Prevent Lethal Train and Car Accidents by Investing in Infrastructure

Target: Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India

Goal: Upgrade designs, safety standards, and laws regarding transportation.

A catastrophic collision involving three trains devastated Odisha, India. Over 290 people were killed and thousands injured in the worst rail disaster in two decades. Signaling failures are believed to have contributed to the disaster. An anti-collision system that has been deployed on other railways may have helped prevent this tragedy. Unfortunately, alleged misappropriation of rail safety funds has been a continuous issue.

The overall transportation systems in India have also come under intense scrutiny. Nearly one million people are killed or seriously injured on the country’s roads every year. Street designs are scarcely evaluated and vetted, resulting in seriously flawed infrastructure that presents traffic and safety hazards. Lax enforcement of basic rules of the road also creates a harrowing experience anytime a person takes a drive. And basic protections, such as a dedicated traffic department and strong vehicle safety standards, are nearly nonexistent.

Some local efforts to amend these problems show promise, but a national push for enhanced transportation safety needs to happen. Sign the petition below to demand India make travel a safer experience.


Dear Prime Minister Modi,

A ceremony unveiling a new rail collision avoidance system was cancelled by one of this nation’s worst railway disasters in history. The tragic irony of memorials replacing celebrations reinforces the urgent need for a comprehensive transportation overhaul within India. Widespread deployment of the anti-collision system would be a solid start. This action, however, must be complemented by widescale reforms on the rails and on the roads.

Faulty street design, lacking vehicle safety standards, and failure of enforcement of traffic laws (including the absence of a dedicated traffic department in law enforcement) have been identified as serious and longstanding concerns. These issues lead to harm and death for more than 900,000 citizens annually. Please combine your resources and influence to put together a team that will create plans of action to improve India’s transportation and travel infrastructure.

Let the rail disaster be an impetus and a driver of needed change. Do not let another person die in vain.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Swattik Jana

One Comment

  1. We speak of infrastructure but where is it? We could have it sooner if the rich would also pay just their fair share of taxes. Why the middle class gets stuck with the bill is a mystery to me. There is no trickle down economics. We all need to accept our fair share and the burden so it wouldn’t be so heavy for any of us. If you make more money then be glad to pay more taxes.
    There is great need to have trains which are reliable and safe. Bridges which are safe to cross without falling down due to age or failure to do adequate maintenance. Airports and road ways must be constantly kept up to a high standard. We can do much but it is up to all of us to carry the load. The rich run their businesses off our roads with trucks, etc. Do they pay? No. This must change. After all we are the United States so let’s be united in this effort going forward.

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  • Janice Bernard
  • jacci russ
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
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  • Sandra Dorst
  • Lori Lorentz
  • Siân Street
  • Maryann Piccione
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