40 Dead Dogs Left in a Pile Deserve Justice

Target: Pike County, Ohio Prosecuting Attorney Mike Davis
Goal: Prosecute person responsible for 40 dead dogs, 80 malnourished dogs, and several dead chickens.

Large dogs and puppies were laying dead in a pile 10 feet off the road. A lot of them were chained just to trees, didn’t have any kind of protection from the weather and weren’t fed or watered. It was a very bad situation.

This was the devastating scene that authorities discovered on the property of a man accused of this horrific abuse, according to Pike County, Ohio, Commissioner, and animal welfare volunteer, Jeff Chattin.

The owner of the property, Wyndan Skye, 62, was arrested on animal cruelty charges. Skye’s bail was set at $70,000 which is higher than most animal abuse cases, but still gives him the opportunity to walk free while awaiting trial.

During the search of Skye’s property, deputies reportedly found 40 dead dogs in a pile, one dead dog tied to a tractor, as well as 80 other dogs in various states of being malnourished and emaciated. One pig was found alive.


Dear Prosecuting Attorney Davis,

Large dogs and puppies were laying dead in a pile 10 feet off the road. A lot of them were chained just to trees, didn’t have any kind of protection from the weather and weren’t fed or watered. It was a very bad situation.

This was the devastating scene that authorities discovered on the property of a man accused of this horrific abuse, according to Pike County, Ohio, Commissioner, and animal welfare volunteer, Jeff Chattin.

The owner of the property, Wyndan Skye, 62, was arrested on animal cruelty charges. Skye’s bail was set at $70,000 which is higher than most animal abuse cases, but still gives him the opportunity to walk free while awaiting trial.

A single case of animal abuse is a serious crime but in this case, there appears to be a mind-boggling amount of abuse. Please seek the maximum penalty in this case.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Pike County, Ohio Sheriff’s Office


  1. Terry Henegar says:

    What a scumbag lock him up and throw away the key.

    • Why oh why does it take so long to discover these horrific crimes. Doesn’t this POS have neighbors, or a mail carrier?? Anything???

  2. Lois rezvani says:

    Notice most people that sign in are 90% woman. Something is wrong here. Men don’t seem to care as much as we do.

  3. Terry Henegar says:

    What a scumbag lock him up and throw away the key

  4. Kill this MF Bastard!

  5. Susan Rodriguez says:

    This man definitely needs to be punished for the neglect of these poor animals. I can’t imagine how much they suffered. He needs to be punished to the full extent of the law and banned from ever owning any animals again.

  6. Wyndan Skye deserves to be executed! That’s what scum like him deserve. Unfortunately this won’t happen. He should at least be locked up for a good long time though.

  7. this ugly motherfucker should be tortured and killed

  8. Nancy Sharff says:

    This guy is Insane. There is no right to do so much harm to these creatures. How can this tragedy continue to happen? Please Judge apply all the sentence possible so that it does not happen again.

  9. Natalie Bea says:

    Why is there so much animal abuse and cruelty in the US? It’s incomprehensible how a country that considers itself a world power turns a blind eye to their suffering!

  10. All animal abusers/killers need to be eliminated from this earth in extremely painful ways. This pos is no exception, fry him!

  11. Wendy+Morrison says:


  12. Joy Y. Sperry says:

    Throw the book at this dirtbag! Wish we could tie him to a tree and starve him, see how he likes it!

  13. Cindy Miller says:

    This is unbelievable that this is still happening! Where are the laws to protect the innocent? The judges need to get off their ass & punish theses assholes!an eye for an eye. Theses poor babies has to suffer unbelievable! No food or water % chained so they couldn’t even move to help themselves! This guy should be chained to a tree & left to die! 💔💔

  14. Jane+Morrow says:

    Just look at this POS. Do the world a favour and end him, he’s valueless.

  15. Vivian Vetere says:

    This guy is obviously insane!!!One can see it in his face!!He should be punished severely and not be allowed to own animals. Authorities need to keep very close tabs on him!!!

  16. Elease M. Bradford says:

    As an animal lover, esp. dogs, I’m sorry to hear about the abuse and neglect these poor, innocent animals suffered leading to many of them dying. Wyndan Skye is a low-down piece of slime for doing this to these fur babies. How did he get away with this so long? He needs to be severely punished and banned from being around animals. RIP fur babies and I hope you get justice.

  17. Cynthia A Pisarcik says:

    This POS does NOT deserve to breathe air !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    He should be given SAME treatment he gave these innocent animals !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Then throw him beside the road !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Cynthia Anne Pisarcik says:

    JUDGE do your job and make this POS pay for the cruelty
    he inflicted on these INNOCENT animals !!!!!!!!!

    Make him PAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Although this POS deserves a lot more than what he will get was there no neighbours, a letter carrier, other people passing by? Dogs bark. Did no one look into any noise or wonder what was going on? They were only ten feet from the road. There’s to much of minding your own business these days and it’s mostly animals who suffer for it.

  20. Jaime Perez says:

    What the hell is wrong with this freak? Throw him jail for the rest of his stinking, worthless life. He doesn’t belong in society!!

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