Target: Mark Gordon, Governor of Wyoming
Goal: Support women’s right to decide on abortion.
The Wyoming senate is in the discussion about a comprehensive anti-abortion bill. House Bill 152 (Life is a Human Right Act) intends to amplify the scope of a trigger law passed in the 2022 legislative session. The trigger law, House Bill 92, makes an exception for abortion, but under circumstances that are necessary to save the life of the mother and for treatment procedures that unintentionally leads to the injury or death of the fetus. The new bill (HB 152) intends to bypass the power of the judiciary by allowing lawmakers to intervene in potential court litigations challenging the law. People who signed in favor of the bill have made the audacious claim that abortion is not health care. The signers also hold the view that a woman has no right to be the final voice in deciding whether to keep the unborn child.
In terms of bodily autonomy and privacy, pregnancy is perhaps the greatest decision by a woman. Proponents of abortion cite the rising costs of healthcare, of raising a child, and a willingness to terminate the pregnancy based on health concerns. Amnesty International designates access to safe abortion as a fundamental human right and a health care privilege. The debate around the abortion ban preemptively relies on the argument that it is against God’s law. However, even when one cites the moral angle, the Bible intervenes. It might come as a shock for the unversed that the Holy B00k, at places, enacts commandments in favor of abortions. Verses Job 3: 10 and Jeremiah 20: 17 state it is better not to be born than to suffer a life of misery.
Maybe, it’s high time that those against abortion stop using the ‘pro-life jihad’ to make it unsafe for women. Denying that ‘abortion is healthcare’ and terming ‘life is a human right’ is self-contradictory based on vested moral arguments. The final decision on whether to keep a child should always be on the primary caregiver carrying the womb.
Support the liberty of women to decide what to do with their bodies. Sign the petition to urge the Wyoming senate in preventing the bill from becoming law.
Dear Governor Gordon,
The Senate Agriculture, State, and Public Lands & Water Committee recently heard House Bill 152. The bill proposes to amplify the scope of a trigger law (HB 92) passed last year to enact a comprehensive ban on abortion by targeting healthcare providers. Signers in favor of the bill have claimed that abortion is not healthcare and that women may not have the final autonomy to decide what to do with their bodies.
Amnesty International designates access to safe abortion as a human right and a fundamental privilege of women. To argue that abortion is against God’s will does not hold water in light of verses in the Bible (Job 3: 10; Jeremiah 20:17) that states that it is better not to be born than to lead a life of misery.
Therefore, Governor Gordon, we urge you to do all in your power to prevent the anti-women bill from becoming law.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Colin Lloyd
Sorry ladies, but I can’t agree with this. If you have an abortion you are a murderer. So is the medical personnel who aided you. You’ll ALL be condemned as murderers in the eyes of God. And His word is law, THOU SHALT NOT KILL!
This is a sad issue. Women are the ones suffering, not men. Women work, raise families but must meet the burden of so many other aspects of society. Birth control falls to women. If an unwanted or unplanned pregnancy happens the woman must obtain birth control pills in hope of stopping the pregnancy. If this upsets you it’s sad for you but horrible for the woman who must make a decision for the good of the entire family. In this life you’re a man and your belief matters, I understand. Both men and women have beliefs. Thou shall not kill is a law we all understand. Most religions accept this law. Yet, in the thousands of years we have lived as societies we have only had 100 days of world peace. War is a pastime, totally ineffective, harms families, kills many, and is usually brought on by one man wanting to grab power from another using their countries as pawns. The only modern upgrade is there is no longer any honor and no valor associated with war. No longer does the head of a country fight beside his soldiers. God forbid he gets harmed. My question is who is the real murderer? He who kills hundreds of thousands or she who stops a pregnancy for the benefit of her small kingdom, her family. Her employment assures her subjects will be loved, homed, fed, schooled, seen by doctors, dentists, extra after school sports and or interests. Most likely her offspring will attend college. She is responsible, dedicated and constant in their lives. She is a woman, a mother, and a human being doing the best she can in today’s society. This everyday woman is a a hero to her family and to all who witness her actions, her devotion, her strength, determination, and dedication to herself, her world and her family.