Save the Last 200 Chinese Alligators

Target: Mr. Huang Runqiu, Minister of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China

Goal: Protect the critically endangered Chinese alligator, which is threatened by habitat loss and hunting, through the implementation of conservation efforts and stricter enforcement of existing laws.

The Chinese alligator, also known as the Yangtze alligator, is a critically endangered species that is native to China. Its population has been declining rapidly due to habitat loss and hunting, and it is estimated that there are now less than 200 individuals left in the wild.

The Chinese alligator plays a vital role in its ecosystem and is an important indicator of the health of wetlands and rivers. Its decline can have significant ecological consequences, including the loss of biodiversity and reduced water quality.

We must take immediate action to protect the Chinese alligator. This includes the implementation of conservation efforts such as habitat restoration, captive breeding programs, and the reduction of hunting and poaching. Additionally, stricter enforcement of existing laws against the hunting and trade of the Chinese alligator is necessary.

We can, through these measures, protect and preserve the critically endangered Chinese alligator and the vital ecosystems it inhabits. Call for urgent action to prevent the extinction of this important species.


Dear Minister Runqiu,

I am writing to urge you to advocate for the protection of the critically endangered Chinese alligator, which is facing significant threats due to habitat loss and hunting. The Chinese alligator is a vital species that plays a crucial role in its ecosystem and its continued decline can have significant ecological consequences.

To address this issue, I implore you to implement conservation efforts to protect and preserve the Chinese alligator. These efforts should include the restoration of its natural habitat, the establishment of captive breeding programs, and the reduction of hunting and poaching activities. Additionally, stricter enforcement of existing laws against the hunting and trade of the Chinese alligator is necessary.

The Chinese alligator is a symbol of China’s unique biodiversity and cultural heritage, and its protection is of utmost importance. It is critical that we take immediate action to prevent the extinction of this species and preserve the ecological integrity of the wetlands and rivers it inhabits.

I urge you to take immediate action and support the protection of the critically endangered Chinese alligator through the implementation of conservation efforts and stricter enforcement of existing laws.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: David J. Stang


  1. Uncommon Sensesc says:

    Let’s see – you’re trying to get the Chinese to actually not kill off something? Good luck with that! I believe the Chinese would gladly kill off any animal in the name of traditional medicine, traditional foods, etc. The Chinese have no limits on what they’d eradicate to extinction!

    • Gilda Provenzano says:

      I laughed at this!! No way will these alligators be saved. And while i am on here Facebook REFUSES to take down videos of animal cruelty. Cats and dogs tied in bags, etc. ALL KINDS OF SHIT AGAINST ANY ANIMAL.

    • Estoy completamente de acuerdo con usted!!! Los chinos no se detienen ante nada!!!!son torturadores y asesinos de todo animal en la tierra!!!!

    • Cara IsNotAsleep says:

      Exactly and most of them Hate Americans and want to Do harm to Americans wake up people your nap is Over! So they do Not care what we think about what they’re doing to animals riiight… Also ..Many of them torture, abuse then Eat CATS AND DOGS FFS!! Why would they care about this.

    • Let’s see … so it’s better to just make a snarky comment and blow it off than to make the simplest collective effort to try to help? Rethink!

  2. Luree Dell-Bryan says:

    Too many people and not enough space or compassion for wildlife!

  3. Maria Lavorato says:

    Mr. Huang Runqiu, Minister of Ecology

    Are you caring at all about the comments written above. I think you should and you should mostly definitely protect all the species God has sent. It is you moral responsibility. All life matters!

    Alligators and all other animals have their God given right to live on this planet!

  4. Urszula Lund says:

    China should be made responsible for an extreme environmental crime. The way they treat animals is SHOCKING!!!!

  5. Wendy+Morrison says:

    Protection for these last 200 Chinese Alligators needs to be put in place IMMEDIATELY @!

  6. Shirley Lemieux says:

    Whether a species in the wild is liked or disliked, whenever there is a decline in numbers as great as these Alligators, then the people who have the power and the authority to protect and restore them should take immediate action. I support this Petition.

  7. phyllis elliott says:

    Some humans have no soul!

  8. Nelson Petrie says:

    The Chimese eat any living thing and will also uae animals like bears for medcine which they say is tradition. The Chinese, Vietnqmese, Ca,bodians, Japanese are a cruel race What about the Spanish and Mexicans? They’re just as cruel. Even Americans with their horse round ups and thewire rodeos are no better. I think there is more compassion in Hindu countries like India.

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