Cat Apparently Sexually Assaulted and Killed by Owner Deserves Justice

Target: Monmouth County Prosecutor Raymond S. Santiago
Goal: Seek maximum penalty for man accused of sexually abusing, torturing, and killing his pet cat.

A cat was reportedly restrained, sexually assaulted, and then tortured to death by her owner.

Evidence of this reported sexual assault came to light when a third party brought the deceased cat to the Asbury Park Police Department headquarters. While it was clear that severe abuse appeared to have occurred, it was the Monmouth County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Humane Law Enforcement Division that identified the cat’s owner, who was later arrested.

The owner, who is only 18-years-old, has been charged with animal cruelty by tormenting, torturing or unnecessarily or cruelly abusing a living animal resulting in its death and animal cruelty by using or causing or procuring the use of an animal or creature in any kind of sexual manner.


Dear Prosecutor Santiago,

A cat was reportedly restrained, sexually assaulted, and then tortured to death by her owner.

Evidence of this possible sexual assault came to light when a third party brought the deceased cat to the Asbury Park Police Department headquarters.

While it was clear that severe abuse appeared to have occurred, it was the Monmouth County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Humane Law Enforcement Division that identified the cat’s owner, who was later arrested.

The owner, who is only 18-years-old, has been charged with animal cruelty by tormenting, torturing or unnecessarily or cruelly abusing a living animal resulting in its death and animal cruelty by using or causing or procuring the use of an animal or creature in any kind of sexual manner.

Animal abusers are often released on small bonds and then often receive minimal sentences. Please don’t allow either to happen in this case. Please seek the maximum bond and maximum punishment available for this alleged crime.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Henda Watani


  1. Paula Long says:

    First it is animals that can’t defend their selves and then it will go to babies, children and anyone. Sentence him to prison. His a sick son of a bitch.

    • Lauren A Wallace says:

      Did you noticed the Media didn’t mention his race or photo? Because he is black. I am glad he was arrested but is he going to be leg go? I am sure he will. If it were another individual, he will, or she will be charged and thrown in jail. This is sick and a primitive society. This is not the Unites States of America, this is a third world Africa!!

  2. To torture and rape a small defenseless animal to death says serial killer like no other action does, he is a clear danger to society and very mentally ill. Charge him and actually issue a fitting punishment and lots of jail time followed by a lifetime ban on animal contact and lifelong probation and mental evaluations. My true wish is life in prison before he does this to a kid.

  3. Peacock Louise says:

    This low life needs to be restrained and beaten with chains until he dies.

  4. So many sick, demented and deranged people in the world. Let the idiot go to prison & get sexually assaulted there…he deserves it.

  5. The only place for demented and deranged people is for them to be “6 feet under”! Why take the risk these bastards will do the same, or worse, again?

  6. Gregory S Snider says:

    My heart aches for victims like that poor cat. All it wanted was to give love and be loved.
    That demented kid should be locked away for good. Or better yet,give any of us commenters 10 minutes alone with him. I’d show him pain that he’d never forget.

  7. This criminal doesnt deserve to be alive …..

  8. set his privates on fire.

  9. Christine Eckerson says:

    One sicko! POS human, needs punishment!!

  10. What a sick SOB may Karma get this rotten POS

  11. Michelle Taylor says:

    This vile,repulsive,mantally deranged animal abusing cretin must have the death penalty implemented.

  12. Jeannie Frank says:

    This monster needs to be locked up and never, ever allowed to be around any animal ever again-such an evil being needs to be six feet under

  13. We need more laws protecting All animals. And better laws to keep the monsters behind bars

  14. Nadine Brundage says:

    What a sick piece of shit this creature is to commit such evil on a defenseless little animal. This one needs to be locked away in the nearest mental institution and kept away from society as it is beyond rehabilitation.

  15. Disgusting excuse for the human race. Send him to jail so he can have exactly what he did to this poor innocent cat happen to him!

  16. I guess most people who commented did not read the article. The owner was a girl.
    She probably was sexually abused as a child, I’m assuming, otherwise why would she do this? It is absolutely not an excuse for this perverted cruelty to this innocent cat.
    I hope she get arrested and gets the help that she needs.

  17. Wendy+Morrison says:


  18. Maria Lavorato says:

    article reads “man accused”

  19. Kathy Turner says:

    Deranged! Sick! Vile! That is a human being that is no longer safe to be in this world! Omg….omg fking…

  20. Sandra Weber says:

    The poor little cat was totally defenseless against this monster. It’s beyond my comprehension that anyone could do something so terrible to a helpless animal. Well he did this and now he needs to pay for his crimes! No slap on the wrist with a nothing sentence like community service and probation. A real sentence he’ll never forget. Regardless, it will never be enough.

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