Stop Using Sumatran Tigers’ Skin and Body Parts for ‘Medicine’

Target: Ms. Siti Nurbaya Bakar, Minister of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia

Goal: Call for stronger protection of the habitat of the critically endangered Sumatran tiger to prevent further habitat loss and poaching.

The Sumatran tiger, one of the world’s rarest and most endangered big cats, is critically endangered due to habitat loss and poaching. The destruction of its habitat has been caused by human activity, including deforestation, mining, and the expansion of palm oil plantations. The poaching of the Sumatran tiger has also significantly contributed to its decline, as it is hunted for its skin and other body parts, which are used in traditional medicines.

The survival of the Sumatran tiger is of great importance to the ecosystem and the biodiversity of Indonesia. If we do not take immediate action to protect the habitat of this majestic animal, it could become extinct within our lifetime.

We call for stronger protection of the habitat of the Sumatran tiger, including the preservation of its forest habitat and the enforcement of laws against poaching. Additionally, we urge the government to address the root causes of habitat loss, such as deforestation and the expansion of palm oil plantations. It is crucial that these issues are addressed in order to ensure the survival of the Sumatran tiger.

The protection of the Sumatran tiger’s habitat is not only important for the survival of this magnificent animal but also for the preservation of Indonesia’s rich biodiversity. We must take action now to prevent further habitat loss and poaching and to ensure a sustainable future for both the Sumatran tiger and our environment.


Dear Minister Bakar,

We are writing to express our concern for the critically endangered Sumatran tiger, whose habitat is under threat from habitat loss and poaching. We urge you to take immediate action to protect the habitat of this magnificent animal.

The Sumatran tiger is an iconic species that is of great importance to Indonesia’s rich biodiversity. However, its habitat is under threat from human activity, including deforestation, mining, and the expansion of palm oil plantations. This has led to a significant decline in the tiger population, with the species now being critically endangered.

In addition, the poaching of the Sumatran tiger is a major contributor to its decline, as it is hunted for its skin and other body parts, which are used in traditional medicines. This illegal trade must be stopped, and stronger enforcement measures must be put in place to prevent further poaching.

We call on you to take immediate action to protect the habitat of the Sumatran tiger, including the preservation of its forest habitat and the enforcement of laws against poaching. We also urge the government to address the root causes of habitat loss, such as deforestation and the expansion of palm oil plantations.

The survival of the Sumatran tiger is not only important for the preservation of Indonesia’s biodiversity but also for the wellbeing of our environment. We must take action now to ensure that the Sumatran tiger is protected and to prevent its extinction.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Captain Herbert


  1. Gilda Provenzano says:

    Going on for DECADES!! Why am i even here anymore?!!

  2. Urszula Lund says:

    Don’t you have any respect for planet Earth and its unique nature!???

  3. Please sto the slaughter and extinction of this magnificent creature. So much of its slaughter is for so-called “traditional medicine “ which certainly in the case of tiger body parts is no medicine at all. Just a myth to make money for the poachers and pave the road to the tiger’s extinction.

  4. Manitou Calmstorm says:

    If hunans are allowed to kill tigers, then tigers should be allowed to kill humans and display their ugly skins all over. An eye gor an eye, damn it! LEAVE THE TIGERS ALONE!

  5. Why don’t we just drop plane loads of Viagra on these countries who think animal parts will do the job.

  6. If this area of the world ever hopes to be anything but a third world disaster then they should start here and stop the poachers and idiots who traffic animals for bogus reasons like medicines and keychains and fur coats. What will the poachers do when they kill off all the wildlife, move on to human trafficking? Get serious about this now before its too late.

  7. This tiger is going extinct. If you aren’t aware of that fact you must be living under a rock. Humans are destroying the world. The planet will not survive without animals and wildlife. Poaching will be around until the end of time as these evil people want money without working with, not against, the welfare of our planet. I feel poachers once caught should be chained outside in the elements without food or water until they are almost dead. People need to witness the agony they suffer due to their greed. They need to suffer the way they are forcing us to suffer along with the earth. Tigers are on earth to live their lives and not be rugs or medicine for humanity. You have drug stores in your country? Use them! We don’t need more humans but we do need more animals. Life to animals and torture to poachers!

  8. These ideas are so archaic. Wake up people and have some compassion for wildlife instead of selfish yourselves.

  9. Dr Lori Ugolik says:

    Please make this illegal and enforce the laws!!! This is barbaric!

  10. Shirley Lemieux says:

    Illegal poaching is killing our planets species. Sumatran tigers are beautiful animals that need immediate attention to stop killing them for their body parts.

  11. Maria Lavorato says:

    Any human that would kill these tigers for body parts needs to be terminated. This should have ended ions ago! What is taking so long?
    Further, Mother Nature provides an array of plants that can be used as holistic
    medicine that does not involve any torture!

    Their habitats need to be preserved so that they can thrive because the direction man is headed will sooner than later bring the extinction of all these beautiful creatures. Being reckless, wasteful and depleting with no regard for anything can only have one end! That is truly a bleak world!

  12. Charleen Murphy says:

    Sickening!! Unbelievable! Horrofic! I don’t know how you could harm one of these beautiful majestic animals?! How could you?! It makes me angry & astounded. There’s some really stupid people out there that think they can use animals body parts to help themselves!! Selfish filthy humans! 🙁 makes me cry. I love all animals, esp cats!

  13. This is shameful and unacceptable! When are we as a society going to wake up? I am not sure why we even need to have this same conversation.

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