Stop Using Deadly Pesticide in Predator Control

Target: Ms. Tanya Plibersek, Minister for the Environment, Australia

Goal: Ban the use of strychnine in predator control programs to protect non-target species and prevent ecological disruption.

Strychnine is a highly toxic pesticide commonly used in predator control programs to reduce the population of invasive species such as foxes, dingoes, and feral cats in Australia. However, the use of this deadly poison can also harm non-target species such as native animals and disrupt ecosystems.

The detrimental impact of strychnine on the environment cannot be overstated. Immediate action must be taken to ban its use to mitigate the catastrophic effects of ecological disruption caused by the use of this pesticide.

The ban on strychnine in predator control programs is a crucial step in addressing ecological disruption in Australia. The harmful effects of this deadly poison are widespread, causing harm to native animals, threatening human health, and damaging the natural balance of ecosystems. In conjunction with the ban, it is imperative to implement non-lethal and humane methods of pest control that do not harm non-target species.

In light of the urgent need to protect our environment and preserve the biodiversity of our ecosystems, we call for swift and decisive action to ban the use of strychnine in predator control programs. Through proactive measures such as these, we can ensure a brighter and more sustainable future for generations to come.

Through the ban of strychnine in predator control programs, we can protect non-target species and prevent ecological disruption. Demand action immediately.


Dear Minister Plibersek,

I am writing to urge you to ban the use of strychnine in predator control programs to protect non-target species and prevent ecological disruption. Strychnine is a highly toxic pesticide that can harm native animals and damage ecosystems.

The use of strychnine in predator control programs poses a serious threat to non-target species and the environment. This deadly poison can also have long-lasting effects on human health. The indiscriminate use of strychnine can lead to widespread ecological disruption, ultimately causing harm to biodiversity and ecosystem function.

To address this issue, we must take action to ban the use of strychnine in predator control programs. This will help to protect non-target species and prevent ecological disruption. In addition, we must implement non-lethal and humane methods of pest control that do not harm non-target species.

We urge you to take immediate action and support the ban of strychnine in predator control programs to protect our environment and preserve the health of our ecosystems.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Sundaram

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  • J. David Scott
  • jacci russ
  • Janice Bernard
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
  • Sandra Dorst
  • Erin Borozny
  • Lori Lorentz
  • Michelle Blackley
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