Target: Mr. Anthony Albanese, Prime Minister of Australia
Goal: Ban the use of live animals in circuses in Australia to prevent terrible suffering.
Animals have been used in circuses for centuries, but it is now widely recognized that this practice is inhumane and cruel. The use of live animals in circuses is a serious concern, as it causes significant harm and suffering to animals that are subjected to a life of confinement, travel, and forced performances.
Animals used in circuses are often kept in small, cramped cages or trailers for long periods, deprived of their natural habitat and social interactions. They are subjected to physical abuse and harsh training methods to force them to perform tricks for entertainment. This results in physical and psychological damage, leading to poor health and reduced lifespans.
To confront this pressing concern, a prompt and efficacious response is required to impose a ban on the exploitation of live animals in circuses. The ultimate objective is to inhibit the wanton mistreatment and abuse of innocent creatures, thereby safeguarding their well-being. It is crucial to acknowledge that animals are sentient beings with inherent rights and exploiting them for amusement purposes is an egregious violation of ethical principles.
Through the ban of the use of live animals in circuses, we can significantly reduce animal suffering and promote a more compassionate and humane society. Sign below and demand the prime minister protect the welfare of animals and ensure their well-being.
Dear Prime Minister Albanese,
I am writing to urge you to advocate for the ban of the use of live animals in circuses in Australia to prevent unnecessary suffering. The use of live animals in circuses is inhumane and cruel, and it is our responsibility to protect the welfare of animals.
Animals used in circuses are subjected to a life of confinement, travel, and forced performances, which causes physical and psychological harm, leading to poor health and reduced lifespans. These animals are often kept in small, cramped cages or trailers, deprived of their natural habitat and social interactions. The use of physical abuse and harsh training methods to force animals to perform tricks is also common in circuses, further contributing to their suffering.
To address this issue, we must take immediate action to ban the use of live animals in circuses. This will help to prevent the unnecessary suffering of animals and promote a more compassionate and humane society. We must recognize that animals have their own rights and that their exploitation for entertainment purposes is unethical.
We urge you to take immediate action and support the ban of the use of live animals in circuses to protect the welfare of animals and ensure their well-being.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: chensiyuan
Once the public was ignorant of the suffering of performing animals. Today we have more information. People notice the suffering, needless suffering. Animals are on earth to liver their lives, not ours. Today people have access to tech and so many devices, platforms, and can find entertainment around the clock. There is no need for animals to suffer for our entertainment and your bottom line. The circuses now are performing using humans and people are still fascinated when seeing the performances. Stop the animal acts in favor of human acts. You will still sell tickets and have a healthy bottom line!
And most do not give a rats ass.
Stop this needless suffering of all of our beautiful,trusting,vulnerable animals!!!They depend upon human beings to protect,love,and care for them.
Boycott any circus / fair with live animal content. If you support them, you ARE SUPPORTING CRUELTY. Animals belong in the wild NOT ‘entertaining’ so-called humans. Must be banned world-wide.
I am continued to be surprised that the Shriners have no compassion towards animals and use them in their circuses! What a bunch of BS! People think they’re just wonderful people but they’re not. Life is horrible for these innocent animals, yet the Shriners don’t give a damn! Plus, I think people who think this is entertaining should be watched closely.
I had no clue. Thank you!!
I totally agree!! Uncommon Sensesc
“I am continued to be surprised that the Shriners have no compassion towards animals and use them in their circuses! What a bunch of BS! People think they’re just wonderful people but they’re not. Life is horrible for these innocent animals, yet the Shriners don’t give a damn! Plus, I think people who think this is entertaining should be watched closely.” !!!
Animals are not entertainment!!! Stop the cruelty these poor babies suffer to entertain stupid patrons and the circus owners!!!!!
Are you still living in the Dark Ages!!!???
Stop this SHOCKING “entertainment” NOW!!!!!
Animals are not commodities to perform idiotic tricks for primitive-minded and ignorant lowlife human scum!!!
How can Australia consider itself a first world country while still allowing this abuse to go on? End it now.
Are you still living in the Dark Ages!!!???
Animals are not commodities to entertain primitive-minded and ignorant lowlife human scum!!!
Mr. Anthony Albanese, Prime Minister of Australia
How can you still let this torture of animals continue! We all know its horrific for all the animals and yet it still happens. BAN immediately the use of animals in you half arsed stupid ridiculous shows. Anyone with a half a brain knows what needless suffering all the animals go through!
Put the animals first for a change!
Animals are not entertainment!!! Stop the cruelty these poor babies suffer to entertain stupid patrons and the circus owners!!!!!
No one wants to see animals in the circus any more.
Animals DO NOT belong in circuses!!
Agree all comments. Stop this abuse now what’s wrong with the law’s.
Animals were not put on this earth to entertain humans. They should NEVER be forced to do things against their nature. They have done nothing wrong to deserve being caged, cruelty treated, taken out of the habitat and made to perform for humans. It makes me sick to my stomach to be a human. We are to cruelist living thing that existed on this earth. Please, please stop their pain. Do the right thing and protect all creatures. Let them live as they were born to live. FREE
This outdated practice has no place in a civilised world and must be banned.
Animal abusers and animal murderers are the epitome of evil.
What on earth are they doing to these animals to make them “perform” like that? It’s just so cruel and I thought animals in circuses had been banned years ago. I am shocked that it is still allowed to continue. This is not what these amazing creatures of the wild were born to do. It needs to be stopped. Also, what sort of humans are paying to go and see the humiliation and cruelty of these animals? If people didn’t go, it would end.
I seriously thought this had been Phased out…obviously NOT, even with the influence of the French Circuses minus animals. Sad sad
That live animals continue to be exploited for profit in circuses disgusts me. It’s 2023…what are we teaching our children by perpetuating animal abuse I’m yhe name of entertainment?