Target: Kim Ogg, Harris County District Attorney
Goal: Perform a thorough investigation into the man accused of cutting the legs or paw off six live puppies.
A deeply disturbing case of animal cruelty has emerged in Baytown, Texas. Justin Belton, a 44-year-old man, is facing multiple charges of cruelty to non-livestock animals. According to court documents, Belton stands accused of cutting the legs or paws off of six live puppies, inflicting unimaginable pain and suffering upon these innocent creatures.
Two of the mutilated puppies died, but miraculously, four survived.
The act of mutilating defenseless puppies is a horrifying violation of ethical principles and demonstrates a complete disregard for the well-being and dignity of living beings. Such acts of cruelty not only inflict physical harm, but also cause profound emotional distress to both the animals involved and the broader community.
It is our collective responsibility to ensure that justice is served and that those who commit acts of cruelty are held accountable for their actions.
Dear District Attorney Ogg,
We are writing to express our deep concern and outrage regarding the recent case of animal cruelty in Baytown, Texas. The allegations against Justin Belton, accused of cutting the legs or paw off of six live puppies, have shocked and appalled the community.
We demand that you prioritize this case and pursue it with the utmost diligence. Every effort must be made to collect compelling evidence, interview witnesses, and ensure a fair and just legal process. The charges of cruelty to non-livestock animals against Justin Belton must be thoroughly investigated and to ensure he can be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
By taking decisive action against this alleged perpetrator, you will send a powerful message that acts of animal cruelty will not be tolerated in Harris County, Texas. It is essential to demonstrate that our community upholds the principles of compassion, justice, and empathy towards all living beings.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: kitty.green66
He should not be allowed to walk this earth. Lock him up for life and no chance of ever stepping out back on the streets again. Maybe remove his hands and feet too.
Totalmente de acuerdo!!!! Hombre diabólico!!
Cut his feet and hands off so he won’t ever be able to do this to another living being
The only proper justice for this waste of oxygen
Totally agree with you
Totalmente de acuerdo contigo!!!
Totally agree but do it slowly so the pain is intensified to the max ! Low life piece of shit !!!!
I agree!!! Cut them off and don’t give him any pain meds, and then let him slowly die!! He needs to be wiped off the planet, along with all of the other animals abusers/killers!! Animals need justice!! No more slaps on the hands for these psycho narcissistic sociopaths!!
Totalmente de acuerdo!!!! Mierda humana!!!
Okay who is this sumbitch?? I would have taken a shovel to his head if I could have gotten my hands on him. Fucking POS!
It’s infuriating to say this but Texas protects their own, depending on who your family is. He should be tortured over a long period then put to death in my opinion.
Unbelievable cruelty, hope this disgusting subhuman is going to a mental institution pronto. This creature should not be walking the planet, a danger to humans and animals.
Somebody needs to kill the EVIL BASTARD!!!
Eradicate, Justin Belton, Subhuman off the face of the earth!!
What a total POS. And Nothing has been done? Torture and maiming… it’s true… EVIL walks among us.
District Attorney Kim Ogg,
Please prosecute Justin Belton to the maximum fullest extent of the law, as there is no punishment great enough to match the sadistic intentional and premeditated actions of this inhumane monster from the pit of hell. 2 poor innocent puppies lost their sweet precious lives and the other puppies are forever going to be in pain and misery throughout the rest of their lives as a result of this cruel devil demon.
There once was a manufacturing factory in the cold Midwest where I grew up; the good people who worked there worked very hard in the harsh freezing temperatures. At least one third of them were missing digits-fingers, hands and arms. They barely earned enough money to pay their bills and put food on the table. Take this miserable price of crap and lock him up and force him to work on machines and equipment in the cold where he may or may not keep his limbs. Take the money that he is paid and pay restitution to the Veterinarians and kind people who have so honorably provided care for the remaining puppies as well as in honor of the ones who did not survive because of this outright mean individual. And please do not allow him to ever own another pet again in his pathetic lifetime.
Thank you.
Why why why why?!?!?!?!
This is a complete sicko and
This creep should rot in jail and get the shit beat out of his ugly self every day!!!! Justice for these innocent puppies is required!!!
This POS deserves the death penalty, what a scumbag
Although it mentions that this sadistic man was charged with multiple animal cruelty charges, there is no mention as to how many are Felony charges. Two lives lost and Four others disfigured for life. The pattern of men like this is that they only attack innocent lives that they can over power. That is no man. He is a coward. He should be sentenced to the guillotine so he can experience the fear and pain involved.
Cut off all this scum’s parts.
Non livestock!!!! It it ok to torture livestock then? What on earth is going on. There is no excuse or any clause that condones any cruelty. This low life is pure evil and should be put down as the millions of other sadistic filthy souls. I would take on the job as executioner and gladly send these non humans back to where they came from.
OMG! SOB! This EVIL should get his legs and arms amputated!! END OF STORY!
Kim Ogg, Harris County District Attorney
Yes livestock count, all animals do. Agree with you Wendy…
Sweet little puppies, I am so sad….
How is this horrible act of torture and cruelty going unnoticed ? This man must be put in prison? I can’t Imagine how anyone could mutilate such innocent puppies. It is disgusting to let this person out in society because he will do this again. Please make tougher animal cruelty laws
The only punishment for this type of criminals is to sodomise them publicly.
Another rotten disgusting lowdown scumbag!!!
Prosecutors and judges need to step up for victims of animal abuse and convict and sentence them.
These sickos need to be put away!