Demand Environmental Compliance in Wind Power Project

Target: Anil Jasinghe, Secretary to the Ministry of Environment, Sri Lanka

Goal: Follow sustainable guidelines in wind power projects.

The Adani Group is heavily invested in worldwide coal mining. The group recently shifted its focus to sustainable energy production as an expansion strategy in a shifting landscape. Gautam Adani has turned out to be India’s flagship businessman, pioneering the ‘neighborhood first’ policy of the Government of India. As a part of this strategy, the conglomerate has invested more than $500 million in wind energy in Sri Lanka. The firm procured provisional approval from the authorities in August 2022 to set up two wind-powered projects in the island nation. However, social scientists and environmental activists have raised concerns about these projects, located in Mannar and Pooneryn. The firm intends to set up a 286 MW project in Mannar and a 234 MW project in Pooneryn.

Environmental scientist Hemantha Withanage was speaking at a recent symposium on energy sustainability. He pointed out that wind-electricity projects are supposed to adhere to stringent safety guidelines of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). However, it remains uncertain whether private developers such as Adani Green Energy Ltd. will remain committed to adhering to the sustainability guidelines.

The scientist pointed out that these projects may have adverse effects on migratory birds and coastal tree cover. In addition, the land acquisition process may not be transparent. Furthermore, the proposed development might affect the traditional fishing grounds of the local populace. Reports from the people of Mannar indicate that they have been dealing with reduced fish harvest due to the shade effect and flooding caused by the project.

The world must shift to renewable energy given the unsustainable fossil fuel crisis. Nevertheless, the shift must be ‘clean’ without affecting the environment and traditional livelihood. Sign this petition to urge the government to ensure that the sustainability guidelines of ADB are enforced in green energy development.


Dear Secretary Jasinghe,

The government has recently provided provisional approval to the Adani Group for the development of wind-energy projects in Mannar and Pooneryn. While this is a step in the positive direction, concerns remain about whether the projects can meet up with overall sustainability objectives.

The developments have been funded by the ADB, and it requires strict enforcement of safety guidelines. However, environmental scientists and activists point out that the initiation of development work has led to adverse climatic effects in the local region.

Residents in Mannar complain that the wind-power development is causing flooding and reduced fish harvest. Scientists also point out that the developments pose significant risks to the coastal tree covers and migratory birds.

Secretary Jasinghe, we urge you to maintain strong oversight of these projects. Shifting to green energy is inevitable, but it should not be at the cost of further climate crisis.


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Photo Credit: Stop Adani

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  • jacci russ
  • Janice Bernard
  • Janice Bernard
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
  • Sandra Dorst
  • Erin Borozny
  • Lori Lorentz
  • Michelle Blackley
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