Target: Mr. Shannon Sims, Director of San Antonio Animal Care Services
Goal: Pursue justice and maximum penalties for the felony charge of animal cruelty against John C. Schafer, who allegedly stabbed his dog in the throat with a box cutter.
A deeply disturbing incident of animal cruelty has come to light, reportedly involving a 28-year-old man named John C. Schafer. According to police reports, Mr. Schafer is facing a felony charge of animal cruelty after allegedly stabbing his dog in the throat with a box cutter at his residence on the 200 block of Coopwood. This act of extreme cruelty took place in April and has raised significant concern among animal rights advocates and compassionate individuals worldwide.
Upon receiving the distress call, police officers arrived at the scene, where Mr. Schafer was reportedly threatening to kill his family dog. Tragically, it is alleged that he followed through with his threats, resulting in a deep puncture wound on the left side of the dog’s neck. The injured dog, a young male American Staffordshire terrier named Zander, was immediately taken to the Animal Care Services veterinary clinic for urgent medical care.
Thanks to the dedicated efforts of the veterinary staff and the compassionate intervention of animal care officers, Zander has undergone extensive care and treatment. He has since been placed in an adoptive home, where he can live a safe and nurturing life alongside other animal companions.
Now, it is of utmost importance to address this heinous act and seek justice for the innocent victim. We urge Mr. Sims to take decisive action and ensure that this case is treated with the gravity it deserves. Demand justice now.
Dear Mr. Shannon Sims,
We, the undersigned, are writing to express our deep concern and outrage regarding a reported incident of animal cruelty. Stabbing a dog in the throat with a box cutter is shockingly disturbing.
The reported act of cruelty inflicted upon the innocent dog, Zander, has touched the hearts of people worldwide. As an esteemed authority, you hold the power to ensure that justice prevails and that such acts of cruelty are met with appropriate consequences.
We demand that you take firm action against the accused, ensuring a thorough investigation and prosecution in accordance with the laws. It is crucial to send a resolute message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated and that those who engage in such acts will face severe legal repercussions.
By addressing this incident promptly and seeking the maximum penalties for animal cruelty, you will not only deliver justice for the victim but also reaffirm our commitment to protect the rights and welfare of all animals.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Adrienn87
This vile, mentally deranged scumbag requires instigation of the death penalty or at the very least a lengthy prison term of no less than 20 years duration.
Prosecute this monster! John Schafer inflicted such pain and tortured this dog! Get him OUT of the community!!
Oh so agree Sharon.
Je suis tellement dérangée en dedans quand je lis ces choses affreuses venant de ma race sur terre! Grandissez en dedans salauds! Mettez-e hors de nuire svp C’est un danger public pour tous! URGENCE DEMANDÉE@
Anyone who cares for and cares about has to be told to get charges filed against that evil son of a bitch? You’re kidding me! John Schafer shouldn’t be alive taking up good air – he needs to be eradicated for the good of all living things. True justice for Zander comes with a taser, rope, a tree and a Karma bat (aka Louisville Slugger), then buzzards for cleaning.
I am with you 100% … except, let us all who love Dogs stop using “son of a bitch” as an insult. If people were born of anyone as caring and noble as a female Dog, let’s face, it this would be a better world. Son-of-a-bitch should be used as a compliment. … Now concerning John Schafer … the maximum or, save taxpayers money, and someone stab him.
throw the scum in jail for good
AN EYE FOR AN EYE!!! The evil doesn’t deserve the oxygen!
Ok.. Mr. Attorney General, what’s the holdup? What’s going to be next? A child crying? A worker he doesn’t like? Prosecute this scumbag!
I TOTALLY AGREE WITH.. Uncommon Sensesc
“Anyone who cares for and cares about has to be told to get charges filed against that evil son of a bitch? You’re kidding me! John Schafer shouldn’t be alive taking up good air – he needs to be eradicated for the good of all living things. True justice for Zander comes with a taser, rope, a tree and a Karma bat (aka Louisville Slugger), then buzzards for cleaning.”!!!!
Dear Mr. Shannon Sims,
Please follow through on the prosecution of John C. Schaefer for the brutal assault on Zander, who is a very sweet and loving pet Terrier family pet. The life threatening assault and injuries were perpetrated intentionally and deliberately, and he needs to be punished to the fullest extent of the law. I personally had a dog like this one, and he wouldn’t harm a fly. Please make certain that Justice for Zander becomes a reality. Thank you.
Dear Mr. Shannon Sims,
Please follow through on the criminal prosecution of John C. Schaefer and also strongly recommend and decidedly advise that Mr. Schaefer NOT be allowed to own pets ever EVER again in the future for his mistreatment and extreme cruelty towards his former loving and sweet family pet dog, “ZANDER,” who deserved and deserves only the very best treatment ever and immediate and swift JUSTICE !!!!!
It’s a pity that this pathetic excuse for a human being called “John C. Schafer” didn’t rather slit HIS OWN throat with a box cutter, because THAT would have rid this world of a useless piece of oxygen-wasting garbage. And no doubt he will now claim the latest trendy excuse of “mental illness” – as if THAT exonerates ALL his vile actions. If he is not successfully prosecuted now, I wonder who will be his next victim? And how many more innocents must suffer at his hands? And at 28 years of age, he has a LONG life ahead of him to do more unspeakable acts against defenseless animals and humans.
Totally agree!
John C. Schafer threatened to kill and attempted to do so. In my book that is MURDER. Think of the suffering Zander experienced! He should be charged with murder 1. PLEASE GIVE ZANDER REAL JUSTICE. ….or some other animal or person will be next!
But in a perfect world Schafer should feel the same agony back…eye for an eye….so I have to agree with Uncommon Sensesc..
They know who did this disgusting act of cruelty!! Now charge and sentence him!!!
hanging up
He will get off for doing this but instead of jail are prison maybe someone should his fucking head off so he can’t breathe at all
We don’t need this asshole sitting in jail, being fed, clothed, allowed to workout, read, go on computers, etc. No, he should be stabbed in the neck and left to bleed out somewhere, who cares really. Just end his damn life.
Our planet is inhabited by millions of desensitized and dehumanized sadistic psychopaths. Signing petitions on a daily basis, gave me a glimpse into a world I didn’t know existed! A world of horrific bestiality, greed and the worst ANIMAL TORTURE imaginable!!!
MAX JAIL for this DESENSITIZED, DEHUMANIZED and PATHOLOGICAL LOWLIFE SCUM! He must also be forbidden from owning animals ever again, and also cover all the costs resulting from this horrific abuse.
This innocent and loving dog deserves justice. SET A PRECEDENT. Punish to full extent of law.
Another violent coward. John C. Schafer intended to take the life of his own dog by cutting his throat with a box cutter. I hope that this putrid thing they call a human being gets what’s coming to him and is never allowed to own another pet for the remainder of his life.