Target: Governor Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida, United States
Goal: Advocate for the protection of the manatee, which is threatened by boat strikes, pollution, and habitat loss.
The manatee is an iconic species that plays a critical role in the ecosystem of Florida’s waterways. Unfortunately, the manatee is under threat from multiple sources, including boat strikes, pollution, and habitat loss. The increasing number of boat strikes is leading to the death of many manatees each year, while pollution and habitat loss threaten their ability to thrive in their natural environment.
It is imperative that immediate action be taken to protect the manatee and ensure its survival. This requires the implementation of measures to reduce boat strikes, improve water quality, and protect and restore manatee habitats.
By protecting the manatee and its habitat, we can ensure the long-term survival of this iconic species and preserve the health of Florida’s waterways. The implementation of measures to reduce boat strikes, improve water quality, and protect and restore manatee habitats, can help achieve this goal.
Sign below and demand Governor Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida, to take action and support these efforts.
Dear Governor DeSantis,
I am writing to urge you to advocate for the protection of the manatee, which is threatened by boat strikes, pollution, and habitat loss. The manatee plays a critical role in the ecosystem of Florida’s waterways, and its survival is essential for the long-term health of these vital ecosystems.
Unfortunately, the manatee is under threat from multiple sources, including boat strikes, pollution, and habitat loss. Each year, an increasing number of manatees are killed as a result of boat strikes, while pollution and habitat loss threaten their ability to thrive in their natural environment.
To address this issue, we need to implement measures to reduce boat strikes, improve water quality, and protect and restore manatee habitats. By doing so, we can protect the manatee and ensure the long-term survival of this iconic species.
We urge you to take immediate action and support efforts to protect the manatee and its habitat. Thank you for your attention to this critical issue.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: U.S. Geological Survey
Getting a fishing license or a boating license big require the bigger vessel to give way to the smaller vessel. If a cruise ship meets a row boat they are supposed to give way to the smaller which should include manatees, whales, etc. Boat strikes kill. We need to develop a system by which a boat strike sets off an alarm to the Coast Guard. Those guilty will have loss of license, high fines, and possible prison time. The same should be true of pollution. No alarms but cameras are needed to ensure the waters around any ship is clean not polluted with trash. Same penalties for both. Harsh? Yes. Yet people speed the water to get out into the fun. Pollution in the water is just lazy people not wanting to clean up. Cruise ships make a fortune and dump all their wastes into the ocean. Doing that will shut down cruise lines. This alone will save the life of our oceans and the lives of the species who live in the water.
These gentle animals deserve to be protected from all the water traffic. Boaters just don’t care what’s in the water, they just want to get out and speed around!! Sickening.