Save Ecosystem-Boosting Small Carnivores

Target: Bruno Oberle, Director-General of International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Goal: Better assess threats against and status of small carnivorous animals.

Small carnivorous animals help keep plants intact and even disperse their seeds. They prevent the spread of invasive species. And they play numerous other incalculable roles in preserving the diverse ecosystems they call home. While their numbers are dwindling to often critical levels—in the Americas alone 62 percent of their populations have dropped—they receive notably little attention in comparison to their bigger and more attention-grabbing counterparts. In the world of conservation, small carnivores like ferrets, jackals, and weasels have gotten a raw deal.

Almost three times as many smaller carnivores are threatened as compared to large carnivores. In some of the most biodiverse ecosystems in the world, the disparities are even greater. Despite these threats, larger animals are assessed and listed as threatened up to a decade before small carnivores receive the same treatment. And the overwhelming majority of conservation marketing efforts are reserved for the more photo-friendly animals as well.

The international agency responsible for bringing attention to the status of at-risk wildlife should embrace and execute a more inclusive conservation strategy. Sign the petition below to encourage equity in saving the world’s most endangered animals.


Dear Director-General Oberle,

The IUCN Red List is a critical tool in raising public awareness about wildlife conservation and driving action plans to protect animals at risk. But inequities in Red List assessment prevent this resource from reaching its full potential. Notably, the small carnivores that play such a crucial role in maintaining ecosystems receive significantly less attention in both assessments and eventual listings.

Some studies have indicated that the number of endangered small carnivores is as much as five times greater than larger carnivores. Yet the bigger animals get the lion’s share of the attention and benefit from much earlier assessments concerning their status. Please invest in balancing the scales so that all threatened or endangered animals have a fighting chance at survival.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Luciano Bernardi


  1. Please get your act together and do a better job with smaller animals. In a way they actually work for us and will help assist us through this climate crises. However if you are not educated on these and other species doing good for our cause then you will allow ignorance to direct your call which will probably be to kill them. Don’t do that!
    You must balance the scales so that the smaller species take some attention and not only the larger species. To get through this climate crises we will need all species. Smaller species do a lions share of heavy lifting. Show them some credit, attention, and compassion!

  2. Proud to be a ferret owner.

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1355 Signatures

  • Joyce Rivera
  • Don Dudan
  • jacci russ
  • wesley burnett
  • Renata Aranibar
  • Janice Bernard
  • Catherine Livingston
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
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