PFAS in drinking water. PFAS compounds are used in waterproofing materials, firefighting, and more, but it’s a dangerous chemical that should not be consumed. When products containing it are spilled or in close proximity to water, it can enter water systems and even bottled water plants. It’s a nearly indestructible chemical that is often present in sources that utilize surface water for products.

PFAS can cause immune system deficiencies, thyroid issues, liver and kidney disease, reproductive issues, and most importantly, cancer. This compound contains dangerous carcinogens that can cause lifelong issues if not directly causing cancer. There are also reports of PFAS causing a lower vaccine response rate in children. Furthermore, heart disease and heightened cholesterol levels are a risk of being exposed to PFAS. The states are finally beginning to understand the severity of this material, and with water being a necessity, billions of individuals are consuming it.

This chemical is detrimental to the health of all individuals throughout the U.S and high exposure puts consumers at risk for fatal diseases later in life. If nothing is done to halt its use, it can continue spreading carcinogens and causing irreversible health effects. Sign below to demand the EPA ban PFAS use as soon as possible.


Dear EPA Administrator Regan,

Millions of Americans have died from intense exposure to PFAS. PFAS is a chemical present in water, and in order to prevent the consumption of carcinogens, it must be banned or else it will continue to harm billions of humans.

PFAS gets into waterways by it being present on the ground. It’s common for it to be in any sort of drinking water, but as it’s a chemical used for creating consumer products, it should absolutely not be consumed. Its consumption can lead to liver and kidney issues, heart diseases, higher cholesterol levels, immune deficiencies, vitamin deficiencies, and cancer growth. It can even impact reproduction and the vaccine success rates in children.

Research has proven that PFAS consumption has killed millions of people, and it contributes to lifelong diseases that often have no cure. Ban PFAS in water and enforce stricter regulations on the chemicals present. Thank you for your attention to this message.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: denvit


  1. Get rid of 80% of plastic pollution … bring back glass bottles!

    • Gilda Provenzano says:

      And stop buying bottled water. Get something with a filter. You will be healthier and not spend money on plastics.

  2. Maria Lavorato says:

    Really….NO BRAINER

    Are they deliberately trying to kill everyone and everything!!!!

  3. If you’re concerned about the toxins in the water, you shouldn’t be drinking water from plastic bottles. They are already full of toxins such as BPA . Plus plastic is itself a forever mix of chemicals that break down into micro plastics which have been found in all parts of our Earth including the deepest trench in the ocean. They are in all animals, INCLUDING US! We still don’t know all the harm that they do. Find glass. It can be recycled infinitely without breaking down.

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  • Nataša Stojanović
  • Patricia Dayton
  • Rhonda Morris
  • Lisa Forsberg
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  • Esther Lance
  • Siân Street
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Chrissy Wade
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