Target: Kristen Donmoyer, Director of Pennsylvania Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement
Goal: Investigate licensing of shelter that allegedly neglects and mishandles animals under its care.
Protests mounted, drawing national attention, as the planned death date of a Pennsylvania shelter dog neared. Community members, current and former volunteers at the Humane Society of Harrisburg, and even lawmakers urged the society to reverse its decision to euthanize Pursuit, its longest-standing canine. As the hour drew closer, word emerged that a volunteer had removed Pursuit from the shelter. A theft complaint was reportedly filed by the humane society a short time later. In the end, this animal’s life was saved, but his plight highlights what employees apparently say are still-lingering problems within the shelter.
The society claims that the decision to euthanize Pursuit was made after a series of behavioral issues that supposedly made him un-adoptable. Volunteers acknowledge that this animal did need special care, but his issues were reportedly exacerbated by the lack of time he and other on-site animals were able to spend outdoors or going for walks. Some volunteers even claim that Pursuit was completely isolated and cut off from contact with them when his story was made public to the press. Moreover, overtures from entities interested in caring for Pursuit were seemingly ignored. And former employees have alleged a pattern of similar animal mishandling dating back years, leading to the resignation of these individuals.
Sign the petition below to compel an investigation into a charitable organization that may not be putting the welfare of its charges first.
Dear Director Donmoyer,
The planned euthanizing of a Humane Society of Harrisburg dog grabbed national attention and launched passionate protests. While Pursuit, the animal at the center of the debate, is still alive, his situation raises serious questions about his former habitat. The shelter contends that its decision was a last resort measure, but it reportedly rebuffed a recent attempt at adoption. Moreover, volunteers allege that this organization took retaliatory action against them and the dog after a story was published.
Perhaps most troubling are the accusations from present and former employees that a lack of critical stimulation for the animals in this shelter have contributed greatly to any behavioral issues. As caretakers of vulnerable living beings, shelters shoulder an important responsibility that cannot be dismissed. And as a license-granter and overseer of these shelters, the Pennsylvania Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement has a responsibility to ensure that the animals receive the best and most humane care.
Please undertake a strong evaluation of this shelter and take the necessary measures to rectify any violations of these critical responsibilities.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Emerald City American Bulldogs