Target: Westchester County District Attorney Miriam E. Rocah
Goal: Seek maximum punishment for man accused of beating puppy and throwing him into gate.
The violent attack on a 9-month-old puppy was so severe that bystanders began filming. A man, apparently identified as 29-year-old Anthoin McPherson, is seen violently hitting the puppy and then lifting him up and throwing the puppy into a metal gate.
After the video was provided to authorities, McPherson was arrested and the puppy, named Maximus, was accepted by the Yonkers Animal Shelter. Rescuers reported that Maximus healed quickly, and enjoyed treats and belly rubs during his recovery.
The alleged attacker, McPherson, is facing criminal charges, but as is often the case, there are concerns that he will be given just a slap on the wrist.
As for Maximus, he was quickly adoped by a forever family. “If you look at that video and it doesn’t turn your stomach then you’re not human,” adopter Ricky Vetrano said. Fortunately for Maximus, he is now safe from his attacker.
Dear District Attorney Rocah,
The violent attack on a 9-month-old puppy was so severe that bystanders began filming. A man, apparently identified as 29-year-old Anthoin McPherson, is seen violently hitting the puppy and then lifting him up and throwing the puppy into a metal gate.
After the video was provided to authorities, McPherson was arrested and the puppy, named Maximus, was accepted by the Yonkers Animal Shelter. Rescuers reported that Maximus healed quickly, and enjoyed treats and belly rubs during his recovery.
The alleged attacker, McPherson, is facing criminal charges, but as is often the case, there are concerns that he will be given just a slap on the wrist.
We are writing you to ask that you ensure justice is served in this case. Don’t let the accused get off with a slap on the wrist if he is found guilty. Please seek the maximum penalty in this case.
[Your Name Here]
It’s OK cause there not gonna do a damn thing to him anyway
Does anything really get done here?
Part of the reason for this happening is the total lack of anything worthwhile happening to the perp’. Combine that with someone who has a manic control issue and animal cruelty will be forever present. More disconcerting are those who are breeding theses animals and there being no proper checks but the other cheques are more important.
I agree with Meryl! Setting an example that this type of anger is okay is wrong on too many levels to allow this to go unpunished. This man has an anger issue and if he has a family I feel sorry for them. This guy will take his anger out on animals, women, children, and more examples than can be written here. Judges know this. Attorneys know this, yet this type of person is excused and allowed to return until the next time he hurts or kills another living thing.
Breeders are faulty, judges are faulty, attorneys are faulty, and this man doesn’t get the medical attention he so desperately needs.
There are no reasons for this behavior. There are no excuses. People who behave in this manner need to understand everyday people won’t tolerate this harm to others no matter the species.
This poor defenseless puppy is the victim of animal cruelty inflicted by McPherson who must be charged and sentenced to maximum jail time and never be allowed to have pets/dogs/animals. Humans take out their frustration and anger by beating, torturing and killing defenseless animals who cannot speak nor defend themselves. As long as the system that is supposed to protect them allows this cruelty to continue, animals will continue to suffer and in many cases die. The laws need to be made stricter and the punishment twofold stronger.
Felony animal abuse charges. Lock him away and never allow him to be around any animals for life. That is the least the justice system can do. These abusers get off easy just to do it again . We need stricter punishments and make sure they are held accountable. Just imagine the poor pup being harmed and how scared he was no living being should ever know that fear.
I totally agree with ALEJANDRA+PARAPAR
“This poor defenseless puppy is the victim of animal cruelty inflicted by McPherson who must be charged and sentenced to maximum jail time and never be allowed to have pets/dogs/animals. Humans take out their frustration and anger by beating, torturing and killing defenseless animals who cannot speak nor defend themselves. As long as the system that is supposed to protect them allows this cruelty to continue, animals will continue to suffer and in many cases die. The laws need to be made stricter and the punishment twofold stronger.“
What a joke, ‘facing criminal charges” – NOTHING will be done. Abuse has to be severely dealt with. Jail this scum with fellow abusers and hope he is abused – badly.
Do the same to that crap human and then jail him for life…he is a danger to ALL LIFE on this planet!!!!
I completely agree with you. This SOB needs to feel pain!!!
Put scumbag abuser Anthoin McPherson behind bars and never allow this scumbag near an animal again!
They should beat him until he cant stand
jail the creep for good
This will never end. There are to many dirtbags in V this world unfortunately.
Shameful that one of the “onlookers” who were so shocked by this mutant that they started videoing did nothing TO STOP THIS BASTARD!! Maybe if even one of those videoing had stepped in the poor dog might have been saved!!! MEN??? My GRANDMOTHER would have stepped in!!!
It’s imperative that this scumbag ve imprisoned and never see the light of day. Hopefully someone will beat the living crap out of him and don’t forget to bash his head into the metal jail cell. An eye for an eye. I pray this puppy is adopted into a loving home and begins to experience what he deserves…unconditional love, hugs, kisses and treats.
Right Debra! How disgusting that there were several “onlookers” who stood by videoing while the beating continued. Not a real man in the crowd.
Who’s worse? This f****** mutant who was beating the dog or the heroes who stood by VIDEOING the abuse?? Sounds like there were several “onlookers”, and together they couldn’t have stopped this outrage????
BOTH are evil garbage.
I totally agree. Their complacency makes them a party to this abuse.
The by standers should have shot this dick, I would have
Interesting that all the comments are outraged WOMEN. . . figures.
Euthanize these criminals, that’s how to ‘deal with them’. If this actions happen once, it’s guarantee it’ll occur again in the future. The laws do nothing effective but protect the criminals and their rights. I ask you, how many times do you see these individuals on their repeat offenses. Humans will easily euthanize a violent animal, so how is this violent mammal any different. Human population control too, and billions saved in penal costs.
The average annual costs of one prisoner is phenomenal…do you realize how many animals those funds could help and save.
This man deserves the full punishment that is allowed for such abuse. I don’t understand why you would film it instead of telling him to stop it. By watching and filming you are a party to this abuse.
this worthless motherfucker needs his hands cut off
This bastard should get maximum jail time. This kind of violence should be considered a felony.
There should be a registry to ban these perps for life.
Why does that not exist already? …and yes why is there no real vetting regulations in place on who deserves to have a pet. Not everyone deserves a pet.
These perps are the people that continue down a criminal path which only escalates in severity…if the judicial system keeps giving minimal laughable punishment…start doing your job the right way and hold all perps accountable EVERY TIME!!
Happy for you Maximus!!!!