Target: Mr. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India
Goal: Ban single-use plastic cutlery in all restaurants and cafes to reduce plastic pollution.
Single-use plastic cutlery such as spoons, forks, and knives are ubiquitous in restaurants and cafes across India. However, the convenience they offer comes at a high cost to our environment. These single-use plastics often end up in landfills or oceans, polluting our soil, waterways, and harming marine life.
The plastic cutlery we use in India is contributing significantly to the global plastic pollution crisis, which has devastating effects on our environment and public health. It is estimated that India generates approximately 25,940 tonnes of plastic waste every day, and a significant portion of that comes from single-use plastic cutlery.
We must act right away to outlaw the use of single-use plastic cutlery in all cafes and restaurants. Plastic pollution can have long-lasting consequences on the environment and endanger the stability of our ecosystems. To protect our world, this issue requires immediate attention and action.
Outlawing single-use plastic cutlery will contribute to preserving the health of our ecosystems and our environment. Sign below and demand that restaurants and cafes promote the use of sustainable and biodegradable substitutes for single-use plastics.
Dear Prime Minister Modi,
I am writing to urge you to advocate for the ban of single-use plastic cutlery in all restaurants and cafes across India to reduce plastic pollution. Single-use plastics are a major contributor to plastic pollution in our landfills and oceans, and we must take immediate action to address this issue.
The use of single-use plastic cutlery poses a serious threat to our environment and public health. These plastics often end up in landfills or oceans, polluting our soil, waterways, and harming marine life. The plastic pollution caused by single-use plastics can have long-lasting effects on our environment and threaten the health of our ecosystems.
To address this issue, we must take action to ban the use of single-use plastic cutlery in all restaurants and cafes across India. This will help to significantly reduce plastic pollution and protect our environment. In addition, we must encourage the use of sustainable and biodegradable alternatives to single-use plastics in restaurants and cafes.
We urge you to take immediate action and support the ban of single-use plastic cutlery in all restaurants and cafes across India to protect our environment and public health.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Marco Verch Professional Photographer
India is aware of the horrible job it is doing in regard to plastic waste. Add that fact to another fact which is the size of your population alone. You are over a billion now and in a few short years expected tories to 2 billion. That is too many people for you not to pay attention and do all you can to stop the single use of plastic in your country. With so many people you will have to do much more than just plastic but you must start with the plastic problem. Human bodies eat a credit card size of plastic weekly, sea life is dying from plastic, bird and animals are dying as well. Indias over use of single use plastics is harming the entire world. All countries must end this plastic use but Indi.a just due to your sheer number.s must do far more and much faster.
Ironically – India has a long tradition of using biodegradable utensils – often leaf-based – which is largely lacking in Western countries.
Why not call on the expertise India had (and I believe the skills are still existing) and revitalise plant-based plate manufacture to replace plastic plates? And work on adapting the same savoir-faire to replace plastic cutlery?
This would encourage employment, as well as providing a strong action towards massive reduction of plastic waste.