Target: Michelle Woodfork, Superintendent of Police, New Orleans
Goal: Find person responsible for abusing and abandoning dog with cancer.
A sweet dog named Macy was found roaming the streets with her muzzle locked shut with a wire. Macy was emaciated from a lack of food and also was discovered to have multiple forms of cancer. Macy’s owner is unknown at this time, but they allowed her to live in this horrific condition and then abandoned her.
Macy is estimated to be about 5 years old. When good Samaritans found her, she was wandering the streets, unable to eat due to the wire tightly wrapped around her muzzle. The rescuers took Macy to Zeus’ Rescues, where she has been receiving compassionate care.
“The wire was removed from around her face,” Zeus’ Rescues executive director Michelle Ingram said. “She was very thin. She had a tumor hanging off her back. She was scared, but not human-aggressive at all. Immediately, we gave her some treats and she cuddled right into us. Even though she’d been so horribly neglected and abused she still was OK with humans and wanted human love.”
Thanks to generous donors, Macy has had surgery to amputate her tail, clean the wounds on her face from the wire wrapped around her muzzle, remove the tumor on her back, and spay her. While Macy was being cared for, it was discovered that she also has breast cancer. As a result, multiple mammary tumors have been removed.
The person, or persons, responsible for Macy’s horrific condition are still walking the streets.
Dear Superintendent Woodfork,
Rescuers found a sweet and innocent dog named Macy roaming the streets with her muzzle locked shut with a wire. Macy was emaciated from a lack of food and also was discovered to have multiple forms of cancer. Macy’s owner is unknown at this time, but whoever it was, allowed this innocent animal to live in a horrific condition and then abandoned her to die a painful death.
According to a rescuer named Michelle Ingram, “The wire [around Macy’s muzzle] was removed from around her face. She was very thin. She had a tumor hanging off her back. She was scared, but not human-aggressive at all. Immediately, we gave her some treats and she cuddled right into us. Even though she’d been so horribly neglected and abused she still was OK with humans and wanted human love.”
Macy has now had surgery to amputate her tail, clean the wounds on her face from the wire wrapped around her muzzle, remove the tumor on her back, and spay her. While Macy was being cared for, it was discovered that she also has breast cancer. As a result, multiple mammary tumors have been removed.
The person, or persons, responsible for Macy’s horrific condition are still walking the streets. We ask you to ensure that no other animals face this terrible form of abuse by finding and capturing whoever it is that’s responsible for Macy’s nightmarish condition.
[Your Name Here]
I really hope they find those jerks.
Don’t call them ‘jerks’ – they are ill-born ‘ASSASINS’.
We hope someone beats the life out of these monsters!!! This is just horrendous and we want those asses to suffer then die!!!!
Someone knows who this dog belonged to and they need to come forward and turn the despicable loser in to authorities or they are just as low as he is. Offer a reward, you’ll find the freak then.
absolutely someone knows who the scum is who did this to this poor girl. Abusers cannot get away with illtreating animals, they must be jailed.
They must die a thousand torturous deaths!!
Just read your comment. I agree . A reward will flush the scum out . Please see my comment a few mins ago.
I hope that damn ill-born piece of crap has the worst luck in his life, that they send him to jail, and that one of the inmates takes him out of circulation – he doesn’t deserve to be alive.
Dear Superintendent Woodfork,
When you find the scoundrel good-for-nothing who did that, please make him pay for his crime – send him to prison for a long time because that’s what he deserves.
Thank you!
Dear Superintendent Woodfork,
Crimes of this nature keep happening day after day, and no one does anything to stop them – aren’t there any laws that make abusers of animals harshly pay for their crimes?
Dear Superintendent Woodfork,
“The person, or persons, responsible for Macy’s horrific condition are still walking the streets” …
A reward should be posted around the place where she was found … there is a saying – the monkey dances for money – so someone who knows something will come for the reward
It still seems incredible to me that in the 21st century, there are people who do not know that it’s a crime to abandon a poor animal that is sick which they can take to a shelter – hopefully, they will one day go through that suffering – wretches!
I certainly would not want anything to do with this person taking care of me if I was terminally ill! What an absolutely shameful and horrible thing to do to an animal. This person(s) did have alternative choices rather than allowing Macy in her condition to be roaming the streets. Please find this person (s) before they harm any other animal or even a person. When found(not if) the person(s) should be given the harshest penalty and should never own any animal again.
Someone must know who this dog belongs to…you desperately need to find this owner, and punish them to the fullest extent of the law. Where do human beings get off that they are superior to animals and can do whatever they want. Animals were put on earth, the same as you and I. How can someone do such a thing to an innocent and loving dog? This person is nothing but pure evil, and they are roaming free…who’s next for this monster? FIND THIS HORRIBLE SOB!!!
I can’t comprehend how someone can be so cruel. It boggles the mind.
Unfortunately, quickest way to trace person responsible , is to offer a reward. Not only did they abandon the poor dog , but with malicious , sadistic thought carefully made sure she couldn’t eat or drink . This deliberate cruelty must be punished. I hope someone in the area offers a reward . However, karma , which is inescapable, will mete out exquisitely appropriate justice , sooner or later . I hope immediately.
Sincere gratitude to the people who rescued the dog . May God bless you .
There are MONSTERS walking this earth. These horrific crimes against animals will continue to happen until these criminals are punished! Not just a slap on the wrist, but punished. The reason these crimes continue to happen is the criminals know that they will not be tracked down, because crimes against animals are not priority, and they know that if caught the punishment is next to nothing! Makes me sick, everyday reading more and more horrors that animals are going through. I sign petition daily, does it help…I don’t know but I will keep signing as long as I am able. God Bless all the fur babies.❤️
Once they find this monster: A lifetime ban is needed: from owning, caring for, possessing, and from residing in any house where ANY animal is present.
They need to forfeit any animals currently in their possession, and also pay back costs for ALL veterinary care if applicable. Let’s be serious about saving animals’ lives. Thank you.
Why do we allow sick people to breed and mists use these monsters in a sick society in the first place?
These sicko’s belong jailed for years
Find this piece of crap and duct tape their mouths and nose shut
We need a posse that finds the people that treat their animals this way and makes them pay. The law seems designed to protect the perpetrators so we need a group that can do justice for these innocent beings. I’m happy to lead if anyone wants to join!
Doubt if the scum who committed this horrific cruelty will be found unless your looking under a rock. That evil, heartless piece of shit needs its mouth wired and left in the desert to fend for itself. That would be justice for this innocent dog. Of course , the do Gooders out there would be protesting in behalf of the scums suffering. Our wonderful Justice system keeps letting these disgusting abusers loose on society.
Hope they find that monster !!!