Promote Sustainable Living Practices to Save the Venus Flytrap

Target: Ms. Deb Haaland, Secretary of the Interior in the United States

Goal: Advocate for the conservation of the Venus Flytrap, a unique and endangered plant species native to the Southeastern United States.

The Venus Flytrap is a carnivorous plant species that is endemic to a small region in the Southeastern United States. Due to habitat loss, poaching, and over-collection, the Venus Flytrap is facing extinction. The Venus Flytrap has been listed as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act since 1984.

The Venus Flytrap is a unique and important species that plays a significant role in the ecosystem of its native habitat. It is not only an object of fascination for scientists and enthusiasts but also has potential medical and pharmaceutical applications.

The benefits of conserving the Venus Flytrap are undeniable. Conservation efforts can not only help protect this important species but also preserve the biodiversity of its habitat and the ecosystem it supports. Moreover, it can also help promote sustainable living practices and scientific research.

We have a responsibility to protect and conserve the Venus Flytrap and its habitat. One way to achieve this is to promote and support conservation efforts.

Thus, it is imperative that we call for the advocacy of Venus Flytrap conservation in the United States. We want the authorities to take decisive and prompt action to protect this unique and endangered species, and its ecosystem, from further harm.

Through the conservation of the Venus Flytrap, we can help to preserve our planet’s biodiversity, protect a vital part of our ecosystem, and promote sustainable living practices. Demand action now.


Dear Ms. Deb Haaland,

We are writing to urge you to advocate for the conservation of the Venus Flytrap, a unique and endangered plant species native to the Southeastern United States.

The Venus Flytrap is facing extinction due to habitat loss, poaching, and over-collection. It has been listed as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act since 1984.

Conservation efforts can not only help protect the Venus Flytrap and its habitat but also preserve the biodiversity of its native ecosystem and promote sustainable living practices. Moreover, it has potential medical and pharmaceutical applications.

We humbly implore you to spearhead the adoption of conservation measures for the Venus Flytrap in the United States. It is incumbent upon us to safeguard our environment, conserve our planet’s biodiversity, and promote sustainable living practices for the benefit of all. Thus, we beseech you to take urgent and proactive measures in support of this initiative.


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Photo credit: MonikaP

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165 Signatures

  • J. David Scott
  • jacci russ
  • Janice Bernard
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
  • Sandra Dorst
  • Erin Borozny
  • Lori Lorentz
  • Michelle Blackley
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