Target: Morris Richardson, County Attorney for Brevard County, FL
Goal: Prosecute woman accused of abandoning and starving pets to fullest extent.
A woman who claims her job is to care for animals has allegedly caused the pain, suffering, and death of two animals under her care. A deceased dog and a pig near death were reportedly found at a residence where suspect Lita Rogers once lived. Heartbreakingly, the dog’s remains were discovered beside an empty food bowl, indicating the canine likely died from starvation. The pig is currently recovering from apparent malnourishment as well.
The animals were seemingly being looked after by Rogers and her boyfriend prior to his death. After an argument with the boyfriend’s family, Rogers apparently vacated the residence and left the animals behind. Despite reportedly returning to this household several times, the suspect allegedly made no effort to feed, rehome, or otherwise help these suffering animals. When asked about her seeming lack of action, this woman—who says she is a veterinary technician—reportedly claimed the animals were not her responsibility.
Authorities apparently disagreed. The sheriff in charge of the investigation stated, “she took her anger out on this poor, helpless dog and this pig.” Rogers has since been charged with animal abandonment and animal cruelty. Sign the petition below to ensure she faces full legal repercussions if found guilty.
Dear DA Richardson,
“This lady left these animals, left them behind. Now, it’s not bad enough that she left them behind. She says that it wasn’t her responsibility.” Sheriff Wayne Ivey’s distress concerning the animal cruelty case brought against Lita Rogers is apparent. The sheriff’s officers came upon a horrific scene when they found a badly decomposed dog beside an empty food bowl, along with a starving pig.
If Ms. Rogers did abandon these animals to an agonizing death, she cannot claim ignorance of their condition, as she reportedly made several return visits to the house. She apparently could check on the status of her car, but not on the well-being of the living beings inside. Ms. Rogers also could not claim she did not understand the gravity of her alleged actions. She is a vet tech, so she should know the consequences of neglect. Her reported occupation makes the charges against her all the worse.
Please send a strong message about the seriousness of any form of animal cruelty by seeking the maximum punishment in the event of a guilty finding.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Mart Production
Maldita mujer!!! Mil veces maldita veterinaria???!!! Dejar morir de hambre a los animales …habla de una crueldad inaceptable !!!! Justicia!!!! Cárcel efectiva!!!!!!
Rogers has earned her own place in hell, now let’s see the Florida police find her a jail cell. There was deliberate and heinous abuse, she actively tried to end their lives and would not hesitate to do this again. Lifetime ban on any animal contact, jail, fines and lost of mental therapy. The fact that she is supposed to be a vet tech just cements her guilt, she knew and did it anyway.
To stop this happening we need to punish these people who kill animals for fun, supposed revenge, because they had a bad day or whatever lame excuse she has; lock her up.
Animal abusers world wide require instigation of the death penalty and nothing less.
I just watched the video showing Sheriff Iveys walking this bitch into the police station and I applaud him for recognizing the evil and cruelty she has done to these poor animals. He is so right in his description of her (he is truly an animal lover and wants justice). Vet Technician? My Arse – who would send their animal to any place she worked. Lock her up and starve her – no pity from anyone here.
Life imprisonment for that bitch
Yet another evil pieces of cr** who deserves to be treated the same way she treated the dog and pig. She needs to know what those animals felt like, going to a food and water bowl and finding nothing…..an eye for an eye!! Let her feel the pain and agony they felt.