How Many More Race Horses Must Die? It’s Time to Stop the Abuse

Target: Chuck Schumer, U.S. Senate Majority Leader

Goal: Support stronger regulations of horse racing industry to better protect active and retired racehorses.

The most recent Kentucky Derby will likely not be remembered for its winner and its roll call of racehorses but rather for its roll call of the dead: Wild On Ice, Code of Kings, Take Charge Briana, Chasing Artie, Chloe’s Dream, Freezing Point, and Parents Pride. Altogether, seven horses—all under five years of age–died in the run-up to or on the day of the Derby. Their causes of death ranged from injury to unknown causes. At least one suspension has resulted, but where is the greater accountability?

Young animals involved in horse racing have a notoriously high mortality rate, even as the average horse lifespan can reach 30 years. The horse that won the Kentucky Derby in 2021 was later stripped of the title due to suspected drugging, and that horse died suddenly a short time later. Suspicions about the treatment of racehorses have plagued venues from Churchill Downs to the notorious Santa Anita racetrack. And at least one Racing Hall of Fame inductee has been the subject of multiple suspensions and accusations stemming from a PETA investigation of abuse and drugging during training.

A stronger regulatory organization might begin setting things right for these vulnerable animals, as would passage of a bill to ban the slaughter of retired racehorses. Sign the petition below to advocate for these essential actions.


Dear Senator Schumer,

The gold standard of horse racing—the Kentucky Derby—is becoming more synonymous with tragedy and controversy than with Triple Crowns.  This year, the roster of dead horses nearly outnumbered the starting lineup. When will this narrative change?

The development of the Horserace Integrity and Safety Authority by Congressional order was a step in the right direction, but this measure still has too many loopholes and a lack of real enforcement. For context, Churchill Downs—the site of this year’s spate of deaths—was said to be “in full compliance.” Congress needs to send this agency back to the drawing board so that it can be “in full compliance” with its own objectives. And legislators can enact another important safeguard for horses once they leave the racetrack by passing the Save America’s Forgotten Equines Act, which would help prevent the needless slaughter of these prized animals for the sake of a few saved dollars.

The horse racing industry makes untold amounts of money off the backs of these animals. Please show Americans that you do not support profiteering from pain and cruelty by passing integral protections at once.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Kentucky Tourism


  1. Julia Edinger says:

    I think horses racing AND NOT BEING PROTECTED IS A CRIME!!! It’s all about greedy humans and their evil treatment to make lots of money “NO MATTER WHAT” !!!! MUST STOP !!!

  2. There money hungry scums should be put in jail

  3. Urszula Lund says:

    How come that GREED is prioritized before compassion and respect for other sentient beings!!!???

  4. Urszula Lund says:

    How come that GREED is prioritized over compassion for other sentient beings!!!???

  5. Those involved in the racing world are fully aware of this continual problem. They are in the know and realize the danger to horses. But horses and other animals used for entertainment are not a priority. They are simply a means to an end. The deaths will continue until the race tracks are closed yet since this has been going on for hundreds of years it appears it isn’t going to stop anytime in the near future. It should have stopped years ago when all these shots given to horses to make them run faster than they can breathe, began. Now this must end and with that all horse racing. Period.

  6. Horse racing is a very cruel sport. These beautiful vulnerable animals are subject to mistreatment ,disrespect and then murdered when they are no longer useful or are too old. Please tighten the laws to protect them from abuse and send those to good santuaries for retirement.

  7. stephanie allen says:

    Stop the horse racing please!

  8. It’s disgusting and evil that people pay to watch this animal torture!

  9. Need to ban all racing and any venues with including animals!!! Training of them is cruelty!!!!!

  10. Shirley Lemieux says:

    I strongly support this petition. We have long heard of abuse and drugging in the horse racing industry for quite some time. As this petition states, the average life span of a Horse is 30 years but that life is cut dramatically lower with horses forced to race. While many people do enjoy these races, it is not understood or without knowledge to many people as to what is going on behind the scenes that is taking the lives of many young horses. Something should be done.

  11. Cindy Miller says:

    Horse racing & dog racing, the animals have no choice they are just thrown into it to make money for humans & should be outlaw!

  12. Maria Lavorato says:

    Of all the gratuitous displays for public viewing, this is the one that ranks right up there!

    This whole business is totally unjustified, pointless, senseless and without any compassion whatsoever for the horses that break their back dying for man’s entertainment and GREED!

    “Horserace Integrity and Safety Authority by Congressional order was a step in the right direction, but this measure still has too many loopholes and a lack of real enforcement”…WELL WELL WELL WHAT A SURPRISE! PROBABLY DELIBERATE!!!!!!

    The only thing that makes any sense and shows some remorse and compassion is to TERMINATE THIS BUSINESS IN ITS ENTIRETY. HOW MANY HORSES DIED! HOW MANY TIMES ARE YOU WILLING TO TURN A BLIND EYE!!!!!!!

  13. Maria Lavorato says:

    AGREE AGREE …any sport where any being needs to be drugged to perform is deplorable and should be outlawed. ALL INVOLVED SHOULD BE CHARGED TO THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW.

  14. Ban the whole thang altogether. 😠

  15. I agree all comments all these sports need to be banned to much cruelty. STOP NOW its all about money and not animals welfare. It is bullshit.

  16. Unfortunately, this will never end because of the dam rich and greed of so called intelligent human beings!

  17. Wendy+Morrison says:


  18. Sherry Akridge says:

    Horse racing is barbaric. All those young horses dying, and nothing is being done. Those money hungry monsters do not care about the horses. They only care about their own greed. Slaughtering of retired race horses is sickening. Racing horses should be against the law. It is not a sport. It is abuse. A stupid way for dumb humans to make money, by torturing and abusing animals.

  19. Jaime Perez says:

    Ban and outlaw horse racing! This is not entertainment, it’s blatant cruelty to horses.

  20. Stephanie Geyser says:

    Unfortunately, as long as there is money to be made out of horse racing (for their lazy owners, who just sit on their fat backsides and wait for their abused animals to win money for them) horseracing will continue. Money ALWAYS wins, no matter how much animal abuse it incurs.

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