Stop Slaughtering Elephants for Ivory Products

Target: Hon. Peninah Malonza, OGW Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Tourism,Wildlife & Cultural Heritage, Kenya

Goal: Advocate for the ban of ivory products in all stores in Kenya to protect elephants from poaching and save the environment.

The sale of ivory products in Kenya stores has become a major issue, causing significant harm to the environment and wildlife. Elephants are being poached for their tusks to meet the high demand for ivory products, leading to a drastic decline in their population. This not only affects the natural ecosystem but also harms the tourism industry, which is a significant source of revenue for Kenya.

The sale of ivory products also contributes to environmental degradation. The process of obtaining ivory involves the killing of elephants, which not only reduces the elephant population but also releases harmful gases during the decay process. This harms the environment and contributes to climate change, which is already a major global issue.

In light of the escalating poaching crisis, we must take robust measures to tackle the demand for ivory products. As a proactive approach, we advocate for the immediate ban of ivory products in all stores in Kenya. Such an action would help curtail the ivory market and reduce the demand for these products, thereby preserving the elephant population and promoting sustainable practices.

Sign below and demand a ban on ivory products to protect our environment and wildlife and promote sustainable practices.


Dear Hon. Malonza,

I am writing to urge you to advocate for the ban of ivory products in all stores in Kenya. The sale of ivory products is a major issue that is causing significant harm to the environment and wildlife.

The process of obtaining ivory involves the killing of elephants, which leads to a significant decline in their population. This not only harms the natural ecosystem but also has a negative impact on the tourism industry, which is a significant source of revenue for Kenya.

The sale of ivory products also contributes to environmental degradation. The process of obtaining ivory involves the release of harmful gases during the decay process, which contributes to climate change and harms the environment.

To address this issue, we must take action to ban the sale of ivory products in all stores in Kenya. This will reduce the demand for ivory products, which will ultimately reduce poaching and protect the elephant population. In addition, it will promote sustainable practices and preserve the environment, contributing to a healthier ecosystem.

We urge you to take immediate action and support the ban of ivory products in all stores to protect our environment and wildlife.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Zdravko_Pečar


  1. Urszula Lund says:


  2. You get far more revenues from sightseeing tourists than from these killing of you beautiful wildlife. You will lose your tourist industry if their are no animals to see and be filmed. Safaris are a sustainable industry, hunting is not.

    • I totally agree, but the US is always trying to step in to help third world countries with something, but in a lot of instances, greed is the immediate reason to continue doing something that we can see is detrimental to society as a whole, but especially for the people of the region. Sometimes you just can’t fix STUPID! I don’t know why it’s so difficult to understand that killing the very thing that brings your country and the world such joy to see is going to be the end of both species…there’s an obvious symbolic relationship, but they’ll be sorry; probably when it’s too late though. When an elephant dies of natural causes, that’s when the ivory should be used, not when they have life and value as a living, sentient creature.

    • Naila M Sanchez Johnston says:

      Death to anyone who slaughters an animal for their ivory!! How insane!!!
      We are enraged!! We must be the law if the legal system fails again!!

  3. Ich weiß nicht, wieviel ich kotzen könnte, wenn ich da so einen dreckigen Loser und Lebensversager, so ein feiges, hinterlistiges Arschloch auf so einem edlen Wesen hocken sehe.
    Das muss endlich aufhören !!!

    Karma für das Dreckstück und einen qualvollen Tod.

  4. There must be a ban on ALL ivory products worldwide!!!

    There needs to also be the threat of a death sentence to ALL poachers worldwide! Any opine found poaching in any country isn automatically put on trial. If found guilty then either a life sentence, no exemptions, or the death personality. Poachers are stealing all our animals and causing extinction!

  5. BASTA YA, de toda matanza y crueldad animal !!!!

  6. Anjana Shah says:

    These beautiful, majestic creatures deserve to live in peace! Anyone involved in the sale of ivory should face criminal charges.

  7. Stop the insanity

  8. Gilda Provenzano says:


    • Naila M Sanchez Johnston says:

      Death to anyone who slaughters an animal for their ivory!! How insane!!!
      We are enraged!! We must be the law if the legal system fails again!!

  9. Shannon deVries says:

    Please stop the brutality and save these majestic elephants!

  10. Maria Lavorato says:

    Hon. Peninah Malonza, OGW Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Tourism,Wildlife & Cultural Heritage, Kenya

    Please do whatever it takes to stop these vile humans from MURDERING elephants! BAN sale of ivory products and all other animal products and put all these evil humans behind bars.

    People love to come to your country to see elephants roaming free…NOT DEAD! STOP THIS NOW BEFORE THERE ARE NO ELEPHANTS LEFT!

  11. SIMONE DUGUAYS says:


  12. Shirley Lemieux says:

    I previously signed a similar or the same petition. I support this petition as no wild animal should be slaughtered for their body parts.

  13. Poachers and trophy hunters – no difference, and both deserve the same fate as the animals they slaughter.

  14. Jim+Takahashi says:

    Trophy hunting is a rich man’s “sport” predominantly enjoyed by white people (mostly white AmeriKKKans), showing a white people’s deep-rooted cultural trait. Yes, this is a cultural issue and needs to be acknowledged and addressed as such in AmeriKKKa and other Western countries as well.

  15. Agree all comments round these cunts and execute these cunts. Stop now I w this cruelty. Whats wrong with people and these cruel countries. Kill all poachers.

  16. Wendy+Morrison says:


  17. It sickens me to hear of elephants being killed for their tusks and enrages me to see the photo of people parading with these poor dead animals. What cowards they are! Elephants are intelligent (probably more so than the heartless brutes that kill them) and do not deserve to be treated like this….. and what for?! Why would anyone want ivory? It’s just so barbaric and until humans begin to treat animals with the respect they deserve, I am sorry to say that we are doomed as a race. Learn to click a camera instead of clicking the trigger of a gun, you morons!

  18. Julia Edinger says:

    I totally agree with Maria Lavorato
    “Hon. Peninah Malonza, OGW Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Tourism,Wildlife & Cultural Heritage, Kenya
    Please do whatever it takes to stop these vile humans from MURDERING elephants! BAN sale of ivory products and all other animal products and put all these evil humans behind bars.
    People love to come to your country to see elephants roaming free…NOT DEAD! STOP THIS NOW BEFORE THERE ARE NO ELEPHANTS LEFT! “…….

  19. Davide Alioto says:

    Idioti, anche la foto… buh vergogna. gli umani meritano il peggio

  20. Kenya is a CURSED COUNTRY on a CURSED continent! THEY are curse on the world,they are the darkness,they are an example of what’s wrong with the world! That’s why Africa is referred to as the Dark continent! They are no good to their people and even worse to the animals! BOYCOTT travel to this horrific place!

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  • Don Dudan
  • jacci russ
  • wesley burnett
  • Janice Bernard
  • Julia Oliver
  • Joyce Rivera
  • Karen McCrea
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
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