Target: Nguyen Xuan Cuong, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development – Vietnam
Goal: Increase conservation efforts for the critically endangered saola to prevent their extinction.
The saola, also known as the Asian unicorn, is one of the rarest and most endangered mammals on the planet. With less than 100 individuals remaining in the wild, urgent action is needed to prevent their extinction.
The saola is threatened by habitat loss, hunting, and illegal wildlife trade. The loss of their natural habitat due to deforestation and human activities has led to their decline and fragmentation of their populations.
To prevent the extinction of this critically endangered species, it is crucial to increase conservation efforts for the saola. This would involve protecting their natural habitat, combating poaching and illegal wildlife trade, and conducting research and monitoring to understand their population dynamics. Increasing conservation efforts for the saola would also benefit local communities and support sustainable development in the region. By preserving the saola’s natural resources, we can promote ecotourism and provide economic opportunities for local communities.
This important initiative will protect the saola from extinction, prevent habitat fragmentation, and promote sustainable development in the region. Sign below and demand Minister Nguyen Xuan Cuong prioritize the increase of conservation efforts for the saola in Vietnam.
Dear Minister Cuong,
We are writing to urge you to increase conservation efforts for the critically endangered saola in Vietnam. With less than 100 individuals remaining in the wild, urgent action is needed to prevent their extinction.
The saola is threatened by habitat loss, hunting, and illegal wildlife trade. The loss of their natural habitat due to deforestation and human activities has led to their decline and fragmentation of their populations.
To prevent the extinction of this critically endangered species, it is crucial to increase conservation efforts for the saola. This would involve protecting their natural habitat, combating poaching and illegal wildlife trade, and conducting research and monitoring to understand their population dynamics.
Increasing conservation efforts for the saola would also benefit local communities and support sustainable development in the region. By preserving the saola’s natural resources, we can promote ecotourism and provide economic opportunities for local communities.
We urge you to prioritize the increase of conservation efforts for the saola in Vietnam to prevent their extinction. Thank you for your attention to this important issue.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Shaunak All That Breathes
Good luck with that.
Good luck preserving any creature in Asia, a country known for inhumane animal treatment and brutality. I doubt they’ll protect anything from becoming extinct.
I wouldn’t be the least bit sorry if the whole Asian hoomin population goes extinct.
What is the logic of hunting, poaching and destroying habitat so that entire species go extinct?
Between eating everything that moves and their ridiculous “traditional Asian medicines” that are bogus BS, they are responsible for more animal losses than anyone else. What is WRONG with these people????
Very true.
Hoomin ?
Asians are going to be the death of so many animals on this earth, the extinction of innocent animals, that it should be no surprise why I hate them so much. If I had my wishes come true, every last Asian would disappear from this earth.
How true
We are losing the Genuine great wonders of the world
While the collective Asian mentality from Turkey to China, Russia to the SE continent and islands is impervious to animal suffering, there are individuals in those godforsaken places who fight bravely to defend animals. They are a minority, but they are admirable and they need support from non-Asians to further their noble cause if there is any hope for improvement. They are “on the ground” were the atrocities are committed and they ask for help. Silence helps nobody.
Nguyen Xuan Cuong, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
I agree with you Dolores. While many many comments are negative about Asians and their treatment of animals, you Mr Cuong, are in a position to steer the boat around and save the animals that were entrusted to Asia. They have suffered long and hard so please give them their time to thrive and live in peace as Our Lord intended.
So STOP NOW the habitat loss, hunting, and illegal wildlife trade. IT IS A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY AND WE ALL KNOW IT and IT IS HISTORY!
Please use your authority and resources to save the beautiful and rare Saola from extinction. This would send a strong message in regarding your commitment to endangered species for your constituents and other countries.
I would have to agree that if there is only 100 Saola in the wild then that would seem to be alarming and also warrant doing something before these rare animals do go extinct.
Saolas must be protected, and people persecuting them severely punished! Conservation efforts must also be prioritized and all destructive activities like hunting, illegal wildlife-trade and habitat loss must be stopped as soon as possible. Persecuting Saolas, and other wildlife, is a big ENVIRONMENTAL CRIME!
“Asians are going to be the death of so many animals on this earth, the extinction of innocent animals, that it should be no surprise why I hate them so much. If I had my wishes come true, every last Asian would disappear from this earth.” !!!!
Yes to all the comments here!
Humans…worse species on the planet, esp. in Asia.
All animals deserve to be protected so they can live out their lives in peace and safety.
THE ENTIRE WORLD IS OUTRAGED AT THE BARBARIC TREATMENT OF ANIMALS THAT IS SO COMMON IN ASIA. These countries want to be respected as civilized, but continue the cruel, exploitive and heartbreaking abuse and outright torture of animals to the point where the effect is a global disgust for these cultures. IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE ANY LEVEL OF COMPASSION FOR THE POPULATIONS WHEN THEY APPARENTLY HAVE NO CONCERN FOR ANIMAL SUFFERING.
THE ENTIRE WORLD IS OUTRAGED AT THE BARBARIC TREATMENT OF ANIMALS THAT IS SO COMMON IN ASIA. These countries want to be respected as civilized, but continue the cruel, exploitive and heartbreaking abuse and outright torture of animals to the point where the effect is a global disgust for these cultures. IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE ANY LEVEL OF COMPASSION FOR THE POPULATIONS WHEN THEY APPARENTLY HAVE NO CONCERN FOR ANIMAL SUFFERING.