Man Accused of Cutting Paws Off Puppies Must be Punished

Target: Kim Ogg, Harris County District Attorney
Goal: Perform a thorough investigation into the man accused of cutting the legs or paw off six live puppies.

A deeply disturbing case of animal cruelty has emerged in Baytown, Texas. Justin Belton, a 44-year-old man, is facing multiple charges of cruelty to non-livestock animals. According to court documents, Belton stands accused of cutting the legs or paws off of six live puppies, inflicting unimaginable pain and suffering upon these innocent creatures.

Two of the mutilated puppies died, but miraculously, four survived.

The act of mutilating defenseless puppies is a horrifying violation of ethical principles and demonstrates a complete disregard for the well-being and dignity of living beings. Such acts of cruelty not only inflict physical harm, but also cause profound emotional distress to both the animals involved and the broader community.

It is our collective responsibility to ensure that justice is served and that those who commit acts of cruelty are held accountable for their actions.


Dear District Attorney Ogg,

We are writing to express our deep concern and outrage regarding the recent case of animal cruelty in Baytown, Texas. The allegations against Justin Belton, accused of cutting the legs or paw off of six live puppies, have shocked and appalled the community.

We demand that you prioritize this case and pursue it with the utmost diligence. Every effort must be made to collect compelling evidence, interview witnesses, and ensure a fair and just legal process. The charges of cruelty to non-livestock animals against Justin Belton must be thoroughly investigated and to ensure he can be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

By taking decisive action against this alleged perpetrator, you will send a powerful message that acts of animal cruelty will not be tolerated in Harris County, Texas. It is essential to demonstrate that our community upholds the principles of compassion, justice, and empathy towards all living beings.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: kitty.green66


  1. Patricia Alexander says:

    I don’t comment often on this site but this is one of the worst animal abuse crimes I’ve ever read. How are the poor babies suppose get around? That man is extremely crazy! Lock him up so he can’t do it again!

    • Trish Slayton says:

      I wouldn’t classify this monster as crazy. He knew what he was doing to those precious defenseless babies. He should be locked up for many years.

  2. Tamyra Wallace says:

    Cut off his hands and feet. See how he likes it. This man is beyond evil and needs to be jailed for a very long time. We MUST protect the innocent.

  3. Lock up this monster immediately in the general population of criminals.he doesn’t deserve to live freely and is a danger to society. These types of people start with animal abuse and progress to human killings. Lock this deviant up for life.

    • Laura K Perkinson says:

      This is Exactly What these kinds of people do. Do nothing and then wring your hands when he starts on babies!

    • Melinda Shaw says:

      Why do we have to always include what potentially will happen to humans. This is about the sanctity of tiny, defenseless animals and how they were betrayed. That should be enough. But I agree, this guy does not deserve to live.

      • Robert McLing says:

        Because animal abuse and/or torture is one of the triads of sociopathy. Many will start with insects, small animals, etc. then progress to human beings. It’s a red flag & it’s worth noting

  4. Urszula Lund says:

    This is the most GROTESQUE and UNFORGIVABLE CRIME!
    WHERE is the JUSTICE!?
    Animals shall not be victims of DEHUMANIZED and DESENSITIZED, SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!!! Crimes committed against innocent animals are increasingly GROTESQUE because the punishment for animal abuse is not severe enough, and in many cases does not exist. A slap on the wrist is a MOCKERY of animal victims. This satanic monster must be severely punished, MAX JAIL.
    He must also be forbidden from coming near animals ever again, and also charged for all veterinary costs resulting from this horrific torture!
    Our community upholds the principles of compassion, justice, and empathy towards all living beings. Animal cruelty will not be tolerated in Harris County, Texas.

    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law! Lock him up for life!

    • Prison is not a punishment that is equal to this heinious act of animal cruelty.
      The only way to end animal cruelty forever is to strip the monsters of its human rights and make them endure the exact same torture. That should be the world wide law!

      • That’s exactly what I always said. Let them feel the same torture they have done to these poor animals. That is the best punishment for these monsters.

  5. This kind of trash that enjoys dismembering a live creature and watching it writhe in pain for enjoyment needs to be put down himself. What’s next for giggles? A human baby? Fucking string that piece of shit up!

  6. There are too many sick, disgusting people in this world. It breaks my heart to hear of such abuse. I don’t have any new ideas to prevent such horror. I guess that harsher laws and sentences are the only way.

  7. Pamela Bollinger says:

    Nothing bad enough can be done to this excuse for a human being. The current laws are not strong enough to protect innocent animals. He should be dismembered and then left to die. An eye for an eye.

  8. Cur off his hands, his feet and his penis….and give him nothing for pain and let him bleed out.He doesn’t deserve to live.

  9. These stories seem to be getting sicker and more ghastly every time I open one of them. Perhaps we should bring back an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth for animal abusers – and perhaps some humans too.

    • Julia Edinger says:

      I believe this isn’t a “human”!!!! It’s a DEMON BEING!!! Who “MUST BE” put on death roll list immediately!!!

  10. Germain Sanchez says:

    Mais tuez le, on a pas besoin d’une merde pareille sur la terre.

  11. Susan Rodriguez says:

    This is a very disturbing case. How are these puppies going to recover, emotionally and physically. This must be a very disturbed, dangerous person. He needs to pay for what he did. Throw him in jail and throw away the keys.

  12. Society. You need to find this POS and do the justice that the courts will not!

    • Maria Minnick says:

      Agree 100% this sadistic psychopaths relays on the lack of punishment related to animal cruelty why do we have to beg to the those law makers to be tougher on cruelly to Animals? I hope this monster can be chase by a mob and get the same thing since the law isn’t there for the animals little angels to me the same as children

  13. Agree all comments he Isa sick fucker. Cut his hands feet punishment off and stick him on a ants nest leave him till he dies we dint want cunts like him in this world .Judges do what you payed for I’m sick of seeing people not enough punishment for the crime. Give to animal lovers to deal with and where he lives. Let the public know who is and show his face . Kill him.

  14. This cruel despicable man needs to be punished for this horrific thing that he did to the puppies. He should be named at the very least. There is something very wrong with him. If he can do that to puppies what else is he capable of.

  15. Laura Rolder says:

    The same needs to be done to him. But the law won’t allow it so Felony animal abuse for each innocent helpless puppy is the least he should get. That way he should be be in prison for at least 30 years. Don’t set him free he his evil and dangerous to all living beings.

  16. I, agree with all the other comments! “An eye for an eye”!!

  17. Therese Kutscheid says:

    What a peace of garbage. That is a shocking case. Cut of his limbs, lock him in a jail and trow the keys.

  18. To harm the most precious, heart breaking. This person needs to spend his life in a cell and never, ever be near an animal. I am sad that this person will never know the love of an animal.

  19. Claudia J Ferguson says:

    Let me at him!! I’ll chop off his limbs AND his 3rd leg!! That SOB needs to really needs to be punished!!

  20. Joanne Russell says:

    I cannot fathom how anyone could do this to innocent animals. If this POS can do it now, of course he could do it in the future. This POS needs to be jailed for the rest of his life to protect animals and humans. Send this POS to jail and throw away the key NOW!!!!!!!

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