Target: Mark Messmer, Indiana Senate Majority Leader
Goal: Support tougher sentences for animal cruelty felony convictions.
The city of Indianapolis was shocked and sickened when a deceased dog was discovered in a dumpster. After an examination, reports confirmed that this animal, named Deron, had likely been stabbed and choked to death. Four people have since been charged with animal cruelty, including one defendant who later came under suspicion for the shooting death of a person.
The horrifying incident has sparked a new legislative push for tougher animal cruelty laws. A state senator from Indianapolis, where the alleged crime took place, has introduced a bill that if passed would become law across Indiana. Under the legislation, several types of animal cruelty would be reclassified from level five felonies to level six felonies. As a result, sentences in the event of convictions would yield significantly longer prison terms of up to six years.
Sign the petition below to support this strongly backed call for greater accountability in the worst cases of animal cruelty.
Dear Senator Messmer,
SB41, which enhances penalties for the most heinous animal cruelty felonies, has immense popular backing. Senator J.D. Ford, who introduced the bill, said of the initiative: “we too often hear terrible stories of animal cruelty in Indiana, including in Indy just a few months ago.” He believes this measure would “ensure that the penalty for animal cruelty better aligns with the crime after listening to the folks who want justice for animals in these cases” The incident of which the senator speaks involved the brutal apparent stabbing and choking death of a defenseless dog and the subsequent arrest of four individuals.
These suspects, and any future Indiana residents found guilty of animal cruelty, need to face the full measure of justice. At least one of the defendants in the aforementioned case allegedly went on to kill a person. Please send a decisive message that irreparable harm inflicted upon any vulnerable living being will not be tolerated in this state. Help pass SB41 as soon as possible.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Linnaea Mallette
These repulsive severe animal abusing/killing scumbags require instigation of the death penalty and nothing less. A slow and agonizing extermination is required!!
These heartless monsters deserve longer jail terms because they are a menace to society both animals and humans! The new laws will deter innocent animals from being abused!
Just another wish that the same would happen to them.
When judges and law enforcement in general, keep letting these abusers off you’re sending a signal that your city and your state both condone and encourage animal abuse. Get serious about crime, the next victim will easily be a person (and if the article is right a person has already died at their hands) and if you don’t find these freaks and take them off the streets further deaths are on you. Better and more comprehensive laws and enforcement of them is the only way to fight these fight these crimes.
There should be a new law for no walking after accused waiting for trial they need to be take in on the spot, no waitinf for a second offense, these abusers are getting away with up to 11 counts of abuse with no actions taken this mustchange
Hang All Animal Torturers and Murderers!
They end up doing the same to innocent people!
They are good for Nothing!
It’s evil scum like this that make this world A FUCKING SHIT PLACE TO BE esp If your an Animal.
If the Law dealt with these sadistic monsters properly, we wouldn’t be on here signing all this fucking shit!
Sentence of up to 6 years ARE YOU KIDDING ME should be life