Stop Cruel Poisoning, Starving, and Abuse of Street Dogs

Target: Mr. Bhupender Yadav, Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change – Government of India

Goal: Protect street dogs in India from cruelty and ensure their well-being and safety.

Street dogs in India are often subjected to cruel treatment, including physical abuse, poisoning, and neglect. These animals are vulnerable and often face a life of suffering on the streets. According to animal welfare organizations, such as PETA India and Blue Cross of India, there are an estimated 30 million street dogs in India, many of whom suffer from malnutrition, injuries, and diseases.

The lack of proper animal control measures in many parts of the country leads to overpopulation and the spread of diseases, such as rabies, which can pose a serious threat to public health. According to the World Health Organization, India has the highest number of rabies deaths in the world, with an estimated 20,000 people dying from the disease each year.

To protect the well-being of street dogs in India, it is crucial to raise awareness about the importance of animal welfare and push for the adoption of more humane practices. This includes implementing effective animal control measures, such as spaying and neutering, vaccination, and proper care of sick or injured animals. In addition, community-based programs that promote responsible pet ownership and provide education on animal welfare can help reduce the number of street dogs and improve their living conditions.

Sign the below petition to urge Mr. Bhupender Yadav to take action to protect street dogs in India from cruelty and ensure their well-being and safety.


Dear Mr. Yadav,

I am writing to urge you to take action to protect street dogs in India from cruelty. These animals are often subjected to physical abuse, poisoning, and neglect, which can cause immense suffering. According to animal welfare organizations, there are an estimated 30 million street dogs in India, many of whom suffer from malnutrition, injuries, and diseases.

The lack of proper animal control measures in many parts of the country leads to overpopulation and the spread of diseases, such as rabies, which can pose a serious threat to public health. India has the highest number of rabies deaths in the world, with an estimated 20,000 people dying from the disease each year.

It is crucial to raise awareness about the importance of animal welfare and implement more humane practices to protect the well-being of street dogs in India. This includes spaying and neutering, vaccination, and proper care of sick or injured animals. In addition, community-based programs that promote responsible pet ownership and provide education on animal welfare can help reduce the number of street dogs and improve their living conditions.

I urge you to take action to protect street dogs in India and ensure their well-being and safety. Thank you for your attention to this important issue.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Helena Lopes


  1. Renata Kuchinsky says:

    There are many good and kind people in India. It is time that government implements laws that protect animals and punish those who abuse them. So many terrible abuse stories are not what India should be known for. Please do all in your power to protect animals.

  2. India creates their own problems by refusing to use spay/neuter programs and lack of enforcement of the few animal welfare laws they have. Indian authorities need to pass stricter laws, education programs and enforcement of current laws. The current situation is uncivilized and barbaric, do better.

  3. Paula Long says:

    Ever hear of birth control for animals? Stop this cruel practice now. Have same damn compassion!!!

  4. Karin Madeleine Vandooren says:

    stop animal suffering

  5. Wendy Outram says:

    Stray animals need to be loved & cared for

  6. Julia Edinger says:


  7. Agree all comments beat and poison these bastards.


  9. Bernhard Yolanda says:

    – my heart is bleeding
    how many of these poor angels still have to suffer and die because of rubbish heaps like these “people”.

  10. Looks like Ghandi would be disgusted by your evil treatment of animals.
    Start protecting your animals.

  11. Michelle Stewart says:

    Any person that kills, poisons, tortures, starves, abandons, or neglects animals must be shot dead

  12. Bernhard Yolanda says:

    do these people want to eliminate, destroy and wipe out nature by force and as quickly as possible? Why??????
    you have to cherish and care for the most precious thing we have…… nature.
    nothing works without nature
    shame on you all.

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  • Renata Aranibar
  • Don Dudan
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